Off The Wall Question....

d0dc1b9bd9003177fa340fc90f486d20--plastic-pallets-plastic-injection.jpgIf the libtards get their way and end all crude oil production and purchase how can America make plastic? (crude oil product) If we can't make plastic then how can Telsa build electric cars? Electric cars are produced with up to 50% plastic parts. While they can be up to 50% plastic, plastics only contribute to about 10% of an electric car's total weight.

Note: Plastics are derived from natural, organic materials such as cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt and, ofModel-X-Social?quality=auto-medium&format=auto&profile=RESIZE_400x course, crude oil. Crude oil is a complex mixture of thousands of compounds and needs to be processed before it can be used. The production of plastics begins with the distillation of crude oil in an oil refinery.

How can America function without plastic? 

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  • Whatever It takes to deplateform America. Constitutional amendment to destroy the constitution, remove gas heat and cooking from homes, stop crude oil for no gasoline or plastic, street riots, whatever it takes the left will and want to do it. ...think I'm the news. 

  • The left knows they will not get rid of gas or oil, but while we are outraged, they are making billions! It's about graining the middle class!

  • I hope that wasn't a plastic wall question! (lol)  This is the goal for the liberals, to shut down the Evil Empire called America and destroy our hertiage! What a better way to do it that destroy the things we need to survive!


    • We don't "need" plastic, humanity survived without it much longer than with. It is a convenience, a great convenience, but it isn't about plastic, it's about control!

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