12126061478?profile=RESIZE_710xRead This Before You Eat!  At the moment your family gathers for a satisfying meal, you inadvertently check the ingredients and come across a surprising revelation: the meat you're about to consume is not sourced from animals but rather synthetic, lab-created tissue engineered for digestion.

The government demands your family eats manufactured bioengineered digestible laboratory generated tissue instead of meat!

FDA Requires All Americas To ‘Follow The Science’! (or else)

Lab-grown meat, also known as cultivated almost-meat, has received clearance for sale.

Companies like Upside Foods and Good Meat have obtained approval from the US Department of Agriculture to produce their cell-based proteins.

Cultivated meat is grown in cleaned large steel tanks using living tissue, fertilized eggs, or cells from tissue storage units vats. The raw tissue is machine modelled and compressed into the likeness of chicken cutlets and sausages.

This development follows a series of previous approvals that have paved the way for the sale of cultivated almost-meat in the US.

Good Meat, which is owned by Eat Just, a plant-based egg substitute maker, has already started production.

The regulatory hurdle cleared is called a "grant of inspection," which ensures the firm's food safety system has been assessed.

The introduction of cultivated almost-meat is seen as a significant moment for industry and the food system, with the potential to create a more sustainable future and change the way meat is produced and consumed.

Final Word: Wasn't there a science fiction film made about this in 1973? It revolved around the concept of "manufactured bioengineered digestible laboratory-generated tissue" replacing conventional meat. The key question arises: Where is this tissue sourced from? As humans haven't yet mastered the ability to create life, the living tissue must come from somewhere or someone!

Wasn't that futuristic movie titled "Soylent Green"?

Let's remain calm and compliant! Nothing to see here!  The government has assured the general public they are taking good care of us, and we should ‘trust in the science’.

By the way, has anyone recently seen Grandma?

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  • Don't forget about all of the food processing plants, slaughterhouses and egg/chicken production facilities that have been destroyed by fires, explosions and plane crashes in the past few years. 

  • The garbage put in pet food has lowered life expectency. Wonder what the goal is for human food....(sarc)

  • "Companies like Upside Foods and Good Meat have obtained approval from the US Department of Agriculture to produce their cell-based proteins."


    I see no reported effort by Congress or the administration to prompt the FDA or the USDA to keenly regulate this widely affecting new "technology".

    Strange.... no disclaimer label requirement!

    Government is usually all too eager to choke-chain any and all aspects of personal life it can.

    What is more personal than food?

    (as the adage goes, you are what you eat).



    So where is the heavy hand of regulatory bureaucracy here?

    • Nice photo! Yours? (lol)

  • The right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness does mean we have the right to eat, to grow what we eat.

    They think it is perfectly fine for us to eat from overcrowded corporate chix farms where they fall over because they are too fat due to being pumped full of hormones, and the other chix eat them and then those who eat corporate food eat the corpse food along with it. They think that's great. 

  • Save the animals,

    eat a liberal.

    • ADMIN

      eat a liberal! I don't like bitter and sour! 

  • No, no and NO!!

  •  I am reminded of the old adage... Waste not, want not...

    Today, the waste products formerly discarded as unconsumable... are being REPURPOSED as engineered food. Some crafty food scientists has a patent on the process and will be making billions on what was once garbage.... and in the long run, may still be garbage... only repurposed... wonder what that purpose is? 

    Waste not, want not.... or is it waste not and be not?  We are experimenting with the human race in the name of profit... under the misguided hand of those who would compromise our food supply for wealth and a false paradigm to feed the masses.

    • p/s 

      I knew there was a good reason I purchased that Chicken Coop and started a Honey Farm ... next the libs will be outlawing personal food production.   If that happens there can be only one reason... they want you to eat what they furnish... even if it is poison.

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