White Supremacist Weight Loss

a1ff977bd8ecfafe899d6bf0ce37a77e--cartoon-illustrations-stock-illustrations.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Hey, you big fat piece of white trash, you are only exercising because you are a White Supremacist! (‘as per’ Time Magazine)

Along with a large number of other publications, Time Magazine is no longer reliable. It is just one more fatality suffered by the journalistic community as a result of the woke movement, in other words they have reduced themselves into a garbage rag of stupidly!

Time magazine believes if your New Year's resolution is to exercise, you are a member of the white supremacist group, this means you are a White Supremacist by Time Magazine!

If one of your New Year's resolutions was to get into better shape and improve your overall health by establishing a routine of exercise, a woke leftist lunatic is calling you a racist, and Time Magazine is giving her the platform to say it.

This is a classic example of double craziness. Buffoon Natalia Mehlman Petrzela, who has written other books about "white privilege" and who supports such fallacies as Black Lives Matter and Defund the Police, has decided to once again openly display her ignorance in this most recent book.

However, she did have some assistance this time. It would appear the interviewer for Time Magazine's piece on Petrzela's new book did not have the level of insight necessary to recognize the only reason she was making such outrageously stupid claims was to promote the absurd drivel she had written.

The New School for Social Research has appointed goofball Petrzela to the position of associate professor of history. New York City is the location of this exclusive liberal arts college and boarding house. I am not going to even bring up the name of the piece of garbage she refers to as a book. I will, however, divulge her ridiculous conclusions, which are in no way supported by the facts and are based on imagination alone.

Petrzela would like for you to believe people in the United States of America used to think being obese was something to be proud of. According to her misconception, wealthy people had easier access to higher-quality food than the rest of the country, and as a result, being overweight was a sign of affluence.

"Until the 1920s or so, to be what we would consider today to be fat or bigger was actually desirable and actually signified affluence, which is like the polar opposite of today, when so much of the obesity epidemic discourse is connected to socio-economic inequality and to be seen as being fat is often to be seen as to be poor." [Citation needed] "Until the 1920s or so, to be what we would consider today to be fat or bigger, was actually desirable and actually signified affluent.

  • Petrzela then came to the conclusion, in her very own version of liberal revisionist history, the reason society began to shift away from obesity was not to improve health for all people, but rather so white women in particular would be healthier. You might be wondering why it's just white women. According to this self-proclaimed genius, the reason for this was so white women who were healthier would have higher birth rates, which would allow them to keep up with the rate of births among immigrants and black people."They said we ought to get rid of corsets because corsets are an assault on women's form, and women ought to be lifting weights and gaining strength in order to achieve a more natural form."

At first, you might think this is very forward-thinking. When you continue reading, you find they are recommending white women begin to build up their strength because more white babies are desperately needed. They are writing during a time when there was an incredible amount of immigration, shortly after people who had been enslaved have been set free. This is unquestionably a component of a project promoting white supremacy.

Therefore, this was a true "holy crap moment" for me as a historian, where extensive archival research really reveals the inconsistencies exist within this moment.

When I read her quote about how it was a "holy crap moment," I almost lost control of my ability to contain my laughter. Then she began to refer to herself as a "historian, where thorough archival research truly reveals the contradiction of this moment."

My best guess is the "holy crap" moment she talks about occurred when she finally gave in to all of her woke fantasies. The claim made by the historian is also a joke. It is not reporting or teaching history to rewrite opinionated lies based on one's own personal beliefs; rather, it is distorting history. In terms of extensive research into archives, I believe it would be beneficial for her to broaden the scope of her investigation beyond Saul Alinsky.

Time Magazine was aware of the impending publication of Petrzela's book of fiction on January 6th when they conducted the interview with him. They are aware of making outrageous claims about the content of a new book is one way to promote the publication of book. The more absurd the claims, the greater the number of liberals who will support it.

There are two possible explanations for why Time magazine would publish something so flagrantly offensive to historical accuracy.il_570xN.3528428035_qkn1.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x

To begin, they are on board with this endeavor and have no problem with the dissemination of such blatant lies. When viewed in this light, it is unmistakable they have become morally and politically bankrupt and they have switched their allegiance to the left.

Second, they are so ignorant of actual history they will believe any version of it is told to them, even if they haven't done any research to determine whether or not it's accurate.

In either scenario, Time Magazine, along with a great number of other publications, is no longer reliable. It is just one more fatality suffered by the journalistic community as a result of the woke movement.

…and in the Woke movement no one is correct except them! This begs the question; are any of the Wokest fat and white and would like to lose a few pounds?

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    If the shoe fits.......(lol) 

  • Wait a minute! I'm a white guy and over weight....and ya, I would like to lose a few pounds! 

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