It is not the form of government that is to be revered or feared… it is its administration.  Scripture teaches us that when the Righteous Rule the people prosper and are freest. However, when evil sits in the citadels of power the people suffer violence and poverty… Every evil work abounds.

It is God’s Natural law… that drives the engine of liberty and secures our personal freedom … It is not the arbitrary and pernicious laws of mankind that keep us free.   God endowed mankind with the innate ability to define good and evil; too, chose his path in life, whether it be good or evil.  The whole of Creation knows that Love does no harm and is the cornerstone of God’s Natural Law.  If government is not administered and regulated by LOVE it soon becomes a terror to those governed...  Who among us does not know that a people who refuse to govern based on God’s natural law are in serious trouble?

Jesus teaches us that we are to render unto God that which is God’s and unto man/Caesar that which is man’s… kind for kind.  God expects government to temper its administration with the Natural Law of God.  However, the wicked seek to yoke their neighbor with the chains of man’s arbitrary and often pernicious Laws.  Capitalism and Communism… Monarchy or Democracy… they all become despotic forms of government over time… This is especially true where God’s Natural Law is not applied in the community of those governed.  The people, the individual, ultimately establish governments that reflect the character of their society.

It is the outlaw… those who refuse to voluntarily restrain their conduct; too, deny their untoward desires in life.  The individual who expects the government to restrain their wanton and feckless personal conduct will soon find his life bound by the dictates of depots.  We are warned to train up a child in the way they should go… in righteousness… in the laws of Nature’s God... God’s natural state of goodness.  Failure to harness one’s flesh with the Judeo/Christian ethic… codified for the administration of a righteous government … leads to serious moral decay and oppressive government. Governments are established to control the unrestrained exercise of the wicked individual. A People who have not inculcated limits of conduct for life, end up creating governments that regulate ALL their wants, needs, and life’s expectations… despotic government.

So it is today… we live in a once proud and righteous nation that has lost its way …a nation, whose government and social order are controlled by the wicked and morally corrupt.  The People have forgotten who they are and what they are.  They have left the guideposts of the righteous, the ‘natural law’, for the arbitrary and decadent administration of mankind's dark side. They refuse personal accountability to God and others… saying, we will not be denied our personal desires and wicked conduct.

Governments… all governments ultimately reflect the character of the individuals governed… Where the despot governs evil prospers, and where the righteous govern peace and prosperity flourish.   It is not the form of government that we should fear, it is the ADMINISTRATION of government that dictates if those governed will eat of the fruit of righteousness or live under the rule of tyrants.  Government is the sum of a nation’s will to keep God’s commandments or to suffer from rebellion.  History records mankind’s penchant for self-destruction.  Volumes annotate the journey of mankind, it is written in the blood of their children and the tears of lost generations...

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    I don't know about religion but do what G*d wants it works, disobey G*d we fail.  Want to know what G*d wants? Read the Bible! 

  • I believe in the Lord and his words only a fool says their is no God and Heaven and the same fool said that there is no evil and hell to to him I said read the Bible especially the Book of Revelation because I don't want anyone to go to hell and be with Satan for Eternity

    • And that is why we frequently pray - - "Please, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need of Thy mercy"!

  • For America to change its direction from the current path to destruction, the Church (writ large) must take responsibility for those aspects of the social order which God (YHWH) commanded the Church to fulfill.  First, let's define the Church.  It is the body of believers in Yeshuah the Messiah.  This body of believers must put actions to their faith and do as Yeshuah and God (YHWH) has commanded.  There is NO place in God's Word where secular government is commanded to educate children, conduct retirement planning for citizens, provide sustenance for the poor and needy, or provide healthcare.  However, the Church (believers) are commanded to raise up their children in the knowledge of the Lord and to train their children.  Children are commanded to honor their parents, including, taking care of their parents in their old age.  Parents are commanded to love their children and provide for them.  The Congregation is commanded to take care of those who are unable to either take care of themselves or who have no family to take care of them.  The Church (believers) are to emulate the actions of Yeshuah.  Yeshuah fed the poor and needy, taught and loved the children, and healed the sick and lame.  There was a time in this nation that education was centered on the Church providing the central framework for education. Most secondary schools and universities were Church operated.  The Church provided hospitals to meet the medical needs of the communities they served.  The Church provided food and clothing to those who were destitute.  If one looks at the History of the United States, they will notice that the Church began to abandon its God (YHWH) Commanded responsibilities during the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration and has continued to turn over those Church responsibilities to secular government ever since.  Today, this problem has progressed to the point where the Church no longer sets the tone for what is right, honorable and righteous, but is now following secular government instead of following Yeshuah.  Read the Letter to the Laodicean Church in Revelation 3 and you will see the current Church in America and Western Europe.  Until the Church stands up with courage and conviction and takes back its rightful and commanded position, nothing will change in America!

  • Truer words were never spoken (except for the Bible)

  • You have such insight!  God bless!!

  • Like rain, the Word of God falls to the earth... only to wet the ears of the deaf and water the dry plains in a sinful world... Instead, of glorying in the paradise God gave Adam, man now walks in the heat of a barren rock, with scorpions and snakes as his companions.  Wondering at what went wrong, mankind blames God.

    Man ignores the prophets of God and the dead rail against God... God sends a savor and the World crucifies Him...  The Lord of Heaven chastises whom he loves, only to have his love rejected... The whole of the Earth is full of the deceit of mankind.  Sodom and Gomorrah stand in judgment of today's wicked, as mankind rejects the Grace of God and his mercy... The heart of mankind hardened by sin has become stone, as he denies his Creator's love to feed from the hand of sin.

    Soon and sooner than most think the Spirit of God will no longer deal with man and salvation's door will be closed... even as Noah closed the door in the Ark and the world suffered the judgment of God... 40 days and nights in a sea of sin... the Ark was blown about by the evil doctrines of man ... until the world was cleansed.  Now comes the wrath of God... and a purging fire... to burn away the sin of the unrepentant... The righteous judgment of God laid up in the vials of wrath for the last days, is about to be poured out on an unrepentant world. 


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