Will Trump Be In Handcuffs?

6a00d8341c18b253ef022ad3aa18f2200d-450wi?profile=RESIZE_400xReport: Arrest of Donald Trump Will Be The Democrats’ October Surprise Ahead of Midterms

"It's not like they're going to let Donald Trump turn himself in. They're going to make this as theatrical as they possibly can," says reporter Julie Kelly.

The Democrats are planning to arrest former President Donald J. Trump in a desperate bid to turn the tide ahead of their imminent midterm election defeat, according to reports.

Investigative reporter Julie Kelly from American Greatness joined author Lee Smith on EpochTV.com on Friday to discuss the Democrats’ plan for an “October Surprise” to advance their “insurrection” narrative and pivot from Joe Biden’s spate of epic domestic and foreign policy disasters.

“They’re going to try to put Donald Trump in handcuffs. This would certainly be quite an October Surprise, and we certainly anticipate Democrats are not just going to fold up for this election, even though everyone is talking about an enormous red wave,” Smith said.

The Democrats hope their planned arrest of Trump just before the midterms will spark a ripple effect that will foment into more “mini insurrections,” Kelly argued.

“The outrage and uprising on our side will be condemned. It will not be reported as justified – which of course it will be – so this will be their next election trick,” Kelly said.

“They just have so many tricks up their sleeve. They’re not just going to hand the House and Senate over to Republicans,” she added.

Smith also warned that if Democrats are able to arrest Trump, the Republic will officially “transition” to a “third world state.”

“What they did to Roger Stone, what they did to [former White House economic adviser] Peter Navarro, the idea that they’re going to try go after Donald Trump in the same way, this will have profound effects on the fabric of this country,” Smith said.

Kelly likewise warned that Democrats will make Trump’s arrest under “garbage” charges as “theatrical” as possible and called for Republicans to “wake up.”

“Maybe this will be the moment where people, including Republican leaders who want to bury their head in the sand about what’s happening related to January 6, maybe this will be the wake-up call,” Kelly said. “It’s not like they’re going to let Donald Trump turn himself in. They’re going to make this as theatrical as they possibly can.”

“Furthermore, the charges are complete garbage,” she continued. “Conspiracy to do what? Conspiracy to expose all of the unlawful election practices in numerous states?…These are bogus charges. And I think that will infuriate people even more.”

Despite the fact the January 6 committee hearings are practically non-existent on the American people’s radar, the Democrats are nevertheless plowing ahead with their “insurrection” campaign and subsequent cover-up of evidence.

For example, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) filed an amendment for the forthcoming NDAA that would conceal any information collected by the U.S. military for use in congressional investigations or court proceedings.

Currently, Republicans are favored over Democrats to win back majorities in Congress, with a CNN poll from May showing 49% of voters would vote Republican compared to 42% who’d vote Democrat. Source: https://www.infowars.com/posts/report-arrest-of-donald-trump-will-be-the-democrats-october-surprise-ahead-of-midterms/

What are you going to do if the Socialist Dems arrest Trump? 

(I am afraid of your answer) 

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    • May God prevent such an evil deed.  And please all pray for the safety of Trump and his family!

    • ADMIN


    • Sorry Lopez, for your lack of faith. I'm living by the Living Word. Such as Philippians 4 "Be anxious for nothing, pray about everything, and the peace of God that passes all understanding will keep your heart and mind through Christ Jesus."  
      You can disagree or think whatever you like! I am well aware our nation is in deep trouble. That doesn't stop me from praying while also preparing! So sad for you‼️

    • it''s a waste of time to reply to you. so this is my last!  God riddence.

    • ADMIN

      But he does judge those who commit them: Sodom and Gomorrah, the Great Flood, the book of Revelations

    • Do not forget the Amorites. Genesis 15:16

    • Ah, Ms. Lopez, a follower of CNN, Don Lemon, Whoopie, and the View Squad. You are in good company as all including yourself are USEFUL iDIOTS. Go ahead and sell out your country and turn it into a 4th World ShitHole like Venezuela is today. Disarm the innocent gunowners then get rid of the police, open up the prison and arm the criminals, in up with a Dictator like Castro, Welcome to AMERICANISTAN. Just remembrr this, there is no room for socialist followers in a Communist Government. Here is a warning from a former KGB agent about Useful Idiots. 


    • Yep, Sounds just like a Useful Idiot, you sure are not a Conservative or a Republican, I guess you are just a THING, isn't that a Pronoun? I voted for Carter until he mucked up Iran and switched to Reagan and right on through the Republican chain and voted for Trump and will again and Desantis. Just heard on the News all those illegals coming across the border may not necessarily vote for the Dummycrats, but vote for the Conservatives. Time will tell then you can scream NOOO! to the sky that falls on deaf ears. Glad this is not Facebook, you'd probably have my account banned.  See ya later, Alligator.

    • ADMIN

      I'm sorry you feel this way but millions are thinking the same thing.

      However, that is the last thing the Sociatist Dems need is a martyr and Trump will be viewed as one. 

      They need to discredit and degrade him so America will turn away, but this will not happen. Trump Is an icon! 

    • ADMIN

      Ok, usally feeling and thinking go hand in hand. Just an expression. 

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