RED ALERT: Police State Installed

11018635486?profile=RESIZE_710x(PatriotHQ) Where is Liberty? MIA! What do you think about this?

  • Leader of the opposite party indited and soon arrested.
  • Fingerprinted, photographed.
  • Assigned a prisoner number and detained
  • Handcuffed and possible body cavity search.
  • Police ordered to be in uniform which includes being armed.
  • SWAT Teams on high alert.
  • Heavy armored anti-riot vehicles on high alert.
  • Police weapons loaded and ready.
  • Alphabet Agencies positioned and armed.
  • U-barriers installed.
  • National Guard on alert

Where is all this happening?

  • Nazi Germany in 1939 during Kristallnacht?
  • Kyiv, Ukraine during the Russian invasion?
  • Portland where thousands of rioters looted, burned and destroyed the city?
  • Seattle had billions of dollars of damage at the hands of ‘peaceful' protestors?
  • Burned out cities, defaced statues and thousands of stores robbed?

This is happening in America!

Remember Is: They’re not after me, they are after you, I’m just in the way!

Has America turned from the "The land of the free and home of the brave" into "The land of the government slave" 

The biggest city in America issued the command:

"Show up in uniform" 36,000 police officers and 19,000 trained civilian combatants, this is 55,000 uniformed and armed officers and this doesn’t include the Secret Service Armed agents, FBI armed agents, CIA Armed agents or other Alphabet agencies with guns!   

But don’t worry there will be no push back from the thousands of liberals and systemic socialists!

The order went out:  "all uniformed members of the New York City Police Department are to show up in uniform at 7:00 a.m. on March 31, 2023," a spokesperson told The Hill on Thursday night.

The New York Times says police have increased patrols and put-up barriers at Trump Tower in Midtown and the Criminal Courts building in Lower Manhattan in the past week because they are expecting protests.

The NYPD had already put-up U-barriers around the Manhattan court complex in preparation for angry protests.

A source said, "It's a big security job because you don't know how many people will be there." "We should be ready for everything."

Armed Secret Service agents, who are required by law to protect Trump at all times, will be by his side and help process his arrest.

The Times said about a dozen top Police Department officials and two of the city's top public safety officials met more than a week ago to talk about security, staffing, and plans for what to do if there are protests.

The newspaper said Trump had told his supporters they should protest if he was charged.

Security is also an issue in the office of Alvin Bragg, who is the district attorney of Manhattan. Bragg is a Democrat, and Trump, who is a Republican, has said his investigation is not based on politics.

In conclusion:  There is no conclusion!

What do you think?

 OBTW – how come there is not this type of security at the border where known international criminals sneak into America?

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    Hey Steve, good article but unfortunately it is accurate! Why wasn't this much 'protection' during the riots in the cities you mentioned? 

    Is the right more dangerious? Show me the evidense! 

    • America is in the middel of a hostile takeover and if We the People figure it out there will be a big big problem! 

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