Dem Leader Had Enough! (Because She Thinks)

20170210165909-GettyImages-518620666.jpeg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) There comes a point when a person has to be honest with themselves, even in politics. Such is the case with Rep. Cotham. Enough is enough seems to be her message, but it’s not what you think!

Rep. Cotham declares Dems are headed in a "sad direction."

North Carolina state Rep. Tricia Cotham switched from being a Democrat to being a Republican this week. On Thursday, Rep. Cotham did this because she is a "free thinker" who thinks her old party "has gone in a very, very sad direction."

"I have always been a legislator who was a public servant, and I believe in common sense governing [and] working across the aisle," Cotham noted. "It's about giving our kids the best education and building our economy so everyone can benefit."

Cotham said as the Democratic Party keeps moving to the left, it is paying the price "all over the state and all over this country."

She also said she changed because she "wasn't going to be controlled."

"I'm not going to be the governor's or anyone else's puppet," Cotham said. "I think for myself.  is not accepted in the Democratic Party. It is not promoted or welcomed, which is a shame. You should know I’m here to help people, not just push a button when the governor tells me to."

Cotham also said many of her views are similar to those of the Republican Party and  "they have welcomed me and encouraged me," while Democrats have been "viciously attacking me and my children, which is below the belt and wrong."

Moore, meanwhile, said there are likely other Democrats who are considering leaving the party because of "how far woke, how far to the left" the party has become.

"We've seen it all over the country for years, but now it's finally in North Carolina," said Moore. "I've worked with a lot of Democratic members for years, and I'd say most of them are in the middle, but they often vote for far-left policies. You'd think they were San Francisco politicians or something."

He also said, "You need two healthy parties" for an exchange of ideas, but sadly, they kind of lost their way.

He also said Cotham’s decision to move parties has made a supermajority  can't be stopped.

Cotham also talked about how Democrats feel about her party move on Thursday. She said even though members of her old party are calling her names, she is still the same person she was before.

She said, "A lot of the things I talked about during the campaign have been done." "The increase of Medicaid is a big deal.

"We're trying to improve our schools and private schools, and we're also looking into school choice. These are things I've already talked about, so again, when you have such extremism coming in with totally different things about you, and they've canceled me, and 's OK."

Moore said Cotham was a teacher, so it would be helpful to hear her thoughts on school choice.

He said, "She has been a strong supporter of charter schools and making sure education is about the kids."

In conclusion. It is important to remember Rep. Cotham switched parties because she was limited because she labels herself as a "free thinker". In other words, the enlightened, progressive party is neither!  Not enlightened and not progressive or the Dems would welcome a "free thinker" with open arms!

Therefore, free thinking is forbidden and is met with penalties such as not being promoted, unwelcome, and shamed.

If a free thinker is not welcome then the antithesis must be true, being a mind slave is essentially the prerequisite.

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  • I wish more Democrats would realize what Rep. Cotham did.  I not only hate what I see happening in our country, but I fear it may lead to the dissolution of the country.  The dissolution would probably not be peaceful and far more deadly than the Civil War was. 

    • I wish some republicans would realize their bad ways and change!

  • We are on the verge of two Americas. One left and one right. There is no compromise. You either accept the ways of the Sodomites or are attacked for your beliefs in God’s principles of male and female or either accept the ways of the Canaanites and sacrifice killing babies to their Gods. Homosexually is the new religion in America and our kids are being indoctrinated to this ungodly sin. There will be two America’s because the people on the right will not compromise their conscience.

    • ADMIN

      Not the first time we had 2 Americas! That time was the North and South. This time it will be Pro-America and Anti-America

    • Wouldn't this be the third time?  The first time we had two Americas, we had the Patriots and the Torries - - those who reviled King George and those who supported him.

    • The only reach across the aisle should be to recruit defectors... those whose ideology no longer permits them to continue as a member of the Marxist Democrat Party... We don't need to take on Democrats who are progressives or focused on fundamentally transforming our Constitution.  If the perspective isle hopper is sincere and is fed up with the Marxist insurgency cautiously welcome them to the struggle to save our Republic.

      However,  Democrat Party defectors should be on probation.. given only minor committee assignments until they prove capable of supporting the GOP PARTY's PLANKS... and the fundamentals of our Constitution, a free market economy, and traditional Judeo/Christian ethics.  If they prove unwilling to abide by our rules they need to know they will be immediately censured.. . removed from all committee assignments and refused party support, and privileges. 

      Now would be a good time for our leadership to recruit 2-3 US Democrat Senators...  giving the GOP a majority in the US Senate.

  • The Dem leader is not the only one to have had enough! ...and I'm still thinking! 

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