
  • "Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead!" Well not yet; she is only stepping down as Speaker, she plans to remain in Congress. America will NOT be safe, until she is completely neutralized. In my mind, that means safely behind bars- - - which IS where she deserves to be.

  • How about a National Holiday!!!

  • WTF, she lost her job!! 

    • ADMIN

      Lost her job AND HER MIND! 

  • Well what somewhat concerns me is what kind of left wing radical are they going to put up in her place?  Now will the Dems take a deep breath and somewhat come back to realality? Or at least show a little common sense?  NAH, AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. All we can do is try to clean up our own house. Which means Mitch has to go.  Along with his Rino buddies. We cannot be the Right wing of the Democratic Party.  

  • Nan was going to retire back in 2017 or so. But her friend Hillary didn't get to be President. Ever since then, Nan felt like she was on some sort of grand crusade to put the Democrats back in power any way possible, especially herself.

  • Hail-Hail! The Witch Is Dead

    • ADMIN

      Steve, hopes she stay's politically dead and goes lives with her wacked out husband and fades away! 

      The last thing America needs is a resurrection of the Anti-Christ Pelosi

  • Ding dong pelosi canned, which pelosi? Nancy pelosi, ding dong nancy pelosi canned.

  • Gone? Remember Nan fits into how Bill Clinton once classified Hillary's longevity: "Hillary... she's like my genital herpes... extremely painful and impossible to get rid of."  So... Nan will get the much-deserved perpetual taxpayer funded vacation in Italy as Biden anoints her Ambassador, Paul will run for CA Senator so he can join her full time, everyone know Senators do nothing. Her daughter will run for CA House and her nephew Gavin Nuisance aka: "The Joker" will run for President. Her only dilemma is she hasn't decided which family member will take over Gav's lucrative gig as CA Governor!

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