
  • We talk it.

    This man bleeds it.

    Who is going to account for it.

  • This guy is right!

  • Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. 

  • The brainless Demoncrat Voters are going to find out that once the Demoncrat Party achieves one party rule that all of the promised perks will suddenly go away just like in every other Single-Party Rule Communist/Socialist country in history.  The Demoncrat Voters do not understand that anything the government can give you can be taken away.

  • This situation is just another example among many, that the democrats' leadership heirchy is willing to do any unscrupulous thing to gain dominant political power, bedamned the welfare of constituents. The entire town's citizenry should march through the streets to the mayor's residence in protest, and get their case to court, including the Supreme Court if necessary. It is inconceivable that the purpose of the democrats' actions on behalf of illegal immigrants, i.e., sanctuaries, and leaving the southwest border unsecure, is never highlighted during news broadcasts and published in newspapers for citizens to know, which is to eventually get them the right to vote, which would propel them to that power.

  • Just the Mass. governor proving he's commie propagandist who cares nothing about our people.

    • Bingo!!! While in the Navy in the yards I lived outside Boston at Neponset Circle. I was so glad when we finally moved teh ship out of the yards and south.

  • What you want to bet this same man voted for the de"mock"rats in power in MA.

    • Perhaps. But I hear a strong note of conservative indignance with this outcome.

      The School of Hard Knocks is aptly named.

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