Top 13 Musts For GOP

thinkstockphotos-sick-gop.jpg?w=1024&profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Here is what we asked our members what should happen……

Question: What Do You Want GOP To Do When They Take Control?

Answer:  Many things but here are the top 13….. 

Next week, most people think the GOP will take control of the US House of Representatives in 2023, but will they have the guts to do anything?

Here is the feedback……

1. Start an investigation into the Biden Crime Family based on the large amount of evidence found on Hunter Biden's laptop. Rep. James Comer (R-KY), who is the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), who is the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, have both made requests for oversight have not yet been met. House Republicans are getting ready to look into the Biden White House for a number of things, including the ongoing border and fentanyl crises, the energy crisis, Biden's decision to pull out of Afghanistan, Hunter Biden's business dealings, and where the coronavirus came from. Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and their friends need to be called to testify in front of Congress right away. The House Republicans need to make arrests for anyone who ignores a subpoena. Don’t hold your breath!

2. Look into whether or not Joe Biden broke his own Sexual Predator-Groper Bill. There are literally THOUSANDS of pictures and videos of Joe Biden fondling, touching, rubbing, and sniffing children and women over the years and during his presidency. There is proof Joe Biden took a shower with his young daughter while she was still naked. This was written in her own journal. For decades, the fake news mainstream media has kept this secret from Americans. It's time to say something about this sleazy and disgusting behavior, but will GOP Congress that this issue up?

3. Ask Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Ilhan Omar, Chuck Schumer, and Hunter Biden to show their tax returns. Now we know Congress has the right to see these documents, they MUST ask Democrat leaders for their tax returns. Then put the documents out to the public right away, like they did with Donald Trump. Let the activists on the ground do the research, as a matter of fact lets get all the tax returns from all the members of the House and Senate, shall we….

4. Make all the 14,000 hours of hidden video from January 6, 2021, at the US Capitol available to the public. On Jan. 6, the corrupt DOJ, FBI, and Capitol police are keeping thousands of hours of video from the US Capitol from being released. Only because they don't want Americans to see it. What do they have to hide? And find out why Americans' homes are being searched because they went to the US Capitol on January 6. OBTW - Why are Trump supporters stuck in jail for two years with violent people and not being tried? Where are their rights? 

5. Demand the FBI, DOJ, Capitol Police, and other government agencies release information about the dozens or even hundreds of federal agents who will be in the crowd on January 6, 2021, to organize violence. Demand these federal agencies show the public their plans. Chris Wray should have to talk about the 300 agents in the Oath Keepers and the dozens of agents in the Proud Boys. What parts did they play? What kinds of violent things did they do? While the GOP is at it lets find out everything about Ray Epps, shall we?

6. Ask for a copy of the affidavit and any other paperwork backs up the raid on President Trump's home by the DOJ and FBI led by Joe Biden. Some people say the affidavit about the raid on the President's home by the FBI is a bunch of rubbish. The American people must see it. Many think the affidavit will make good toilet paper.

7.Get all of former Speaker Pelosi's emails, text messages, film crew footage, and records related to the 2020 election and January 6, 2021. When did Nancy find out what she knew? Why didn't she protect the US Capitol on January 6? How much did she know about the plan and Deep State informants involved in the violence day? While the GOP is at it lets investigate Paul Pelosi as well. Something about his naked hammer party just doesn’t add up!

8. Take Ilhan Omar, Adam Schiff, and Eric Swalwell off of the committees where they are serving. Most people know Ilhan Omar married her brother so he could come to the US. Many people don't know, though, her father also lied to get into the US. We need to talk about this person being in the US House. Look into how often Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell lie and how they try to catch spies.

9.Start an investigation right away into "dark money" from Democrats and the many corrupt NGOs with ties to Democrats they use to get around US laws. However, the amount of dark money may be so giant Congress could use it to pay off the national debt! BTW - how did the FTX crypto stooge give that much money to Democrats?

10. Start an investigation and audit of all money sent to and from Ukraine, especially money related to the Bidens and other corrupt politicians. This should set-off the left!

11. Get Adam Schiff's interview with corrupt former ICIG Atkinson from the first fake Trump impeachment and make it public right away. The first thing the GOP should do is go to the basement of the Capitol, or wherever it is, to get and release the testimony of corrupt former Deep State Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) Michael Atkinson. In September 2019, not long after a CIA agent who was spying in the Trump White House wrote a complaint about President Trump, Atkinson changed the IC whistleblower form. Atkinson made sure the whistleblower form was updated to allow for second-hand information, which the "whistleblower" (thought to be Eric Ciaramella) included in his complaint. Atkinson accepted the complaint, even though the form should not have been accepted because it was based on second-hand information and was about the President of the United States, who is not a member of the IC. Since Atkinson gave his testimony, Adam Schiff has kept it secret. It is thought  it completely clears Trump in the first Deep State impeachment and puts Schiff and the Deep State in the wrong. So, these liars have never given it out.

12. Look into everyone who had anything to do with the failed coup against President Trump, starting with the Russia collusion hoax. Andrew Weismann should be the first one to talk. Ask him about collusion with Russia and all his bad things he did at the DOJ over the past 30 years.

13. Return America back to energy independence, open pipelines, give incentives to oil refineries to reopen and stop buying foreign oil!

What are your demands on the GOP? 

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  • How about a tax hoilday for 2023! That should kick start the economy! 

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