Ops! Defund The Police Zealot Gets Carjacked And Beaten

cara-jackings-featured-web.jpg?profile=RESIZE_584xDiehard liberal was beaten by thugs, had her leg broken, was violently slashed, and her car stolen. Her babies were in the car at the time of the attack and saw what happened to their mother. They may have a lifetime of trauma because of what they witnessed. But don't worry, the Police came to her rescue. 

Did these horrible events change the diehard liberal opinion, not really! She still bitterly clings to her belief of taking police out of the schools and dismantling the police! BUT she thanks them for rushing to her aid, offering medical care and assisting in  her recovery!

The carjacking of the head of the Minnesota Democratic Party shows the problems with Defunding The Police, Shivanthi Sathanandan, the 2nd Vice Chairwoman of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, was violently carjacked and attacked in Minneapolis.

This shocking turn of events has sent shockwaves through the political world. What makes this event even more interesting is  Sathanandan backs the movement to Defunding The Police. After a scary personal experience, she now seems to be rethinking  position, but has yet made any notable changes in her political posture.

Sathanandan went on Facebook to talk about her terrifying experience. She said  her car was stolen by "four very young men, all carrying guns," in open daylight in front of her children. She said  she had a broken leg, deep cuts on her head, and many other cuts and bruises all over her body. She was angry  these crooks weren't being held accountable and  her family had to go through so much pain.

…and what is she doing about it?

"These guys knew exactly what to do. I know for sure  they've done this before. Still, they are on OUR STREETS. My babies mental pain can't be fixed by therapy for the rest of their lives. Without any doubts or regrets," Sathanandan exclaimed!


Sathanandan now wants a different method to law enforcement, which is a big change from how she used to feel. Now, she is certain it’s the guns’ fault!

She said  something needs to be done right away about the problem of illegal guns on the streets and  young thieves need to be prosecuted. Her message is clear: we can't let kids and teens run around without any responsibilities for what they do.

"Take a look at me. "REMEMBER ME if you want to support letting juveniles and young people out of jail to roam our streets instead of making them answer for what they do," she said.

Sathanandan also thanked the Minneapolis police officers who came to the scene, pointing out how important it was  they were there and acted quickly during her terrifying experience.

When the George Floyd riots were at their worst in June 2020, she called for dismantling the Minneapolis Police Department. This growing respect for law enforcement is a big change from what she said before.

It appears Sathanandan  has learned very little from her ordeal! In her Facebook posts from  time, Sathanandan strongly supported efforts to "dismantle" the police and backed the idea of building a new infrastructure  works for all neighborhoods.

She praised the bold leadership and organization of some people in the city council who were trying to change the way law enforcement works as a whole.

Did she praise the bold police who came to her rescue? …………….

She also liked  the Minneapolis Police Department was taken out of public schools, which showed  she thought law enforcement had no place in schools.

Shivanthi Sathanandan is a well-known member of the Democratic Party. Her car was stolen, which has added a complicated layer to the ongoing argument over police reform. Her own experience has made her think twice about how effective it is to cut money from the police. Now, she wants a more balanced policy that puts public safety and accountability first.

Final Word: “They have eyes but they see not, ears and they hear not! Now they have become victims and they care not!” The Liberal’s must always be progressive, enlightened and expanding their liberalist ideals for the good of all mankind, even if they are dead-wrong and are suffering the consequence of their own self-made miserable agenda.  

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    • Toon-Town looks normal compared to the swamp! 

  • Someone this moronic and stupid should have her kids removed from her household. She is obviously not competent to care for or protect them.

  • Typical libtard, blame the guns!!!!!  She is a waste of fresh air, too stupid and evil to admit she has been wrong ABOUT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!

  • Right nothing to laugh about.  But this should  be  a Loud wake up call for this lady, or maybe a come to Jesus moment. Any way you want  to  say it Hello. 

    • Since she is a liberal and there is no power greater than her, she can go to no one! ....sorry Jesus....

  • This is nothing to laugh about, but can we shake our head and say, you asked for it dumb ass. Terrible for the kiddies, lucky they didn't get hurt, but there are consequences to all decisions, and her hate for the police just got her ass kicked big time! Will she press charges, do they even know who did it?  They stole the car but left the kids? We're the kids not in the car?

    • What I am putting together is, they threw her and her children out of the car and then stole the car. This is how she got such injuries.
      You are correct, it is not funny but ironic. The police came to her and her children’s rescue and all she does is continue to defund the police after she received full police assistance.

      Then she blames the guns! OBTW - there is NO record of arrest in her case. 


    Oh No! What comes around goes around! Payback is a bitch! 

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