
Did you know 35 election officials, who initially refused to certify the 2020 election results, are still in office today? The Death Of America By An Electoral Coupe! Whispers around Washington say the Democrats are now covertly preparing to deploy 'Operation Decertification' as a final tactic in the event Trump wins!

This means even if Trump gets 100% of the vote (which is impossible, but only for an example), he will not be certified and will lose!

History: In 2020, 35 officials, largely Republicans, refused to certify election results, alleging allegations of rampant voting fraud.

These actions sent shockwaves across the nation, raising concerns about the integrity of future elections. However, a new analysis predicts in 2024, Democrats may contemplate deploying  ‘Operation Decertification’ a similar tactic, and the potential implications are staggering! 

A precedent for election denial, quashing democracy, and deploying ‘Operation Decertification’ could be the weapon of choice if Trump wins! 

Think this is a tin-foil-hat conspiracy? Then maybe you should keep reading!

According to a recent analysis by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), 35 election officials who refused to declare the 2020 election results remain in office today. We view these politicians, hailing from critical swing states like Arizona, Georgia, and Michigan, as potential threats to the upcoming electoral process. CREW's findings highlight the potential that these "rogue election officials" will attempt to impede the certification of election results again, especially if the outcome does not coincide with their political views.

Democrats' use of certification refusals may be a real threat. If you were to lookup ‘Operation Decertification’ you won’t find much, but that’s the plan. The plan is concealed, quiet, covert and poised to unleash this dreadful deception on the American populace. OMG!

If Democrats refuse to certify results in key states that could be their final play, an act of desperation! This scenario may play out under the excuse of voting suppression, foreign influence, or other circumstances that could sway the election away from Trump and towards Kalama Harris.

The ramifications of such an action would be mind-blowing. Crew's research identifies numerous legal procedures that could address election certification issues.

These include:

  • Emergency court orders are required to comply with election laws.
  • Authorities who obstruct the process face criminal charges.
  • There are legal procedures in place to remove obstructionist officials from office. 

Democrats may face unprecedented challenges if they implement 'Operation Decertification' and reject certification. The situation will spark a constitutional crisis, particularly if a sufficient number of states refuse to certify results, preventing the Electoral College from making a clear decision.

This would leave the election in limbo, with Congress or the liberal courts ultimately deciding, further eroding public trust in the political system.

Get this: over 70 officials have already been identified from swing states as potential threats to the certification process, setting the stage for a challenging election season. These officials, many of whom are local election skeptics, might have a significant impact on the outcome, either by refusing to certify the results or allowing others to do so.

Now you can see how the Democrats can and just may deploy ‘Operation Decertification’ and the death of America by an Electoral Coupe!

The Death Of America By An Electoral Coupe! In this light, the prospect of Democrats refusing to certify the 2024 election serves as a sobering warning of an Electoral Coupe! 'Operation Decertification' will lead to the overthrow of the US Government through an Electoral Coupe!

Crazy idea? Remember how the Democrats tried, convicted, and sentenced Trump, making him a felon, raided his home, and, some say, were behind a recently played-out scenario in Butler, Pennsylvania?

So is it beyond reason they will covertly deploy ‘Operation Decertification’ and stage a electoral coupe?

Final Word: If the Democrats implement their clandestine 'Operation Decertification Plan,' chaos could ensue, and I'm uncertain if a solution exists.

What do you think? 

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  • Certainly sounds like something the dems would likely do. We have a bit over 5 months to go until inauguration day. That leaves lots of time for crazy things to happen that will affect the election. If they try something like that, they will simply have to be stopped. Otherwise, yeah, I could see significant civil unrest if not worse. Bottom line, we cannot let the dems steal the presidency again!

  • The demonrats are so unbelievably evil!! I would not put anything past them and they will cause a civil war

  • Jamie Raskins recently said that if Trump wins, Democrats would use the 14th amendment to stop Donald Trump from taking office.  He said that when they do that, they will have to have body guards to protect them from possible civil war conditions.  

    Also, I am hearing that Judge Marchand plans to jail Trump in September!

    And they have the nerve to say that Trump and his supporters are a danger to democracy!

    • If the Dems jail Trump ...........giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952lqjxo9rn2gsnc0sfnvxbme1fy2ftw92d1xswybu0&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=e&profile=RESIZE_180x180

    • "There are legal procedures in place to remove obstructionist officials from office."
    • Wouldn't they  be obstructionist officials? If Trump's numbers are there, would they be obstructing the process? 
  • I can definitely see this happening,  in fact it's already in place, and Rinos will be actively involved...question is, what is already in place to prevent it? Not STOP it but PREVENT it? 

    • Good point. If the Dems did de-certify Trump, the right could come unglued! 

  • Where are the REPUBLICANS?  They better have a bunch of lawyers available to fight this and jail the anyone involved. Bet if this was reversed the DEMS would have so called lawfare there in a heart beat.


    Steve, hope your wrong but givene the history of those cheater it won't surprise me! 

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