al-quds-2017-tehran.png?width=1200&height=900&fit=crop&profile=RESIZE_400xWhen the government protects a class of people they don’t care who you are, what you say or how offended you may become. They won’t step on your toes; they will step on your neck to protect their precious!

This is exactly what is happening on our campuses across America. In an election year, driven by liberal muscle campuses are turning into vile cesspools of aggressive hatred, but why?

First lets define a term: A caliphate refers to a form of government led by a caliph. The caliph is a spiritual leader of Islam who asserts their succession from Muhammad. Therefore respected by obedient followers swearing allegiance to their god. 

But the plot thickens. These paid protestors are using the Israeli conflict and the Jewish people as leverage for their power grab, and make no mistake it is truly a power grab!  If the universities allow growing antisemitism then the caliphate takes root and controls the university vicariously.  

The core is hatred of Jews, Israel, and the United States. The United States played a crucial role in liberating the Jews during World War II, bringing the atrocities of the Holocaust to the attention of the world. Then, through US intervention, the Britannic Majesty, acting on the Mandatory for Palestine, transformed into a nation for the Jewish people. This was established on October 24, 1945, in San Francisco, CA where the United States set the foundation for the United Nations and thereby supporting the creation of the State of Israel. The new nation was recognized by U.S. President Harry S. Truman on the same day, May 14, 1948. It is undeniable the United States has played a crucial role in the establishment and ongoing support of Israel. Since 1948, the US has consistently been a steadfast ally and protector of Israel. 

Therefore, Jew hatred must include Israel hatred and hatred of the United States. This is why recently, there has been a surge of anti-Israel protests on college campuses in America, sparking hate speech, political extremism, hardcore antisemitism, and blanket revulsion of the United States.
But what is the secret agenda? If the progressives can create an aberration in society protected by the 1st amendment of free speech and the 2nd amendment of freedom of religion then they can weaponized a large segment of young wealthy students funded by billionaires to block Trump’s administration in the event he wins or booster the Democrat’s power grab.

But this is not going to be easy, even in the Democrat Party. Some JFK Democrats recognize the existence of antisemitism within their party, but emphasize the importance of self-reflection and taking responsibility as a whole, but refuse to denounce such hatred! Others stress the significance of backing young people's right to protest while failing to denounce any form of hateful rhetoric and violence stating stifling free speech could lead to quashing democracy.

Here's the payoff! By the infusion of hostile Islamic cells into the US society the demand for a strong police presence is required BUT if the ‘defund the police’ movement blocks a stronger police presence then what is the answer?  

Here’s the kicker. The national guard, the alphabet agencies, and the deployment of the military in our streets and subways are all part of the military complex. The progressives are anxious to fund more national police military ‘in the guise of defending democracy’. In the pretext of defending protestors' First and Second Amendment rights, this shifts police authority from state to federal jurisdiction all the way down to your neighborhood, where it will be governed by the progressive federal police!

Think this is tin-foil-hat stuff? This is exactly what the Democrats did during the Civil War! They formed their own government, redeployed the existing national guard and police forces rebranding them as peace-keepers protecting the Confederation from Northern encroachment, printed their own money, manufactured their own weapons, built their own navy, created their own uniforms, and formed their own government.

This was NOT done to preserve slavery but to exercise their own rights to secede and to govern the rights of their people.

Final Word: The Progressives are nothing more than the neo-confederates demanding full power, control and they will decide what democracy is. Furthermore, they will use a caliphate to break America and grab the pieces!

Make no mistake…..they tried to do it before. Now, they have a new toy call a Caliphate. 

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    • Islam is an ideology of hate!

    • I agree completely. 

    • My thoughts exactly ILONA.....David has done a very complete and telling synopsis here


    • AND MORE KNOW NOW---4:20 PM


    Geez louise! This makes perfect sense! The Progressives will use anything to smash America so they can install their rebel confederation, then the world will see what they do to their caliphate buddies! 

    • As history tells us; that is IF anyone is paying attention to the lessons of history - - the people of Iran have been living/existing under the heavy thumb of the Ayatollah for 45 years (since 1979) and they are NOT happy.  Most of the world is unaware of their absolute misery  - -BECAUSE the MSM does not expose what goes on there.

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