Time To Stand Your Ground Or Die

11065334284?profile=RESIZE_584xPatriotHQ) This is the era of the erosion of freedom and many are using the excuse of false logic to steal your freedom. The liberals demand the removal of firearms from society in the name of freedom but nothing could be more damaging to freedom than removing of a defined and clear statement made in the second amendment.  

One brave member of Congress is confronting the liberal madness of gun grabbing and  not backing down. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Sen. Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.) are proposing a "stand your ground" bill  which would allow citizens to use deadly force to defend themselves.

Get this. Gaetz and Mullin launched the Stand Your Ground Act of 2023 Thursday. This law would legalize "stand your ground" nationwide for self-defense.

"Every American has the right to self-defense." Gaetz said Thursday  you should be able to shoot back to defend your life if someone tries to kill you.

"We need to get rid of the legal duty to retreat everywhere," stated the Florida Republican.

Oklahoma and Florida know  deadly force can save a life. Mullin, who introduced a Senate version of the bill, said Americans should be able to defend themselves without retreating. "I'm proud to introduce the Stand Your Ground Act in the Senate to give law-abiding Americans these common-sense self-defense rights."

Gaetz: "Duty to retreat" helps attackers. After Trayvon Martin's 2012 shooting, the "stand your ground" self-defense law received public attention.

After arguing in Sanford, Florida, George Zimmerman, 28, shot and killed 17-year-old Martin. Zimmerman was charged with murder, but he said Martin struck him and he had to shoot to save himself. Zimmerman was acquitted after trial but not after costing him tens of thousands of dollars to protect himself and in this case all Americans as well!

The shooting criticized Florida's "Stand Your Ground" laws. Prosecutors and gun control advocates argued the rule makes it tougher to determine who began a fatal brawl and whether a shooting was justified but come short on realizing if all parties were armed there probably not be a ‘fatal brawl’ and the gun carrying public could live in peace.

In an interview with Fox News, Gaetz said Martin's death strengthened his support for the "stand your ground" rule. Gaetz was on the Criminal Justice Subcommittee of the Florida House of Representatives during national efforts to repeal the state's "stand your ground" laws.

Gaetz said Fox News, "I became even more sure  the legal duty to retreat from common law puts the law on the side of the attacker and not the victim." "And now  I'm in Congress, I don't think the law should make it different for people in Florida, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and California about how they have to leave the country."

The Brady Campaign calls "stand your ground" laws "shoot first" laws. "All you have to say is  you had a good reason to think you were in danger," Brady Campaign senior attorney Daniel Vice told MSNBC after Martin's death. "Only the person you killed can dispute ."The "Shoot First" rule and the ability to carry loaded guns in public protect murderers, making these prosecutions difficult to bring.

After Gaetz and Mullin unveiled their bill on Thursday, the left-wing group Occupy Democrats tweeted  the bill "would empower anyone to use deadly force as long as they later say they were "reasonably" frightened of "imminent death or grave bodily harm."

The enlighten progressive liberal masters are claiming: "If this crazy law passes, MAGA nutjobs all over America will finally be able to act out their violent fantasies of vigilante justice without fear of getting caught,"

Gaetz's bill might pass the Republican-controlled House but not the Democratic-controlled Senate. President Joe Biden must sign the bill even if it passes both chambers of Congress and the likely hood of this is next to zero. However, by doing nothing this opens the door to false boldness against the second amendment.

After major shootings like the one at a private Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee, in March, Biden and other Democrats have called for tougher gun regulation but fail to mention it was people with gun which stopped the shooter and hold the school had an armed guard lives would have been saved.

In conclusion. Push back we will, succeed we must. Even though tens of millions of gun owners may have to wait until a regime change, We the People will Stand Our Ground!

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  • Oklahoma hqas had a stand your ground law in effect for several year!!!!!  I WILL NOT COMPLY with any legislation that violates my God given rights guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment!!!!!  I don't know if the national bill will pass because of all the gop establishment TRAITORS in the gop who want to see the new world order global dictatorship take charge!!!!!  They and devildemocommiecrats erroneously think they will rule over the USA under the global dictatorship but I believe they will be kicked to the curb as soon as they have ended their usefullness!!!!!!!!!!

  • We need this. It clarifies the 2ndA. Playing patsy with a violent thug puts the innocent in very dangerous territory. 

    • I agree. A bad dog only umderstands a big stick! 

  • yes, exactly correct; the Bible stats if will not defend your family...that includes yourself, you are no better than an Infidel............that is someone 99% going to Hell.

    HFM, former USMC and Corps Sniper..........head shot only

    • Hugh- thank you, for your service and sacrifice; I learned a long time ago that one should "never come in second" in gunfight. An old friend of mine, who just happened to be our County Attornsy, knew my family was being stalked by an individual who was well known by local law enforcement and was dangerous: friend said "Be prepared at all times and if you come face to face, make certain YOU shoot first and he is NOT breathing when it's over, also be sure there is a weapon in his hand when officers arrive."  Thankfully, I didn't have to act, the dude got himself arrested for vehicular homicide and "went away" for a long time.

    • P S-that happened years ago, when the nation was still relatively sane.

  • ""We need to get rid of the legal duty to retreat everywhere," stated the Florida Republican."

    Well meaning, but the idea of "duty to retreat", is catagorically antagonistic to an individuals undertaking of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This makes the idea a Constitutional non-starter anyway.

    Still, the enactor owns the consequences of his actions. In this case, a resultant death would nessesarily involve an inquest and a possible subsequent criminal investigation.

    But such a government insertion must not upend the life of the actor, until definitive suspicion of cuplability. IMHO

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    • I have been on marches many times, spoken in front of Senate, met and traveled with Governors, Senators and Members of the House etc. 10M+ is not enough! We need 250,000,000+ march to the polling booths and swarm the vote to the point the left can't cheap fast enough to beat us! Then we must raise enough money to BUY Fox and many other media outlets and takeover. I like your enthusiasm and it is a good start. 

  • "Duty to Retreat" puts the victims at a major disadvantage. The attacker is already on the offense. There is no logic to a duty to retreat. Of course, if the luxury of having the time and the wherewithal to assess the situation and identify an easy and expeditious exit to avoid the need to defend yourself, or loved ones, using potentially lethal force against potentially deadly attackers, I'm interested in quickly taking that route. Normally, violent attackers use the tactic of surprise to quickly overpower their victims, making it impossible to exercise a duty to retreat, even for a young and healthy buck. Many older citizens have osteoarthritis, or other physical ailments, or have missing limbs, or are wheelchair bound, that impede their ability to effectively exercise a duty to retreat quickly enough to avoid violent attackers. 

  • Yes, stand your ground is essential to our freedom..  We have a right to defend ourselves.. "Shall not be infringed upon"....The libs just don't get it!!  Or maybe they do, taking our weapons is certainly a path to slavery and servitude....  Over my dead body!!

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