(PatriotHQ) According to the FBI, Criminal Jesus and his mob of lawless followers have reappeared on the American landscape. The scourge of unimaginable acts perpetrated by Jesus’s diehards are unfathomable!
It has been reported to the Bureau these “Christ-Likes’ are know in many circles to be engaging in:
- prayer,
- feeding hungry people,
- teaching about righteousness,
- giving aid and comfort to the homeless
- and most of all meeting in groups and planning to disseminate their propaganda to societies most vulnerable. Such as: single mothers, orphans, drug addicts and alcoholic and a host of other easy targets and all this without a license or government approval!
In the eyes of the various Alphabet agencies these ‘so called’ Disciples’ have gone so far as to even tried to protect the unborn!
The FBI has found a way to say Christians are dangerous people as per an undisclosed Federal government leaker! (nameless, faceless and in the shadows)
- The FBI is looking for Latin Mass Catholics, why? No doubt this secret extinct language is difficult to track and is a ear-mark of a festering underground terrorist movement. FBI has found a way to say Christians are bad people: Kyle Seraphin is a federal worker who came forward said on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" the FBI has found a new way to label Christians as criminals.
Spy operations on Christians are being funded by US tax dollars and is expanding geometrically!
The Richmond field office of the FBI is said to have promised in an internal document to spy on "radical traditionalist Catholics and their ideas."
"They have found a way in through what they think is Catholicism so they can move on to Christians in general and call them the real criminals or potential terrorists in this country," former FBI agent and federal whistleblower Kyle Seraphin said.
Watch This!
Seraphin said the document goes against Catholicism and it was written by someone who thinks abortion rights must be protected and the..... LGBTQ agenda "has to be shoved down the throats of the American people."
Understanding the tradition helps Catholics think about Jesus and Mary as they pray the Rosary. The beads on a rosary help a person keep track of where they are in a prayer. They have 10 beads in between the bigger ones.
"I have friends who love the Latin Mass," the Catholic federal worker who leaked the story to Fox News said. "I went to a traditional school where I learned Latin in fifth and sixth grade and all the way through high school. It doesn't make sense, but the FBI is so desperate to find White supremacists they’re going to look at the Catholic Church."
Seraphin said the person who told him about the problem is not a Catholic, but that person knew it was a problem.
"He or she said something very simple, which is if they're going to go after radical, traditional Catholics, then they're going to go after radical, traditional Baptists, radical, traditional evangelicalism, and anyone else who believes in what is essentially radical, which is just a Christian faith, and 's dangerous in this country,” according to what he or she said.
This begs the question: When was the last time Christian rioters burned out the core of cities, pulled down monuments and destroyed them, inflected billions of dollars of damage on small businesses, burned police cars, burn flags, attacked police, threatened Supreme Court Justices, caused bodily damage to property owners and threatened government office holders?
….and your answer is………?
But those who believe in the Teachings of the Bible in particular the teaching of Jesus are a national terrorist threat and must be delt with in a firm and decisive manner!
In conclusion: John 3:19b – “……the Light has come into the world, but men loved the darkness rather than the Light because their deeds were evil.” It appears evil has taken hold in our alphabet agencies and our beloved government has turn to the dark side and embrace malevolence rather than what made America great! Righteousness!
Think this is a foolish article filled with speculation? Then how do you explain this memo below, which is only one of many!
What do you think?
The spirit of the anti-Christ is in our government and its agencies. We stopped acknowledging God and prayer in our schools now decades later we expect a government who values the morals of God.
2 Timoth Chapter 3 coming to light...hold fast to your beliefs..do not let Satan win in your life.
I'm following the teachings of radical Rabbi Jesus who received capital punishment along with some of his gang members.
Does this make me a criminal to?
OBTW - criminal Jesus was reported to even 'rob the grave' of it's death! ....go figure!
Christians are criminals..........and Islam gets a free pass!
Washington doesn't fear Christians.....
You would think Christians are the most dangerious people in the world. The FBI aren't going after BLM which has a clear history of burning down cities!
Is this what you Biden voters voted for? Do you see what you've done? I hope your children will forgive you some day.
I am a member of a traditional Catholic parish (Latin Mass every Sunday and during the week too). Because we adhere to traditional Catholic teaching, which does not compromise faith and morals just to “get along”, we are a prime target, especially for the foaming-at-the-mouth, violent and radical pro-abortionists (please stop calling them pro-choice... that is a lie, since they don't tolerate any choice except the one that leads to the death of a helpless baby!) Because of this reality, we are preparing spiritually for the coming onslaught of persecution. But I wonder… has the soulless left from both parties, who make up the DC “swamp”, managed to completely purge the rank and file of the FBI of all Christians or other men and women of good conscience? Are there any agents left who have the moral fortitude to rise up and rebel, in mass, against the unethical dictates of their bosses or are they all going to fall back on the age-old, depraved excuse of foot soldiers throughout history, starting with the Roman guards who watched the innocent Christians die in the Colosseum down to the German guards at Auschwitz and the other World War II death camps, who all justified their actions (or inactions) by bleating “Don’t blame me, I was just following orders!” As for me, I'm putting my faith in Christ... my fellow man and woman... not so much!
The "onslaught" is already here, I fear; Bishop O'Conner was shot and killed, by an intruder, while asleep in his own bed. And again, from the MSM we hear - - - -0, zip, nada!!
governments have been classifying christians as criminals since the earthly ministry of jesus. just wait until the time of the anti christ