It's Not Stupidity It's Socialism Dummy

dems_ryan.jpgNo one could be this bad at making decisions, and the left couldn't really want to ruin the American economy so they can build a socialist state, can they?

It might sound cynical, but you could make a good case that no one could be this bad at making decisions and that the left really wants to ruin the American economy so they can build a socialist state, right!?

It's clear leftists and conservatives have very different ideas about how a country should be run. But 's only part of the story because people on the left often find themselves in the middle of disasters they've caused because they can't make good decisions.

How can people in the United States take the left and their propaganda media seriously when almost all their choices have turned out to be very wrong and clearly biased?

How can the left and propaganda media be so wrong about the character of a person?

Michael Avenatti's popularity on the left is a great example of this. Avenatti, a lawyer who has been in trouble, used to be the most popular guest on propaganda media TV. The Washington Free Beacon says Avenatti has been on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Real Time with Bill Maher, CBS This Morning, Good Morning America, Today, The View, The Circus, and other shows. At one point, he was on ten different shows in 24 hours.

He got a lot of praise from the leftist media, which said he could be the next President and called him the "savior of the republic." Lawrence O'Donnell of MSNBC said Avenatti scared Trump to death, and Joy Behar of The View said  he was "saving the country."

It turns out this favorite of the left pleaded guilty to stealing millions of dollars from four of his clients and was found guilty on all three counts related to the attempted extortion of Nike. He was also found guilty of identity theft and wire fraud in a federal court in New York. On December 5, 2022, Avenatti was sentenced to 14 years in prison for both wire fraud and blocking the IRS from getting $5 million in unpaid payroll taxes.

How can the left and propaganda media be so wrong about the character of a person? In their rush to destroy anything Trump, the propaganda networks fell into such a deep trance of hatred they never bothered to look into Avenatti's shady dealings. Avenatti's attack on Brett Kavanaugh, a conservative nominee for the Supreme Court, was a plus.

The propaganda media were all for the left's plan to cut police funding and get rid of them. In order to fix racial injustice, the left slashed police budgets and forced police departments across the country to let go of thousands of experienced officers.

What could go wrong ?

Not paying attention to the broken police cars and street riots were happening all over the country.

As the number of murders rose and hospitals filled up with people who had been shot, the left ignored the broken police cars and street riots were happening all over the country.

The propaganda media were seen talking about peaceful protests while buildings were on fire. This is like a meteorologist talking about how great the weather is while standing in the middle of a snowstorm. Then, when it was no longer possible to ignore the violence, the left had their propaganda media networks say it was really conservatives who wanted to cut money from the police.

The propaganda media helped the left push for as many "Green New Deal" programs as they could. The big plan was to get the U.S. to use less carbon while using more renewable energy. The results came quickly and were just as bad as they were quick.

From the left's point of view, taking away America's energy was a step toward prosperity. Reality was not the same. When Biden took office, gas prices were $2.39 per gallon. When he left office, they were $5 per gallon. The rate of inflation went up at its fastest rate in the last 40 years. Once again, the left made a huge mistake, and the propaganda media lied, putting hard-working Americans in needless danger, and forcing them to give up things they need. 

The terrible results show it very clearly. Since Biden took office, it's been clear the left and their propaganda media allies have been wrong almost all of the time.

It might sound cynical, but you could make a good case that no one could be this bad at making decisions and that the left really wants to ruin the American economy so they can build a socialist state.

Then again, the left may want to ruin the economy so they can prove their prowess and raise the burned-out hull of America from the ashes, like the phoenix and prove once and for all their system works!

But what if they are wrong and in the ashes, we stay?

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  • The dems should be referred to as the Socialist Party. They no longer represent American values. They are all traitors alone with their covert Rino comrades.

  • I sure the DEMOCRATS AND THE REPUBLICAN RINOS really dont understand that SOCIALISM only works until you run out of everyone elses money. After that come the misery that most of the SOUTH AMERICAN NATION ARE EXPERIENCING. Thats why our borders are being overran. Our country is being destroyed and sadly a very large number of Americans just are not paying attention or just dont care, Maybe they think it cant happen in America but it is happening in front of their eyes, ITS TIME TO WAKE UP.

  • Fire them all, Let God sort them out! 

    • ADMIN

      I'm not sure if G*d wants to get His hands that dirty. I wonder if there is a special place for currupt politicans? 

  • I thought the Congress critters too an oath to defend the country and support our laws.  This certainly doesn't sund like it to me!  Everyone who votes or voted for this Omnibus bill has to go.  There is a very valid reason I call Biden - TRAITOR JOE!

  • Treason

    • My thought exactly


  • In a word, EVIL

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