
  • MSNBC and the Demoncratic Party is full of BLASPHEMY!!!  I pray that Americans will remember that voting your emotions is very dangerous!  I can remember the night that Barack "Insane" Obama was elected and the video of all of the adoring fans who emotionally believed that racism in America was finally over.  Obama stirred the pot of Racism the entire time he was in office and now Kamala is walking in his footsteps trying to keep the pot stirred up.  The Demoncrats thrive of division!

    • "MSNBC and the Demoncratic Party is full of BLASPHEMY!!!" the first and biggest lie is calling it the "democraTIC" party. By design it is done to make the stupid think they are the party of democracy, which is the furthest from the truth! Does anyone know when this change took place.....going from democrat to democratic? 

    • They can only remember if they already realized emotions get them deep into trouble. The POS Obama had the same mesmerizing affect as did Hitler! Their goal is a takeover.....divide and conquer! 


    I heard Jesus is coming back and he is really pissed-off and Kamala is at the top of his 'judgement list' 

    • Who is he pissed at? Those who are ruining this country.......or at those who are allowing it!?

    • 👍

  • The station owners do NOT care how badly all the propaganda reflects on their product, as long as the DNC keeps funding them - - - they "know which side their bread is buttered on" - - - money talks and truth walks (away)!!

  • Kamala's primary qualifications for POTUS are the same as for her being on Biden's ticket as VP...being black and female. Aside from her word salads, and vapid commentary, her policy positions as stated in the past are dangerous in that they are predictive of her dictatorial attitute toward presidential power. She will try to rule by decree and executive order, circumvent the Constitution in order to carry out her goals of wiping out private healthcare, enforcing open border policy, and allowing illegal immigrants complete access to healthcare and government services. Crime is up, the national debt is skyrocketing in an unsustainable manner, our military is weak as is our foreign policy. We are rapidly losing our economic and military dominance on our way to becoming a second rate power. We need a strong leader that understands economics and how to properly exert our influence internationally, and right now Trump is the only one of the two candidates running for POTUS that is capable of carrying out those duties. You don't have to love him, we're not voting for Saint President but for a competent leader and Trump has shown that he is capable and willing.

    • 👍And may God keep that protective shield around DJT 🙏🏼🙏🏼

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