"How can we teach our children that violence cannot solve their problems, when our government always resorts to violence to solve its problems?" The Democratic Party, once known for its antiwar, peace, and love, has evolved into a war-loving Frankenstein, willing to sacrifice countless lives in order to further their liberal agenda and gain economic advantage.
Do you realize how the Ukraine war has helped the US economy? The Biden regime has spent almost 175,000,000,000.00 of public funds, but do you know how it was spent?
Giving foreign aid is akin to providing a foreign country with a credit card they can exclusively use to buy U.S. goods in U.S. currency! By sending untold billions to Ukraine, the Biden regime recycles cash back into the U.S. economy to benefit Wall Street and Washington-controlled corporations. These businesses, largely weapons and medical manufacturers, secretly support the economy, protecting it from a crash!
What do you think Hunter Biden was up to in Ukraine? Why did the 'Government' deny Hunter Biden's involvement? Oh, but wait! It was all Russian disinformation, wasn’t it!
However, by fighting a never-ending war, the Biden regime strengthens the economy with our own dollars! Ukraine receives redistributed tax monies, which it then sends back to the U.S. to purchase U.S. equipment, ammunition, weapons, and medical supplies, thereby boosting the US economy!
The Biden regime is funding the U.S. economy with the blood of Ukrainians and Russians. Without the Ukraine war, Bidenomics would have crumbled and ignited another Great Depression!
Years of assuming fractured leadership and global power rivalries have placed the U.S. in a dominant position. The Ukraine war is a global hotspot. Washington views this as an opportunity to redirect U.S. tax funds out of the country and back into U.S. industries sponsored by Washington, including those listed on the NYSE stock exchange. OMG!
President Volodymyr Zelensky portrayed Ukraine as a "defender of democracy," but critics now perceive corruption, censorship, and dictatorial tactics. Critics ask why the U.S. is so involved in this fight, citing opposition party bans, religious oppression, and media control. Why? P R O F I T! with recycled taxpayer dollars! …That’s why!
The administration's Ukraine war handling has generated questions about its leadership, but it's only a smokescreen! A weak-looking leader has the potential to cause global turmoil, so what are the consequences? The U.S. industrial war machine will produce ammunition, guns, bombs, rockets, and medical supplies to keep the injured fighting for recycled U.S. tax dollars.
Question: How can society promote peace and nonviolence when its actions contradict these values during geopolitical tensions?
Answer: The U.S. answers to no one, not even itself!
Our message to future generations lacks clarity. Despite educating youngsters that violence is wrong, our global policies and behaviors say otherwise.
How does this happen? Washington's diversion of tax cash to sustain the U.S. economy feeds the war machine with public money, and thus war is necessary for those who only know profit by bloodshed.
Teaching our children that violence is not the answer involves more than words—it requires living by those beliefs at home and abroad. This moment is a test of that resolve—an opportunity to choose peace over provocation, unity over division, and wisdom over recklessness—unless you're making billions instigating and benefiting from wars!
Final Warning: The Biden Regime's apparent weakness is an incentive to escalate conflict so the U.S. can rescue the "victim" country and then recycle taxpayer money back into the U.S. economy! So what is Washington really teaching our children? War is immoral and wrong... unless you make a handsome profit from it!
Biden to forgive the Ukraine billions of dollars in the war debit to the US.
What profit is there if one gains the whole world and loses his soul... What gain is there in the annihilation of man and the building of Empires only to see them vanish with the coming tide?
"The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9
Mr. Nelson, I also follow Henry's News Network, and you and Tif was debating about burning the banks to the ground if they made America cashless.
What you did was leave your email address for Tif, and on the News Tip forum you left you email and Phone number. And Henry did email you, and did call. That site has million of views world wide, but don't worry Henry removed all he could find.
I know you like Tif and enjoyed debating with her, but she is a redneck gal. I never got in between what you and Tif said to each other, it was like who would have the best smart ass comment for the day.
You to or too, allways put a smile on my face.
Can we survive until Jan 20th???
Steve, you omitted one stop in the cash flow from US Government to Foreign Nation to US Defense Industrial Base (DIB). The money chain looks like this... from US Government to Foreign Nation, carve out to pay the politicians in Washington, DC, then to the US DIB and then another carve out by the DIB to the politicians in Washington, DC. The reason Lying Joe O'Biden and his family has all these ties to Ukraine is because Ukraine is just as corrupt as Russia and the Demoncrats know this and are using it as a cash cow to finance their political actions in the US. Look at the poster children of Ukrainian decent, the Vindman Brothers! Alexander Vindman brought unfounded and completely fabricated accusations against the Commander-in-Chief while Vindman was only a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army. He did this to protect HIS chosen country, UKRAINE! We must PURGE all of those serving in the US Military who demonstrate any loyalty to their former nation. This is TREASON!!!
On another point, there is a need for war from time to time in order to protect the United States and its allies from invasion and oppression, however, our Founding Fathers wrote a process into the US Constitution on how this was to be decided and it was the Congress of the US, those closest to the American People, who can Declare War! The last time this was done was 1941! The US Congress bears ALL OF THE BLAME for allowing this nation to be involved in foreign wars since the Korean War and We the People must hold them liable for their actions!
Well; said, Colonel...
AND I'll double that.
Yup, TY for the comment David and you are correct. There are MANY ways taxpayer dollars are flowing out for naferious purposes and will make a great follow up article.
Give me an outline and I'll write it.
Steve, I advise you to look at all of the dollars funelled through the US Department of State, US AID, and the Department of Defense under foreign aid and foreign military sales. I worked in these areas as a Foreign Area Officer and I can tell you that the accounting is highly interesting. You can take this and the flow I described above to use as your outline.
10/4 I think a lot of 'stuff' is going to bubble to the surface very soon! OBTW - Dee posted 3 related articles which looks like they got their ideas from the PCC!