Illegal Aliens Must Be Deported Not Rewarded

main_1500.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Why should international trespassers be rewarded with free healthcare, HUD housing and Federal ID numbers so they can take US Workers job!

Do you agree? Granting DACA to Illegal Aliens, Says Tom Cotton Medicaid and Obamacare are a "insult to American citizenship," according to some.

Rep. Tom Cotton (R-AR) stated in an opinion piece published Thursday President Joe Biden's proposal to provide illegal immigrants covered by DACA with access to Medicaid and Obamacare exchanges is a "insult to American citizenship."

Vice President Joe Biden recently announced hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants covered by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program would be able to enroll in Medicaid.

"Today, my administration is making public our strategy to increase access to health care for Dreamers, the thousands of young people who were brought to the United States illegally as children. Biden added, "We are not done fighting for their pathway to citizenship, but in the meantime, we are providing them with the opportunities they deserve."


Cotton was upset by this and felt it devalues being an American.

Rewarding illegal immigration, he wrote, will only encourage more of it. This is a slur against the honor of all Americans.

Considering millions of illegal aliens in the United States do not have health insurance, Biden's decision constitutes a huge extension of Medicaid and Obamacare, as reported by the Associated Press.

However, undocumented immigrants in the United States are disproportionately likely to be uninsured. HHS estimates more than a third of DACA recipients do not have access to any form of health insurance. According to studies conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation, about half of the approximately 20 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States do not have health insurance.

The present health care law would be drastically altered because Obamacare denied giving illegal aliens higher priority than American citizens.

For example, "Undocumented immigrants aren't eligible to buy Marketplace health coverage, or for premium tax credits and other savings on Marketplace plans," as stated on the Federal Health Insurance Exchange website. Colorado Republicans Reps. Ken Buck, Doug Lamborn, and Lauren Boebert reported in May 2022 the state was taking steps to extend healthcare coverage to illegal aliens using federal pass-through monies provided by the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

at his final 2009 push for the passage of Obamacare, Obama made the claim illegal immigrants would not be eligible for coverage at his State of the Union speech.

Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) yelled "You lie!" during the State of the Union because of this.

Inconclusion. Why should the US reward law breakers? They break the law coming here and continue to break the law by staying here!  Now they demand the same benefits, and more than most US Citizens have! When is enough, enough?

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  • Yep we gotta take care of 10 million pudo wet backs. Give them health care. Give them a Welfare Check. Give them Food Stamps. Give them a cell phone so they can call in to the imagination court. LOL.
    In the mean time we have Vets living on the streets in need of health care and or treatment for PTSD Drug Addiction, Alcoholism. Take Care of our Vets First!! Then we have Seniors, folks that have worked their whole lives paid in to SSI and need that Social Security Check to eat. To have a place to sleep. Let's take care of these next. I Guess what I am getting to is let's take care of our American people FIRST!!!
    If a illegal alien gets Anything in the way of public support it should be after we have taken care of Every American Citizen FIRST!!!

  • Agreed. 

  • 100% agree.  I am so tired of hearing how Biden wants to do this or that (the latest is giving them free health benefits - which to me implies Medicare benfits) when these people have not done anything to help this country.  They are invaders.  They should be gone. 


    • ADMIN

      Come here the right way, work and earn the benefits like the rest of us! NO FREE LUNCH! 

    • Exactly correct 

  •  Deport all illegal trespassers!  My grandparents came here legally, learned to read, write and speak English and obeyed the laws. Many people immegrated to America following the rules and they worked hard to become citizens. Nothing was given to them, they worked for it.  Why should we accept anyone who crosses our borders without going through the legal channels?  The border needs to be closed and all those who crossed illegally should be deported immediately.  The cartels, drug & human smugglers need to be stopped. Send in the troups and get it done now. Many citizens are much worse off than those illegals. Do you see the clothes they wear? The cell phones that they are talking on? The expensive shoes they wear?  Now look at all the citizens who don't have homes or anything. Now tell me who to feel sorry for.

    • I agree Joan, my father came here with nothing but the shirt on his back, but he and my family came here the right way!
      You know the Illegal Aliens are by-passing the immigration process, so they don't have to pledge allegiance to the flag, take a medical, have a job waiting or learn the constitution!

  • 1 question how do they qualify for any kind of benefits? When I apply for any kind of benefit, aid social help I have a pot load of hoops to jump through. By the time I'm done I feel like they know my bathroom habits. But I am a dumb Gringo red neck, and hate the government anywhere near personal business. Reckon that might have something to with it???

    • This is a rip-off of the good people who come here the right way! Illegal Aliens are cheaters. They cheat America and their families. 

  • No kidding! They shouldn't even have the opportunity to come in illegally!

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