c2f8ace87da313d5e462eafa28912753657534ac.jpeg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Want to rescue an orphan child from an institutional orphanage and give the child a good, safe Bible centered home?

If your answer to these questions is YES, then you are a no-good filthy Jesus bigot wanting to poison the orphans mind and destroy democracy in the process!

Think this is a joke? Think again!

Jessica Bates, a mother and Christian said: I'm suing my state because I'm a Christian and can't adopt. Because I wouldn't give up my religion, state officials denied my adoption application.

Oregon mother of five says Christianity prevented adoption.

I heard of a dad who adopted a foster child on the radio while driving my kids to school. I stopped because I sensed God was speaking to me about orphaned children.

Jessica Bates: "Even though I have five kids, I knew my family could help kids find a forever home."

I couldn't forget. Even though I have five kids, I thought my family could help the kids obtain permanent housing. We survived a tremendous loss as a family.

My husband died six years ago. After going through with my kids, we decided to open our house to needy youngsters to give back. We adopted two siblings so they could be together and have someone who understood them. We decided to adopt a child from southeastern Oregon after considering international adoption.

I applied to adopt an Oregon foster child. I was startled when state officials rejected my application due to my faith.

Jessica Bates, who has five biological children ages 10 to 17, adopted additional because of her Christian faith.

Adopters must "respect, accept, and support" the gender identity and expression of any child placed in their care by the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS).

State officials told me I had to use a child's pronouns, take them to Pride parades, and let them get hormone shots.

During the application process, I told ODHS I would love and accept any child, regardless of gender identity or expression, but I couldn't say or do anything against my religion.

 My application was denied because state officials disagree with my religious views on human sexuality. I'm not adaptable since I won't change my beliefs.

"I can't say or do anything against my faith," writes Jessica Bates.

 Oregon also accommodates many religions and cultures and seeks to match children and their families.

Devout Jews don't have to allow their children to erect a Hindu god shrine.

A hunting family doesn't have to quit eating meat because some kids are vegetarian.

Muslims doesn’t have to stop teaching the Quran to their children.

BUT Christians can’t teach the Bible to the family!  Why?

The message was clear: Oregon officials won't let religious people use child welfare services because of our views on men and women. The Oregon organization believes persons who agree with the state's gender identity view are ready to be parents, while others with differing religious views aren't even qualified to monitor babies.

Oregon is proud of its variety, except when it comes to LGBT people.

State officials won't let me adopt kids who share my religious beliefs and would love to grow up in our family with siblings who would welcome them and pray with them on Sundays.

The state considers me and millions of other Americans of different faiths unable to have children. State policy forbids dissent.

"All I want is the chance to help people in need," said Jessica Bates.

With Alliance Defending Freedom, I'm challenging Oregon for prioritizing politics above children.

My religion prevents me from helping the needy.

Oregon is denying kids loving families and permanent homes, so I'm suing. More families should adopt children.

The government's ban on religious adoption hurts children.

Kids need more. Thus, my protest. Oregon officials cannot choose their religious or political convictions. The First Amendment protects my religious freedom.

Faith inspired me to adopt and raise children. I want to love them.

In conclusion. Communist Russia under Stalin, Nazi Germany under Hitler, Cuba under Fidel Castor, Fascist Japan under Hirohito all agreed the orphans must be in pro-government, anti-Christian home whose families pledged their loyal to the State first. So, is it any wonder the adoption of Christian families has been outlawed?

How can America convert into Communism and still embrace Christian values? ….it can’t this is why the Democrats MUST crush Christianity in the Churches, in the homes, in the orphanages and in the streets…….and the conservatives did what to stop this?

Your opinion please…..

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  • The left will sacrific anyone, kill any idea and harm any child to promote their agenda.

  • The upcoming generations have already been indoctrinated, so if anyone thinks that this craziness can be stopped, it will be like trying to hold back the tide.

    • ADMIN

      America is a Nation in decline. But why? Liberals have spend tens of billions to destroy the Constitution, core values and what made us great. What will be the result?

      What will America look like in 10 years, 20?  

  • If this garbage doesn't change soon I fear America is done.

    • It is up to We the People to stop it. We must 'True The Vote' and then vote those evil people out! 

  • Time to stop all federal money going to Oregon until the crazy, looney, people they put in the state legislature are out. I myself, hope the folks who put this policy in place, "Rot in Hell".

  • People are waking up now that the damage has been done. We allowed them to lock us out of our churches during the so called covid crisis & now it is no adoption allowed if you are christian. 

    • Can anyone name a Godless nation which prospered?

    • Every time you see a great nation lose her position is when her people are doing so well, they think they no longer need God, or they are overtaken by ambitious politicians who want power and money over all people. In America Today we have both!

  • People kept  overlooking the shift we have been going through for decades, in which the left kept pushing further left toward their goal, and now we are surprised that they are calling the shots!

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