Throwing Jesus Under the Bus

13452867071?profile=RESIZE_584xIn the name of fairness and tolerance, many churches, temples, and religious organizations are removing the story of Jesus from their liturgy, effectively escorting Him out the door. His eviction creates a vacuum that is quickly being filled with worthless ideologies, human religious debris, and false notions that Judeo/Christianity is nothing more than a feel-good philosophy about being nice, sweet, and open-minded.

Many churches have become weak, preaching watered-down sermons filled with platitudes and never daring to speak the truth because they fear darkness rather than seeking to conquer it. So-called Christians today crave acceptance from a world steeped in moral decay rather than standing as beacons of light in the darkness. Weak Christians become easy targets for bias and hate because the forces of evil see them as vulnerable.

So, who has stepped in to protect the growing list of victimized Christians? The strong men and women of the clergy?

No. The government. While I applaud President Trump’s Executive Order against anti-Christian bias, it should have been issued long ago—from the pulpits of our churches, not from the White House.

Why does the Government have to protect Christians and Jews? Let me ask an honest question: Why does the government need to step in to defend Christianity when Almighty God is our protector?

…And your answer is….

Reports have shown an increase in crimes motivated by anti-Christian bias, including vandalism against churches, desecration of cemeteries, and even arson attacks on places of worship. Yet rather than boldly addressing this trend, many churches remain silent, too afraid to challenge the growing hostility toward faith.

The real story of Jesus is far from a mere narrative. Religious leaders scorned Him, conspired against Him, and ultimately executed Him; many believe He willingly gave up His life. He endured the heat, rain, and cold of the Middle Eastern climate. He survived by picking fruit from native trees, gathering grains from fields, and fishing—without modern technology. He cooked over open flames without matches and lived without a home.

Jesus was not timid. He overturned tables laden with heavy coins and drove out the money changers with a whip when they desecrated His Father’s house. He was betrayed by His closest friends, and His dear friend betrayed Him with a kiss. They falsely accused Him and tortured him. Even today, many still want to metaphorically "beat" Jesus—despising His message and rejecting His presence in public life.

The hypocrisy of a Jesus-rejecting society enjoys the benefits but curses the source!

Here is the paradox: I have seen people use Jesus’ name in profanity yet eagerly collect their Christmas bonuses. Atheists openly deny His existence but look forward to their Easter vacations. Many hoards money that says, In God We Trust, while simultaneously working to erase Christian influence from public life. They will swear on the Bible in court but refuse to uphold the moral principles found within it.

Public schools, once places where students recited the Pledge of Allegiance and read the Bible, have now become breeding grounds for violence and moral and sexual confusion. Ever since G*d was evicted from the education system, America has witnessed a decline in discipline, respect, and truth.

Hate crimes against Christians and Jews are rising, not because they are violent or oppressive, but because they stand for the great I AM and His Holy Book. The world hates the truth that exposes its darkness.

But why is the media silent? The mainstream media rarely reports on anti-Christian and anti-Jewish hate crimes, even though these incidents could fill newspapers daily. Why? The Bible, which encompasses the Torah, the Prophets, and the teachings of Jesus, illuminates the hidden facets of human hearts. The world does not want to be exposed, so it suppresses the truth.

This is why President Trump had to sign an executive order combating anti-Christian bias—to usher in a time when light is welcome again.

Final Word: Why did it take an Executive Order to defend Christianity? Because of love! Love? Yes, not G*d’s love from one’s soul but sinister and filthy love of bitter darkness. How do I know this? Because this is what the light declares: John 3:19 states, "And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil." The truth is simple: The world throws Jesus under the bus because it loves its darkness. But for those who love the truth, Jesus remains the light that no darkness can overcome.

👉 Download a PDF copy of President Trump’s Executive Order here:
White House Executive Orders

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  • First Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde and now the Pope. Who are these people claiming that these commies represent the teachings of Jesus? Jesus would have kicked out illegals in handcuffs and shackles just like he kicked out the greedy tradesmen in the temple. Tell me one thing that President Trump did that Jesus would not have done! 


    Why do so many people want to kick the shit out of Jesus? What did he ever do to them?  

    • He saved their sorry ass and they resent it! Ops.....did the truth hurt? Sorry.....................not. 

  • We are living in the end times

    • Great! I couldn't take it if we were just getting started! YIKES! 

  • Remember always - - no matter what else, Jesus has called US to be the "Salt and the Light"!!!

  • There is coming the cleansing and judging of the church. Judgement comes first to the House of the Lord. Right now there are so many exposures of X-rated behaviour, that are too many to list.
    Holy Spirit has released the Apostolic and Prophetic as leaders. So, I am saying this is a changing of the "guard" in the church. The A and P church is on fire. THAT is the church that will lead the revival. Holy Spirit is lighting his True followers on fire and the A and P is also the 7 Mountain Mandate church as I have posted before.

    Revival is coming. The church is changing. All will be good. The things Trump has done are good in promoting Christianity. But, I believe he chose the wrong type of Christian 'leader' to lead his prayer team. He NEEDS an Apostolic/ Prophetic leader and nothing but that anointing is strong enough. I heard his first term that she, Paula White, was the one who was NOT on his side, and yet she led the 1st WH Prayer Team. IDK if that was true or is true. I just know the anointing matters tremendously and a Pastor is not enough. The Five-Fold Anointings are different in power, authority and revelation. And it is clear that the A and P are leading the church for restoring America to America the Beautiful. Nothing makes up for Prophetic revelation from God to His Prophets and Apostles, as His word says, "I do NOTHING without first revealing it to My servants the Prophets. Nothing means nothing.

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