52067439402_e4f44ed04a_b.jpg?profile=RESIZE_584xEverybody knows Biden dropped out of the Presidential race on schedule, right? It’s been no surprise Biden would drop out but it was orchestrated behind the scenes months ago, maybe years.  

A new Obama-Nation could be hatched, America has yet to get the memo. There have been some speculative theories circulating regarding the possibility of former President Barack Obama could be selected as Vice President Kamala Harris running mate. Nevertheless, constitutional barriers render this scenario unrealistic but not impossible.

First and foremost, it is important to note the notion of Barack Obama running as Vice President may be supported by the Constitution, because he would not be elected as the President, therefore the constitution is silent on this matter.   

The 22nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution makes it abundantly clear no individual can be elected to the presidency for more than two terms. Given Obama has already completed two terms as president, he is no longer eligible to seek the presidency once more, but once again the constitution is silent if Obama can serve as Vice President.  

In addition, the 12th Amendment clearly strengthens this restriction by stating that, "no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of president shall be eligible to that of vice president of the United States." As a result, once again Obama is eligible to run for vice president after serving as president because of the limiting language of two terms and eligibility. 

Although some may contend Obama fulfills the necessary criteria of being over 35, a natural-born citizen, and a resident for over 14 years as stipulated by Article II, Clause 5, this argument lacks substantial support. The courts are likely to lend their support to such an interpretation, as it appears not address such a scenario of the 22nd Amendment.

One possible scenario, although it remains speculative, suggests Biden may serve a shorter period during his second term before resigning in favor of Vice President Harris. According to this proposal, Harris would serve out the remainder of Biden's term and then have the opportunity to run for two more terms. 

Nevertheless, the Constitution also places limitations on this. The 22nd Amendment outlines the limitation on presidential terms, stating an individual who has served as president for more than two years of a term to which someone else was elected cannot be elected as president more than once. This implies that Harris would need to serve less than two years of Biden's term in order to be eligible for two more terms. However, in the case of Obama his service was not continual and is being selected by choice to run only as Vice President.

While the notion of Obama making a comeback to the White House is disturbing and will gin-up support to the like the Democrat Party has never seen it flies in the face of the definition of an oligarchy. 

Final Word: The first black woman and the charismatic former President, also being black Barack Obama is a ‘wet-dream for the Dems.  

P.S.  BTW - Keep your eye on: Josh Shapiro - Governor of Pennsylvania  and  Andy Beshear - Governor of Kentucky 

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  • OBTW - Obummer just his endorsement to Kamela. 

  • ihis is nonsense, I do believe the CONSTITUTION requires that a sitting VP must be eligible to become President and since OBAMA has already served two terms he would not be eligible to serve a third term as president if for some reason  he had to step in. why would OBAMA even want the job better still why would the American voters even want him.. ALL THIS SPECULATION IS PURE NONSENSE. The reality is simple A very large number of people think he has been behind the scenes pulling BIDENS atrings anyway.. Republicans have a very good chance of not only winning the OVAL OFFICE THE HOUSE AND SENATE this cycle, But if past history means anything REPUBLICANS have a history of pulling  DEFEAT OUT OF THE JAWS OF VICTORY, HOPEFULLY they understand DEMOCRATS will do or say anything no dirty trick is off limits for them and REPUBLICANS had better be ready. I DO BELIEVE THAT OBAMS BEING TOUTED AS VP MIGHT BE LEGALLY A STEP TOO FAR.

  • Hey everyone, watch these two guys: Josh Shapiro - Governor of Pennsylvania  and  Andy Beshear - Governor of Kentucky. My contacts are telling me it's going to be one of them. 

    • ADMIN

      While you are probably right Steve, but what do they have to do in their audition to get the job? YIKE! 

    • Not the breast feeding gay guy! I'm disappointed! 

    • Pete Buttaplug ?

  • Obama as VP would be Unconstitutional... the VP must be eligible to become President. Obama is term-limited and ineligible for the Office of President.  Any twisting of the language is typical Marxist obsfuscation and strategic doctrine... lie, lie, and lie.

    Those individuals suggesting that one can be VP without being eligible to become President should never be trusted to hold constitutional office.

    Kamal Harris is not a natural-born citizen ...her father is a Jamaican citizen and her deceased mother was a native citizen of  India... Kamala is not eligible for the Office of President.  She was not constitutionally eligible to be VP.

    Neither political Parties nor the judiciary pays attention to the US Constitution... when it is not convenient.



    • Kamala was born in Oakland, California. It doesn't matter if both her parents were citizens of Mars. She was born in the USA, so she is a USA citizen. Period. That's the problem with birthright citizenship! Any of the millions of illegals that have flooded into the country who give birth here .... that child is a USA citizen! We need to change the birthright citizenship law ASAP. It should be that the mother must be in the country LEGALLY, and must be a citizen or have permanent resident status. Kamala may be eligible to claim dual citizenship with Jamaica or India, depending on the laws of those countries... but she is still an Amercian citizen. Full stop.

    • Wrong. NBC is a higher standard. Lee is right. And parents must have finalized any immigration process prior to the birth of the baby on american soil. That is NBC.

      3-legged stool analogy.  2 citizen parents by either birth or immigration process. Baby born on the soil.

      Jus Sanguinus and Jus Soleil. Of Soil and Blood. Vattel is the standard.

      We all need to know this. 

    • Everyone of here must get that information out. I sent an email to the DNC stating that she is NOT a natural born citizen, next up will be emails to my two Senators (both Stinking Marxists) and my representitive (another stinking Marxist). I live in the People Republic of Virginia, a hotbed for stinking Marxists. Remember: the only good Marxist is a dead Marxist.

      We allowed that POS Obama to get away with it, we must not allow this travesty to continue.

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