images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ8wliu8sa4BMmcfW9jB6UCbrvxZwBR2VrItqVTPe5-nZRgRC6Z7iTqliYty2tegRt_dVM&usqp=CAUOne of the dirtiest elections ever, full of bigotry and wrongdoing, makes it easy to forget America's greatness, who we are, what we've done, and how we continue to shine. Many people are losing sight, forgetting America is one of the most amazing countries in history. It is renowned for its benevolence, prosperity, power, and dedication to liberty.

However, the visionless political Left persistently endeavors to undermine and denigrate the nation, spreading darkness across the land. It's perplexing there is an effort to erase America's glory, which is nothing more than an attempt to gouge out the eyes of its people, blinding them to America’s hard-earned, glorious past.

The liberal left seeks to obscure the fact Americans are the most accepting people on the planet. They have repeatedly rescued dying nations and confronted tyrants and dark forces.

One fundamental idea is that the culture, Constitution, and guiding ideals that have shaped America will become worthless if the nation is not unique. Changes like converting the Constitution into a modifiable "living document" or going from capitalism to socialism would be considered an improvement under liberal domination. Multiculturalism will replace a common American identity, weakening the country's unity. While the left will become the ‘seeing-eye-dog’ for their blinded slaves.  

The preservation of basic values, particularly those found in the Constitution, makes America unique. The Left's aim to destroy these values is putting the entire foundation of the country's grandeur in danger, turning the people into a sightless, directionless nation of blind vagabonds, slaves to those who claim they can see and will guide the sightless masses into false safety. Nothing could be more deceptive!

Too often, the blind demand blindness from those who can see the truth! But open eyes clearly show the greatness of our beloved nation.

Thomas Jefferson's declaration of independence, which upheld the idea everyone has the divinely granted right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, served as the cornerstone for the development of America. The U.S. Constitution further clarified these rights, ensuring that the people retained any authority not explicitly granted to the government. The foundational principles of American society are economic freedom, individual liberty, and legality.

In general, conservatives are not blind but hold that since human nature is fallible, the American dream should make sure everyone has the chance to prosper within the bounds of reality. For instance, conservatives support equal opportunity so a person can prove themselves able to succeed, even though life isn't always fair.

On the other hand, liberals have a deep blindness, believing government power can realize utopia and humankind is perfectible. This idea serves as the foundation for laws designed to create "fairness" through wealth redistribution and outcome equality. Thus, diversity, inclusion, and equity negate the fallibility of all mankind and therefore produce a blind society unable to see societies differences, is strength.

Liberals frequently support broad changes by highlighting concepts like diversity, inclusion, and equity. Although such rhetoric may seem popular at first, such measures result in disillusionment and economic hardship. Liberals frequently back down once their plans fail, blaming the lack of additional government oversee and taxpayer funding needed to secure success.

Blind leading the blind must overthrow of America's core institutions, including responsible capitalism, free markets, and American culture, in order to achieve liberal goals. They believe these establishments obstruct the realization of an idealized world where the government dominates all facets of life.

Many Americans are opening their eyes and becoming aware that personal accountability, independence, and the strength of free enterprise are American values. Their greater faith in themselves than in the government gives optimism for the longevity of America's greatness.

Final Word: The blind are beginning to see, and as their sight refocuses, they become astutely aware they have the ability to defend and uphold the values that have made this country the greatest in history. As the millions regain their sight, they are seeing a glorious and wonderful image of who We the People, really are and what greatness we possess!

Open Your Eyes America! 

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  • It is without a doubt, spiritual blindness, as it was the Spirit of Freedom of worship, speech, self- defense that in part, raised up this nation in hard-won, hard-suffered and even, hard-lost; the unity of spirit, soul and body sacrifice for the greater good. Can we rise again? Our history answers Yes. It may be harder to see now because of this war, but it is still here. The book of Daniel. Can a nation birthed in Freedom, Liberty and Justice, go through its fiery furnace of affliction? And come forth once again as ''fine ore,' worthy of standing again? Oh yes. I believe so. 

  • The satanic left wants to destroy America, using lies, slander, and bullying but We the People are, and will continue to,fight them!!!!!!!!!!  satan WILL NOT be given free rein in America as long as I am alive to fight him in the name of JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!


    Good points. Yup The libtards not only want to keep us blind but also keep us dumb! 

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