Secret Nuclear War Brewing, But Not with U.S.

nuclear-devastation.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400xYes, You Should Care! Keep reading! India is sending its army to the disputed Himalayan border with China after clashes with Xi Jinping's forces in the area sparked fears of war between the two nuclear-armed superpowers.

India is sending tens of thousands of soldiers to the border they have a dispute with China over.

The result could be bad for America. India and China are both big suppliers to the US. If there is a nuclear war, one or both countries could stop all exports to the US, and if there is nuclear fallout, their products could become radioactive with a half-life of 10,000 years. Let's not forget what would happen if tens of millions of East-Indians or Chinese came to the U.S. looking for asylum.

Nuclear War maybe sooner than you think! This month, troops from both countries fought with each other. India's foreign minister said they would "counter" any attempts to change the border.

After a fight between soldiers from the two nuclear-armed superpowers earlier this month, India has started to send more troops to its border with China. India's foreign minister, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, said a huge number of troops will be sent to the 2,100-mile border with China. This is the most troops ever been deployed there.

Less than two weeks ago, an "encroachment" by Chinese soldiers led to a skirmish with Indian troops, which made people worry there might be a war.

A source said a few people on both sides were hurt in the new incident on December 9, which happened after the US and India held joint military exercises near the border.

After a fight between Indian and Chinese forces this month, India has started sending thousands of troops to its border with China. Since June 2020, when 20 Indian soldiers and at least four Chinese soldiers died in a fight on their high-altitude border, relations between the two countries have been at an all-time low.

"The Indian army is now in a place on the China border where it has never been before. This is done to counter the Chinese deployment, which has grown a lot since 2020, Jaishankar said in Delhi on Monday.

The BBC said China’s foreign ministry said the situation on the border was "generally stable." India said the fight started because Chinese troops "encroached" on their territory.

The dispute takes place along the Line of Actual Control, which is a de facto border runs for 2,100 miles. A view of the road leading to the Line of Actual Control at the India-China border in Tawang, in the state of Arunachal Pradesh in northeastern India.

When Indian and Chinese soldiers face each other, they sometimes fight, but only with their hands or with sticks and stones. The latest fight happened on the disputed Himalayan border, not far from where the US and India recently held joint military exercises.

Sources say Chinese soldiers came close to the area near the Line of Actual Control where neither side was supposed to patrol. When the fight was over, both sides "immediately left the area."

Later, an Indian commander met with a Chinese commander "to talk about the problem in a way would help bring back peace and quiet."

China claims all of the northeastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, which is where the incident happened. China calls this area "South Tibet."

Once again, the result could be bad for America. India and China are both big suppliers to the US. If there is a nuclear war, one or both countries could stop all exports to the US, and if there is nuclear fallout, their products could become radioactive with a half-life of 10,000 years.

Let's not forget what would happen if tens of millions of East- Indians or Chinese came to the U.S. looking for asylum and of course this would be on top of the southern invasion forces coming from Mexico and Central America.

This could be summed up with one word: Devastation!

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  • Very possible. Will it beat Biden's war with Russia, possibly! 

  • China is just greedy and keeps trying to expand its territory; look at all the islands they have "manufactured", in the Pacific AND the southern China Sea!

  • Humans are so stupid 

    • Yup. No argument from me. 

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