When-Inflation-Was-This-High.png?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) After the crash of Silicon Valley Bank and the disruption brought about by other small banks troubled depositors have been grabbing their money and running out the door, but where is all the money going?

Some money went into Big Banks, Crypto, Blue-Chip Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Fund and ETFs. However this only accounts for a portion of the money withdrawn.

This begs the question: Where is the rest of the billions of dollars hiding?

Grasp the size of the missing money because when Silicon Valley crashed, about 120 billion dollars' worth of deposits were lost by other small banks as well.  

You read it correctly: $ 120,000,000,000.00 moved, reinvested or disappeared

After a rush for withdrawals, the United States government stepped in and assumed control of SVB, which has been an important lender to new businesses in the United States since the 1980s.

Customers of smaller financial institutions in the United States withdrew a record-breaking total of $119.9 billion for the week ended on March 15. The statistics was issued by the Federal Reserve on Friday demonstrated this point.

The largest decrease in deposits at small banks in the United States since the beginning of records in 1973. Its amount has been adjusted to account for the changing seasons. The losses incurred by small banks were $107.8 billion when seasonal factors were ignored.

The large banks received a healthy portion of the funds. These two reasons led to an increase in deposits of $66.7 billion before the effect of the time of year was taken into account.

After taking into consideration the season, the data provided by the Fed reveals deposits made at commercial banks in the United States have decreased by a total of $98.4 billion. The decline amounted to $52.8 billion even when taking into account the different seasons.

Big banks are defined as the top 25 domestic commercial banks in terms of total assets held within their respective nations. Hence, Silicon Valley Bank, which ranked eighteenth in terms of total assets, would be counted among the large banks gained deposits collectively as a whole. To put it another way, the decrease in deposits at small banks does not take into account the amounts were withdrawn from Silicon Valley Bank.

In conclusion. If the numbers are added up it is clear there is a bunch of money missing. Actually it is not missing it is untraceable because it wasn’t deposited into the “big banks” or invested in registered investments. This means people are holding on to massive amounts of cold hard cash, and why shouldn’t they.

However, another idea has bubbled to the surface and the government is trying to squash it. Some believe billions upon billions of cold hard dollars are flowing into foreign banks many of which are safer, better funded and enjoy better overall protection.  

Think this is lunacy and tin-foil-hat conspiracy theory? Then check out the list of the top safest banks in the world and then say it is nothing but balderdash!

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  • Gold can and has been confiscated by our Government in the past... at bellow market value.  There is no guarantee that any precious metal or other assets are safe in a Marxist state in fact they are not... as all... all... assets, wealth and property belong to the state.  The Christian understands the resources of this world are temporary.  They are the temporal citadels of mankind's vanity, subject to the manipulation of despots and their governments./.

  • Want to save your money buy Gold.

    • ADMIN

      I agree to a point, however I just might buy bread. can't eat gold! 

    • What if you only need a few bucks with gold?

  • Her is the problem American Bank's fail these foreign banks are not far behind.



    Hey everyone. Why does the IRS require the tax payer to disclose any banking with foreign banks? 

    • Why?  Because many wealthy individuals and some retired ex-pats are using foreign banks to avoid reporting earned income or to hide interest income from taxation. Greed... manifested in unlawful tax evasion.

    • Wealthy individuals still abuse the system because they use shell companies and numbered accounts at overseas banks that make it hard to trace the ownership. Remember the Panama Papers? BTW the US, Myanmar, and Tajikistan are the only three countries in the world that tax world wide income no matter what. Having said that, in the US the foreign earned income exclusion is $112,000 in 2022 and taxes paid overseas are applied against US taxes owed. So, if you pay higher taxes on European income in Europe, you don't pay any taxes in the US where taxes are lower.

  • Deflation  the value between pledge assets before the crash and the value of consumer notes and assets after the crash... First, by inflation and then be deflaitoin our children will be put out of their homes and into the streets.



    We are seeing this economic law exercised before our eyes... First, inflation than deflation... The loss in monetary asset value, due to these two economic forces... first creating fiat money/value and then destroying it...

    see: First the DEFLATION – then the INFLATION | Armstrong Economics

    First the DEFLATION – then the INFLATION | Armstrong Economics
    When the Roman Empire collapsed during the reign of Gallienus (253-268AD), for the next two waves of the Economic Confidence Model (17.2 years) Rome…
    • Quotation: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."


      1. "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered."

      Sources consulted: Searching on the phrase "private banks"

      1. Founders Online
      2. Thomas Jefferson Retirement Papers

      Earliest known appearance in print: 1933[1]

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