
  • As I recall, Warnock has been proven to be a "cheap political point" himself, i.e. a slum-lord and vote cheat for starters!!

  • The Father of Lies owns Raphael Warnock!

    • AMEN, no doubt about it, satan owns the entire devildemocommiecrat party!!!!!!!!!!

  • The mere fact that he, the Pastor of an Atlanta, GA, Baptist Church, chose to become an avid/dedicated/supporting member of the Democrats' wicked leadership heirchy instead of becoming a fierce advocator against it, is profound evidence that Satan has achieved his ultimate goal, i.e., to infiltrate and become a powerful influence within the Clergy. In this particular case, Warnock applied the wicked philosophy of Rahm Emanuel, former POTUS Barack Obama's Chief of Staff, i.e., never let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste by using it as a means to deceitfully incriminate Republicans. The fact that he from the pulpit, urge congregations to behave in ways pleasing to God, renders him, Reverend Al Sharpton, and other clergy members within the Democratic Party, first class hypocrites; and they should fear God's wrath for being such.

    • Well said Sarge and there are too many like Warnock.

    • I love your consistant use of the word, "wicked." It is not a word we hear a lot, and so it has more impact. Keep up speaking truth to lies.

    • Agreed

    • Money and POWER!

  • One would be Warnock.

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