
  • It takes $2,500 to denounce US citizenship and a few forms. Therefore without having citizenship in another country then the ‘denouncer’ would be an instant illegal alien with no country to be deported to. Thus, the ‘denouncer’ would be eligible for  a net proceeds of $7,500, free food stamps free housing, free education, free legal, free access to all government facilities, including libraries, receive a new Federal ID number (ITIN) and have perfect credit because there would be NO negative credit on the new credit profile. ...and don't forget the big bonus...they still get to vote! 

    So for those who want to cash in on the big check, benefits and clean credit go to: and become a illegal alien being deportible proof! 

    Renounce Citizenship
  • NYC Mayor Adams is just like all other Demoncrats, using taxpayers funds to launder money to enrich himself!

  • ADAMS was Irate, indignant & Infuriated when the busloads of "imigrantes" started pouring into Gotham. He must have since received a "KICKBACK INNOCULATION" to be "playing ball" with the "D.C. COMUCRAT$".

  • Federal dollars are appropriated funds and it is CRIMINAL to use them for purposes not specifically authorized by Congress... I doubt that NY or NYC has local tax dollars to fund these debit cards... and taking Federal Monies to subsidize local funds must have federal approval and budgetary authorization...

    It is time to jail Mayors and city councils that misappropriate federal funds for unfunded local social services... are held accountable... JAIL THEM... misappropriation of federal funds is a felony.

    Where is Congress... Speaker Johnson use Congressional resolutions to stop funding such programs and remove the offending US Treasury agents and their disbursement officials for funding unauthorized expenditures... whenever and wherever found.

    • Surely Adams has been told that his actions will not be viewed as CrImInAl when a COMMUNIST State is established in America. And WHITE USEFUL IDIOTS Will Be Put To DEATH- - - - FIRST

  • So easy to hand them out when it isn5 coming from his own pocket. These democrats are stupid and nuts!

    • Only easy when the laws regarding the funding and authority to expend federal dollars are violated and then ignored by the very Congress that supposedly has control of the federal purse... BS, such regulatory manipulation is just more smoke and mirrors.... a system to disguise Congress's approval for such unauthorized expenditures.

    • COLONEL:  This triggers my suspicious mind to wonder What this COMMUNIST LEANING CONGRESS might be "ginning up" to declare the "PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION in November ILLEGAL.

    • It will be easier for President (Biden) to declare a national emergency... and then SUSPEND the elections ... with a promise to hold them once the emergency is over... at an unspecified date.   Suspending elections is a tool used by leftist insurgents around the manipulate the outcomes of elections in their favor.

      The Marxists will use the time gained by suspending elections... . to round up and eliminate their opposition.  Once certain they have majority support in the electorate, OR...  hold a firm lock on the Ballot Box, they will declare the emergency over and hold new elections; rigged elections, that take place under their watchful eyes ... Thus, ensuring they win supermajorities in the government.

      Look for the illegal alien population to grow restless and violent... as the election grows near. Expect widespread riot, arson, and criminal assault as their support is cut and the nation draws nearer to election day. Hungry, unemployed, and homeless the migrant population will revolt... creating a national emergency.  This emergency is PLANNED as an intervention to keep the Marxists in power... and to provide the time needed to rig the vote and round up large numbers of MAGA supporters.. especially the leadership.

      The above scenario is standard Marxist doctrine for staging an insurrection and coup d'etat... this scenario is the most likely path the left will use to cement their control over our government. However, it is not the only course of action that could be used by the Marxists and Globalists to secure a New World Order.

    • Ronald, You are spot on with what is coming this fall.  It is clear that both the Demoncrats and the RINOs do not support free and fair elections.  They managed to control Trump in his first term with an full court  press offensive against him throughout his Presidency.  This full court press has continued since 2021 and if these enemies of American citizens believe that there is any possibility that Trump will win in November 2024, they will commit open insurrection against We the People to prevent a Trump presidency.  The Uni-Party cannot afford another Trump presidency that demonstrates just how corrupt Washington D.C. has become under the uni-party.

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