5884089092?profile=RESIZE_584xAmericans are exhausted. They're sick of seeing their cherished nation wander from its traditions. As the Biden-Harris government implodes, the modern left's agenda is crumbling, prompting more Americans to turn to traditional principles for stability and patriotism. It has become obvious the Democratic Party is in total and complete disillusion.

Unfortunately, the Biden-Harris government has been chaotic and directionless. People often perceive President Biden as disconnected from administration decisions, leading to a perception of incompetence and poor management. Even top Democrats have lost faith in Kamala Harris, a symbol of diversity and development. Harris' superficial and manufactured public appearances haven't boosted her leadership confidence. Democrats always took pride in defending democracy, but now they struggle to keep their disillusioned base united as a solid voting mass. 

The growing belief Biden is a puppet of bigger names hasn't helped. Insiders in the Obama administration control this "shadow government," reinforcing the perception Democrats prioritize power and control over addressing national issues. Lack of openness and direction explains why so many Americans are leaving the left, hungry for peace and stability.

Americans feel increasingly alienated from their country. Left-wing immigration and social policies make many Americans feel like strangers in their own land. The unrestricted flow of illegal aliens, the inability to secure the southern border, and the degradation of law and order have intensified this sense of loss. Many Americans fear the administration's apparent goal of registering 30 million illegal aliens to vote is compromising elections.

Poor economic management by the Biden administration has increased this progressive disillusionment. Trillion-dollar investments have yielded little while working-class Americans suffer and inflation surges. Democrats' focus on social issues, especially abortion, has also alienated many. Due to the left's focus on abortion, many wonder how to address other pressing concerns like national security, economics, and morality.

Conventional morality's appeal is strong when the moral compass is broken and spinning without direction.

Increasing numbers of Americans want traditional values in this tumultuous political context. They want a nation that upholds the Constitution, maintains order, and fosters unity. Faith, family, and freedom—traditional values—are becoming the counterpoint to the far-left's agenda, which often prioritizes social experimentation over national welfare.

Due to the decline of essential American values like free speech, life, and hard work, people are reverting to what made America great. The left's battle on free speech, sometimes disguised as political correctness or hate speech law, confines people in their own country. Traditionalists say the First Amendment, a cornerstone of American freedom, is under attack. The left's disrespect for the Second Amendment infuriates gun rights supporters who believe in self-defense and liberty.

A journey to America's origins is not a step backwards but a reaffirmation of what has worked in the past and will continue to work in the future.

American voters are sick of elite politicians and media personalities telling them what to think, believe, and live. They oppose the left's vision of a future when extreme social agendas twist society, socialist policies ruin the economy, and globalism preempts national sovereignty.

There is a growing feeling that returning to America's basic ideals will be better for its future than progressive concepts. Americans want moral leadership, personal accountability, and national sovereignty. Current political trends show more Americans rejecting the Democratic Party and its socialist tendencies.

Not only is the left falling, but American values are returning. The American people want a strong, secure country where people can achieve their ambitions without government intervention, where families are the foundation of society, and where faith and patriotism are crucial to the future. These values persist despite facing significant challenges.

Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party's downfall symbolize a larger effort to restore traditional American values and the nation's grandeur. As Americans tire of progressive policies' instability and uncertainty, citizens are turning to moral leadership and ideas that promise a restoration to the values that made this country great.

Final Word: America is undergoing a cultural awakening alongside a political shift, realizing our country's founding principles of freedom, family, and faith must endure at all costs. Only then can We, the People, can Make America Great Again!

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  • WARNING: If (when) the Dems lose they will throw the biggest tempar tamtrum the US has ever seen! 

  • GOD. He is not UNinvolved in all of this. His Word says, the nations belong to Him. Our Covenants from the beginning say, 'this nation is formed for the furtherance of the Christian faith. Christians who refuse to see, hear or honor God throughout this time, are missing Him and closing their eyes. Steve is absolutely right in this post. HE is opening eyes. This is the shaking. I feel like I have been screaming into the wind with no one hearing. Is He real or is He not? time to choose. El Olam, God of the 100 year covenant. Elohim, 3 in one. Spirit, Life, Breath. lovely to behold. Now is a good time to ask to be FILLED again. and Renewed. Just sayin.'

    • When Barack Obama made the statement with pride…'we are no longer a Christian nation', America has gone downhill. We should have rebuked him and thrown him the hell out of our great nation. We have a chance of restoring the nation our Founding Fathers had envisioned by defeating the Demoncrats and their Marxist agenda and place Christianity back in our American culture. Praise be to God the creator of Heaven and Earth.

    • Jea9, you are totally right. Christianity and the USA are intertwined. The US is a Christian nation and we need more not less Christianity in public life just like the Founding Father had envisioned.

    • Exactly, Paul. If our Founders and Framers closed down the Constitutional Convention for 3 days of prayer and seeking HIs guidance, then we should be doing the same things. It worked then. It would work now. 

    • The Founders based their documents on Biblical Principals to hopefully establish and perpetuate a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, where satan and his followers would be most UNWELCOME,  Today's churches can re -emphasi  ze this in their sermons and the parishioners shall go to the polls with the clear idea in mind that CHURCH and STATE Are Indeed ONE.  They shall immediately recognize which candidates shall promote tranquil unification and betterment of OUR NATION.

    • "WE hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are CREATED equal....."
      "Law of Nature and Nature's GOD....."
      "Congress appeals "to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions."

      Can it get any clearer?

      WHY would we give up? With God on our side?

    • TELL AMERICA ! ! !

    • I keep trying to, Richard. Like I said, screaming into the wind. Echo chamber. It is the Christians who can't see or hear, it seems.

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