PATRIOTS, WE HAVE THE CURE! “Cheating has become such a reliable method of deception for Democrats to secure election victories now Democrats are cheating fellow Democrats!” The Democrat Vote Cartel is now targeting fellow Democrats for replacement by highly trained and programmed vote minions, ready, willing, and able to do the bidding of their masters.
Here we go again! As the Democrat Vote Cartel further perfects their high-grade vote-cooking in lower-level elections flaws and snafus emerge! In the wake of the recent election, allegations of vote cheating and fraud are once again making headlines, raising concerns about the integrity of the voting process, and exposing the testing-grounds for new cheating techniques in rural and remote voting districts!
Busted Red Handed
Fraud Ballots! WBTS-TV exposes ongoing incidents in Lawrence, Massachusetts, where multiple voters discovered their ballots had been cast without their knowledge and possible being cast dozens or even hundreds of times! OMG!
You Already Voted! One brave voter, after being told he had already voted, reviewed door camera footage clearly showing an unidentified woman allegedly stealing ballots from his mailbox. Caught Red-Handed, but what was done about it?
Forged Signatures! Voter, Rosalie Gonzalez, reported someone had forged her signature and cast a vote in her name. But what wasn’t disclosed is how many times did the ‘vote-cheater’ case these fraudulent ballots? Not only did the ‘vote-cheater’ steal the votes but also defrauded the voter themselves!
Government To Fix It? Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin assured the public a comprehensive review would be conducted. “We’re going to get all the ballots out of Lawrence, we’re going to get all the mail-in ballots and we’re going to review everything and all the provisional and reconcile the list,” said Galvin. However, it is yet to be reported if this promise actually was kept or was it a bunch of ballyhoo?
Mail-in Ballot Fraud! Voters are criticizing mail-in voting, calling it a “total FRAUD.” Shocking incidents are coming to light and it is now discovered Democrats are cheating fellow Democrats, many times deploying their most secret technique of mail-in ballots cooking.
Ballot Stuffing! Earlier this month, a Connecticut Superior Court Judge overturned the results of a Democratic mayoral primary election in Bridgeport due to video evidence showing a ‘vote-cheater’ stuffing multiple ballots into an absentee ballot collection box, a clear violation of state law but unfortunately Vote-hijacking has become now nationwide and possibly every election!
Widespread! The recent incident in Lawrence is not an isolated case but clearly show a widespread criminal cartel is at work ‘Cooking The Vote’ These vote cartels use paid ‘Vote Mules’ who distribute fraud ballots stuffing them into ballot boxes and delivering them as if they were picked up by legal procedures. Indicators show ballot cooking maybe nationwide with secret print shops, fraud artwork departments and master counterfeiters.
Voting Machine Calamity! Proven voter fraud cases fuel the ongoing debate over the reliability and security of election the system, with a lawsuit in Georgia challenging the use of machines sold to the state by Dominion Voting Systems. U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg recently ruled the case should go to trial, rejecting the state’s position no trial was necessary. The lawsuit, filed by voters advocating for hand-marked paper ballots, underscores the broader concerns about the vulnerability of electronic voting systems.
The Swamp Knew About Massive Voter Fraud And Did Nothing
Look what’s cooking! Democrat Vote Cartel testing high-grade vote-cooking techniques in lower-level elections, deploying testing-grounds for new cheating techniques in rural and remote voting districts! Training minion minded sycophants in the art of fraud ballots, stolen votes, multiple voting, forged signatures, false promises, mail-in ballot fraud, ballot stuffing, cooking the vote, vote mules, voting machine calamities, while little is done to stop them! Ballot cooking maybe nationwide with secret print shops, fraud artwork departments and master counterfeiters all this is bubbling to the surface.
The Democrat Vote Cartel is being exposed and some ‘underground sources’ are reporting vote-hijackers of engaging in high-grade vote-cooking, particularly in unnoticeable lower-level elections. These low influence elections serve as testing grounds for the development and refinement of new cheating techniques, with a focus on rural and remote voting districts. The methods employed include ballot-hijacking, fraud ballots, stolen votes, multiple voting, forged signatures, camouflaged narratives, mail-in ballot fraud, bands of vote mules, voter-box hijacking and ballot stuffing, to name a few!
The expansiveness of those vote manipulations extends to clandestine tactics such as cooking the vote, utilizing nameless, faceless vote-mules, and exploiting voting machine calamities. There are even suspicions of a potential nationwide impact, involving secret print shops, fraud ballot-duplication departments, and master counterfeiters contributing to the alarming practice of ballot cooking and election hijacking.
The Democrat Vote Cartel is throwing their clementine operation into high gear and they test new vote-fraud methods preparing for the 2024 election. The lurking question is there a Vote-Hijacking training grounds? Are there training facilities full of minion minded sycophants being fully programed in the art of vote hijacking? ….what do you think?
Patriot! We have the solution, but if we don’t act fast it could be too little too late.
Here is what we are going to do. First of all we are going to build on something the Republicans are willing to do and have acted on within the past several weeks.
NOTE THIS-> Remember when the Republicans in the House voted to support Israel BUT to use already allocated funds from none other than the holy grail of the new IRS slush fund budget? Yup, they targeted $14.3 billion to help a foreign power. While the cause is right, the method opened the door for further use of those IRS audit slush funds!
Let’s use the same techniques to fund the 2024 Vote Protection Act. This act is being proposed by We the People, here and now and it will do the following things and be funded by the IRS slush fund! Sweet!
Note to Patriots: Upon successful passage and approval by the House of Representatives, and subsequent allocation of funds via the Internal Revenue Service discretionary funds, a compelled enactment process shall be initiated within the respective States. Utilizing the doctrine of stare decisis, an additional regulation shall be introduced, stipulating all elections, be they local, state, or federal in nature, shall be exclusively conducted through in-person voting. Furthermore, stringent absolute identification measures shall be mandated for all participants in said elections.
Are you ready to send this to every Members of the House, Senate and White House? Then it time to suck it up and get to work, unless you are scared, weak and politically lethargic, in that case please practice your boot licking!
We the People are sick and tired of having our vote stolen and our voting system corrupted. Therefore we demand Congress create the legislation and bring it to the floors for a vote!
I sent my message!
Happy Thankgiving! We are here because We the People have freedom and can choose who will takecare of our business. We must keep the election process clean and credibile or there will be not true thanksgiving!