WARNING – This could give you nightmares!

Ask yourself an honest question: Why are some high-ranking Democrats not worried about the November election and believe Biden can once again trounce Trump? Why are they confident about the future results of a Presidential election over  4 months away and could care less about Biden’s performance?

What do they know?

If the rumors are true we may have inadvertently discovered the answer. A dark secret seems to be seeping to the surface and it appears it might just be accurate!

Think about this. In the wake of the 2020 election, a narrative has emerged suggesting the Democratic Party constructed a sophisticated underground fraud voter system capable of manipulating election results, but could this be true?

The Democrat Progressives are feeding misinformation how they are in disarray and are without a candidate! This is a blatant lie! The Democrats know exactly what they are doing and most of America is falling for their tricks.       

According to proponents of this theory, the Democratic Party built and tested a underground fraud voter system during the 2020 election. They argue their underground fraud voter system was instrumental in the party's victory, suggesting it could generate enough fraudulent votes to secure a win for any candidate, regardless of the actual vote count. This theory posits the system is so advanced it can create the illusion of a close race, ensuring every fraudulent vote appears legitimate and counted.

While many dismiss this accusation as simply conspiracy theory evidence confirming vote cheating has been uncovered across America and the courts have convicted several vote cheaters; is this a conspiracy or in the court records?

Records Win!

Supporters of the underground fraud voter system claims the Democratic Party has perfected this system. They argue, with such a system in place, the party could nominate any candidate—living or dead—and still secure a victory. This hypothetical scenario raises concerns about the integrity of future elections and the potential for undemocratic outcomes but it is no concern for the Democrats because they believe history belongs to the victor!

May I ask you a few honest questions?

How do you explain these facts……?

  • Fact – Vote mules exposed!
  • Fact – Vote cheaters convicted and sentenced
  • Fact – Vote machines have been hacked using a ball-point pen
  • Fact – Voter software tribulation errors uncovered
  • Fact – Voter ballots photos of pallets of votes secretly being processed
  • Fact - Vote cheating caught and criminal confessed

Shall I continue?

BTW – how many of the vote criminals were Republican operatives?    ZERO!!!!!

Here it comes. A darker twist is being exposed and it is the underground fraud voter system is not engaged to reelect Biden but his Vice President, therefore the Vice President must be part of the underground fraud voter system cabal!  

One particularly intriguing aspect is the suggestion the endgame is not merely to elect a particular president but to strategically position the Vice President and key Congressmen to deny the Republicans any control!

ALERT: The Democrats MUST control the House of Representatives to make their plan work! When the Vice President moves up to be President the Speaker of the House will become Vice President! This can only happen if the Democrats control the majority of the seats in the House.

Biden is carried out; Democrat team takes over!

According to this line of thought, the real power lies in ensuring the Vice-Presidential candidate is someone who the party wants to ascend to the presidency, knowing the underground fraud voter system will guarantee their position.

This dirty scenario implies a calculated move to install a puppet leader, with the Vice President being the true beneficiary of the fraudulent system.

False Flag games seem to be heating up as they spin deep cheat fake narratives spewing the false idea Americans have a lack of understanding of the election process!

But it doesn’t stop there!  

The False Flag Progressives are feeding misinformation how they are in disarray and  are without a candidate! This is a blatant lie! The Democrats know exactly what they are doing and most of America is falling for their tricks.       

The narrative of a super underground fraud voter system controlled by the Democratic Party remains firmly in the realm of possibility.

Final Word: Is this tin-foil-hat conspiracy theory or is there even a thread of truth? Are the Democrats really confused, disoriented and in disarray or is that just a charade of misdirection, false flags and deep swamp cheap fakes?

What do you think? 

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  • Aren't we using Chinese voting machines? Wasn't the word last time that they tweaked the elections, the results were coming in late because they had to "fix" them?voting on foreign machines, counting in foreign countries, connected to the internet is not a secure system!

  • No, not conspiracy theory; how do we overcome this?  It can only be done if every state legislature STICKS TO THE RULES -   omits machines and mandates ONE DAY ONLY, PAPER BALLOTS.  All observers and directors need to be in place and watchful, at all times an YES - - PHOTO  ID  IS NECCESARY!!

    • Would be nice for truth and accuracy but not for the dems! 

  • Yep, watch out pickup loads of dead people voting!!!

    • Dead people? Oh....you mean Old Joe! 🤣 Another Weekend At Bidens! 12328472900?profile=RESIZE_400x

  • There is only one thing that is absolutely certain. The democrats WILL NOT, under any circumstances, relinquish power here in America unless they are FORCED to do so. The number of possible scams at their disposal is infinite. Unless the citizens of the USA are willing to stand up and fight for their country, the results will be like 2020 only a hell of a lot worse.

  • I would put nothing past them.

    • ADMIN

      I have a sneaking suspicion Biden will sign a tsunami of Executive Orders right before he: Dies, Resigns, Removed from office or replaced by a new candidate. This is when the Progressives will jump into action and clobber anyone in their way with the new assumed power, like a child with a new toy! 

    • Nor would I

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