

    OBTW - Hezbollah has been building missiles out of stove pipes, so what makes us believe the swamp doesn't run a stove pipe factory? ...they run ballot printing shops! 


    Like we all been saying: The Dems will stop at NOTHING to destroy Trump! 

    • I agree, but they'll do it to protect democracy! ......from the will of the people! 

    • The devildemocommiecrats are only protecting themselves and their dictatorial aspirations from We the People!!!!!!!!!!


  • I have said this for many years now - finally someone is liestening....
    On mr obama's watch more than 200 Stinger missles were "stolen" from a secure storeage facility in Kuiwate...
    Except Americans never heard of it - they heard of Bengazi, but not this..... because our "government' HID the fact that in a SECURE facility thiese CLASSIFIED missles were "stolen"....
    Any Soldier can tell you that "stealing" from a secure storage facility IS NOT POSSIBLE... unless someone signs an order for something to be removed....
    Which tells anyone listening that our own "government" under mr obama committed TREASON by signing an order ffor them to be removed...
    And BTW; more than 1,000 M16 Rifles ALSO went' "missing" at the same time.... along with an unknown amount of ammunition.

    • The POS Obama is treasonous, was from the start and caused more damage to the USA than anyone ever from the WH!

    • "Obama":  Not a USA citizen.  Never was.  Hawaiian woman on the plane knew it to be so.  No USA birth certificate.  Fake certificate shown.  Ask his brother, etc.  Only Kenyan.  Kenya: Moslem nation.  Plane accident.  Hawaiian woman died.  No one else.  Obama was a Moslem.  Went to "Christian" church for political reasons only.  Hated Christians.  Why would he not?  Obama hated whites.  So did (do) the people in Obama’s church.  Abrahm and Sarah were promised a son by God.  Child-bearing years had passed long, long ago.    Abrahm faith wavered.  Abrahm was not obedient to God.  Had son by Sarah's handmaid Hagar (normal then): Ishmael.  Hagar was an Egyptian (forerunner of Islam).  Ishmael was raised accordingly.  Sarah became pregnant and bore Isaac: raised Jew.  Ishmael and Hagar thrown out.  Isaac received everything of Abrahm’s.  JEALOUSY.  And thus, it remains so to this day.  Obama, as a Moslem, follows in kind.  He hates Jews and their supporter, the USA.  To rid the world of Jews, the world must rid the world of the USA.  Obama hates the USA.  A strong foundation supports a mighty building.  Change the foundation in order to weaken it.  "Fundamentally change the USA."  Attack the USA's foundation at every point possible.  And so he did and so has "The Biden."  How many Biden's do you want?  The real Biden is probably dead... and so, probably, is Jill.  TREASON by many times many for far more than you would guess!  The "Red Sea" event will occur soon: the crashing down of the water.  Coinciding with the "new Passover." As Noah’s family was protected on the ark, and as the Jews were protected on the original Passover night, so will we be protected on the moment of SUDDENLY which we are soon to witness.  DO NOT REJOICE IN THE ENEMY’S DEMIZE!  REJOICE ONLY IN THE GRACE GOD EXTENDS TO US!

    • "Had son by Sarah's handmaid Hagar (normal then): Ishmael.  Hagar was an Egyptian (forerunner of Islam).  Ishmael was raised accordingly."

      You mean to say  that Islam was in the making thousands of years before it was concocted by Mohamed?
      Both Judaism and Christianity were needed for Mohamed to mix and match trying to make sense and provide some truth to the entire lie. He stole a bit of this and a bit of that to make up something that appelead to the outcasts of society he ran with robbing and raping.  Islam was not developing for thousands of years, it was made up in the lifetime of Mohamed by Mohamed the pedifile, 500 years after Christ!
      How do you come up with this stuff? This is not a question waiting for an answer....please don't bother! 

