Running On Empty! Oil Reserves Almost Gone! 

US diesel supplier warns businesses to prepare for shortages, higher prices for consumers. Company suggests being aware of tank levels and not 'panic buying' fuel.

Ohio farmer on rising diesel cost: It’s a ‘challenge’ Fuel supplier Mansfield Energy is taking steps to prepare for a diesel shortage on the East Coast of the United States, issuing an advisory to businesses that rely on the fuel to plan rather than panic.

Last week, Mansfield Energy raised a red flag on the upcoming diesel fuel shortage in the southeastern region of the U.S., speculating it could be from "poor pipeline shipping economies" and a historically low supply of reserves.

On a normal day, the East Coast markets have 50 million barrels in storage, but right now, there are less than 25 million barrels available.

"A tight diesel supply will force prices to go up, which will eventually make it too expensive for some people," the company said in a press release on Monday. "High prices will bring demand back down enough that it balances with limited supply."


Mansfield warned that at the U.S. economy level, consumers may feel pain at the pump, but for businesses that rely on diesel for operations, supply will still be available.

"That is not to say there will not occasionally be situations where there is a true physical lack of products," the company said. "Some cities might run dry on diesel for a few days, at least at the terminal level. But the fuel supply chain is dynamic, and suppliers will rally to fill in any gaps in supply."

In preparation for the shortage, Mansfield advised bulk fuel buyers not to panic and order fuel when they do not know whether it will fit in the tanks or not. Fuel should be available by normal means in "most areas," the company said.


For companies that do not have a large storage tank on site, and instead rely on fueling off location, the fleet could be out of commission of the fuel supplier runs out of fuel.

Mansfield said companies can reduce the risk of being out of commission by issuing emergency fleet cards that give access to fuel in a trackable way or consider installing a small tank for emergency fuel.

"Retail consumers shouldn’t expect to see widespread fuel stations with bags over the pumps," the company said. "It may happen on a rare occasion (and when it does, you’ll be sure to hear it in the news), but in general retail stations will find supply and stay running. Higher prices will simply get passed on to consumers."

Iron River Express owner Austin Smith details the impact diesel prices has on the industry and
Diesel prices could lead to empty shelves: Trucking company owner

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  • Folks

    I, for one, am tired of all the scare tactics on each side...the one side keeps squeezing our rights away while the other promises that all will be "happy and content" even though we should expect food and fuel shortages"...these are mutually exclusive positions and "WE" are always caught in the middle...i. e. the Ukraine (war )  and Covid are hoaxes, but our Government  leaders are determined to nuke Ukraine  preaching that "nuclear conflict" can be arthroscopic surgery... YEAH! in which video game... the other side reports that, although the "fake administration" is constantly tightening the screws, we should not revolt and be patient BUT we should Pray!

    So, who is really in control? A senile POTUS ( may I admit that?) and an inept Aministration which surely seems to be making the worst health and financial decisons ever  and we follow obediently i.e. vacinate children for a "virus" which  cannot hurt them and mandate the "shot" as part of the "school vax health protocol", or mandate boosters that work as effectively as the original UAE experiment.(not at all) where all the Hippacratic Oath takers ? "First do no Harm"...Inflation is "bad" but let's print more dollars and export them to protect Ukraine's border, but ignore the invasion from the south...does  anyone else see the 'tomfollery' of our leadership. Inflation hurts everyone financially.

    Perplexed and Frustrated Patriot

    May be it's time for "Transitioning" to a common sense Country like with gender; if you indress and look in the mirror, you physically have only two choices (Hermphrodites excepted) physically. Time to reign in the "fools" who are too afraid and too uniformed to accept the actual science of human procreation. It takes one fertile female and one potent male to "make" a baby...all the others need a "third" partner to accomplish the same result, right? Step and say it!



  • People will surely riot when their supplies run out. I fear mass carnage. By the way thanks Biden and demoncrats for causing all this

  • A lot of people will then be pissed.

  • Fuel prices and supply are managed assets of the world markets and its GLOBALIST elite... a plutocracy of elite control supply and in turn dictate the market terms for satisfying demand... price and volume are rigged/managed.  Big Energy uses its might to persuade governments to acquiesce to their political demands and standards...  

    There is no shortage of energy... Energy supplies and DEMAND are being managed worldwide. The Major sectors of the world's economy are controlled by a Globalist cabal... a plutocracy of the superwealthy.  The WEF and a global plutocracy can create huge swings in supply and demand for energy and its products. 

    The Globalists make and brake governments and whole economies primarily through the control and management of prouction and consumption... They manage the vast majority of subsidiary global corporations, financial institutions, and political interests... Thru this they generate a huge impact on the world's economy, its government and markets.  They manage the economic environment and drive supply and demand for all goods and services.  We live in the age of managed markets.... free markets no longer exist ... all markets are controlled and managed as directed by a network of the globalist enterprise.  

    Need Energy supplies to be reduced and demand increased... start a war.  Need more supply and less demand... Increase energy production and start an economic recession using one's influence on the money supply and commercial activity. Declare a Pandemic and watch demand plummet as businesses close, jobs disappear, schools shut down... etc

    World markets are no longer FREE MARKETS... they are ALL MANAGED MARKETS... the super wealthy have control of the vast majority of the worlds economic engines and resources.... they are using these resources to manage entire governments... we have a quasi feudal system of government and a fascist economy.

    The New World Order is not a democracy... It is not a socialist state, nor is it fascist. It is a hybrid feudal sysem with a fascist slant.  We are all the SUBJECTS of the super wealthy... our economies, governments, families, and businesses are all being managed and influenced by a New Age Aristocracy... a new age Plutocracy.

  • This entire shortage is CONTRIVED ... rigged to provide major oil companies huge profits with which to drive the engines of Globalist RESET... fuel will be routed to those who comply with the overall RESET and those who don't will be starved of the needed energy to support their economies.  This is what happens in a FEUDAL STATE... where predatory capitalism is permitted to drive the marketplace... UNREGULATED by reasonable commerce and trade laws.  Greed and avarice are the natural status of mankind's mind... Powerful men and women simply can not have their appetite for MORE satisfied...not without the use of properly regulated and administered markets

  • This article is somewhat contradictory - we either have diesel or we run out.  Mansfield makes the comment that those who rely on diesel will have it - how?  What kind of miracle will fill the storage tanks?  Are we buying diesel from - who????

  • ap7306010161_custom-915b61b3f136d185eaefb86698a87edcd9536520-s800-c85.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x

    • Trains will stop running
    • Diesel powered cars will stop running
    • MetroLink and intercity subways will stop running
    • Factories who depend on fuel will stop running
    • Home heating oil delivery will stop running 
    • Plastics industry will stop running
    • Ocean and Great Lake freighting ships will stop running
    • Military fuel dumps will stop running
    • Airplanes will stop running
    • America will stop running

    Democrats will bring America to her knees, which has been their dream since the Civil War. 

    (maybe this is when the Dems will start running) 

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