
  • There is sufficient evidence in the public domain to suggest the DOJ leadership has and continues to engage in obstruction of justice... and other criminal enterprise.  

    A long history of slow-walking and obfuscating criminal inquiries suggests an organized criminal enterprise was operating within the Biden and Obama Administrations.

    AG Bondi needs to appoint a 'special counsel'... to investigate the DOJ for acts of organized criminal conduct.

  • These pardons are only one thing for which TRAITOR JOE needs to be investigated

  • Wouldn't it be great! 


    Once we start repealing pardons then the next Demo Preident will repeal what Trump has done. 

    We just have to pursue the things the pardon didn't cover! 

    • We don't need to REPEAL THE PARDONS... We need to challenge them as constitutionally insufficient and get a Court to rule the Biden Pardons are unenforceable... They are not specific enough to define what is being pardoned and attempt to grant a general amnesty, not a Pardon.

      We must challenge the BIden Pardons as legally insufficient and unenforceable...

    • 👍

  • if we do not pursue this biden case, ALL HOPE WILL BE LOST IN OUR JUDICIAL SYSTEM. still waiting for killary to go to jail.

    • And 0bama.


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