    • This may sound nuts, but you are both exactly right. What was spoken directly to Hagar, were these prophesies:

      1.  Ishmael would be “a wild ass among men; his hand shall be against every man, and every man’s hand against him. And he shall dwell over against all his brethren.” 
      2.  God would “multiply him exceedingly” and that he would be the father of “twelve princes” and a “great nation would proceed from him” (Gen. 17:20).

      Prophesies Fulfilled:

      1.  These people inhabited territory between Havilah (probably in northwest Arabia) and Shur (near the Egyptian border) and were one of the several peoples who were the ancestors of the Arabians (cf Gen. 10:7, 25-30; 25:1-4, 13-16).  Today, Arab-dominated territories are much more extensive than in Bible times.
      2.  "Wild Ass" can mean life as in a nomadic existence. Or "waste places." or escape artist.

      The reason you are both correct is this: Each scripture was a prophesy that spoke into the future of Abraham and Sarah and also to Hagar. (the two branches) They, the Prophetic words—were never meant to happen immediately. The saying, "God's timing is not our own," is many times, a painful thing to learn and causes many Christians to doubt, because they expect that thing to come true, asap, like next week or right now. Me included, so I have had to learn. It is hard. It is a trial. Of faith. Doubt creeps in and doubt and faith cannot coexist, so it is the measuring of those things in us, by God. [I have learned everything is a test, teaching, trial, tribulation and TRIUMPH.] Yep.

      So, the prophesy to Abraham, "I shall make you the father of many generations and your seed shall cover the earth. As numerous as the stars, they shall be. And they are. But it did not happen then. It happened over thousands of years. It was the bloodline/s of Abraham that eventually grew into the fulfillment of that prophesy. It is always about the blood. Jesus is the precedent that happened later. Ironic, huh? Except for this truth—[that Jesus IS, WAS and ALWAYS WILL BE.[ In the beginning was the WORD, [Jesus...]

      And so, it is the same for Ishmael. It was his bloodlines that were established, through however many years, that fulfilled that prophesy from God.

      The timing of the lack of fulfullment that Abraham and Sarah went through, which became the test, trial, training, tribulation and then finally, the triumph—was the whole reason for Sarah giving her maid to Abraham. They decided to help God out. Dumb move. God knew that would happen....

      It was in reality, a testing and trying of both Abraham's faith and Sarah's faith. They had to build their own faith. They both failed. and yet, he became the Father of Faith. At some point in that TRIAL, test, training, he hit the tribulation and conquered it and TRIUMPHED!  He had FINALLY learned to really, really, really, trust God, and from that, faith cameIt is important that he failed. He shows us the process THROUGH failure so that we can fail and still continue in God's training school of FAITH, and eventually—receive the fulfillment of any promise made to us by God. Feed on THAT. 

      Some things are very, very, consistent. Bloodlines is one. Waiting for the promise is another. And I believe Abraham and Sarah actually waited 25 years. God cannot lie, so it had to happen. And because Abraham walked with God and knew God, he knew God cannot lie, and that is why he was called the "friend of God" and "Father of Faith." The definition of faith is, "The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen." Take any word of that scripture and move the words around into phrases. Substance/hope. Evidence/unseen. Evidence/hope. etc. See if there is a mystery in there. [Like Scrabble.]

      And twelve tribes sounds more like Israel, but Israel is not a "wild ass among men," but more suited to Muslims. I think we agree on that.

      And I had to look but, yes, there are 12 tribes in Islam also. "The Twelve Tribes of Ishmael" are the Arab tribes from which early Muslims descended. So, Mohammed fulfilled not only the seeding of the bloodlines, but also politization of the tribes of Ishmael, because his only gift was political warmaking him the Wild Ass with his hand against every man (Jews, his paternal blood brothers) as well as his own brethren. He conquered and bred. Young, as we know....

    • It helps to understand the Bible is not a history lesson, especially in the OT. It is all prophetic and repeats, as it says it does in Ecc.1 and 3. What was, is, and shall be again, and I require it.

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