(PatriotHQ) Mostly Democrat Women, Republicans and non-political women are standing in line to buy their first gun, but it doesn’t stop there. Then, once a gun is sold, they are reporting to gun ranges to learn targeting, shooting and management of their new firearms. (SWEET)
However, this begs the question of: Why do women believe they need a gun when the media is trying to convince them into believing ‘GUNS BAD’. Do these tens of thousands of women (mostly Democrat) want to be killers? No! They want to be safe!
Statistics show after string of mass shootings started in late March, gun sales have gone up sharply, especially among women and many of them Democrat.
Mike Marinello is the owner of the South Shore Sportsman gun shop and South Shore Shooting Range on Long Island, New York. He says women of all political parties are taking steps to protect themselves.
"Right now, a big chunk of our customers are women," "We support a group of women who like to shoot... Right now, neither the Republicans nor the Democrats nor the Independents have a clear plan for getting guns.
Marinello was a housing cop in the Bronx. He said after mass shootings, gun sales go up because people are afraid leaders will make it harder to own guns.
"Right after the event, sales would go up in most states because everyone watches the news and says the same thing, even though it's a terrible thing: 'There's going to be a new law,'" he said.
Deborah Azrael, a researcher at Harvard, and Dr. Matt Miller, a professor of health sciences and epidemiology at Northeastern University, did a two-year study. They found between January 2019 and April 2021, 7.5 million people, or about 3% of U.S. adults, bought their first gun.
Dr. Matt Miller, "The face of gun ownership is changing a little bit. New gun owners today are less likely to be white men and more likely to be people of color. They are also more likely to be a little bit younger than long-time gun owners."
Jenn and Shelby, who worked together but didn't want their last names used, spent an afternoon shooting at targets to improve their skills and try out a gun they might buy.
Jenn said she lives alone, so she wants a gun "probably mostly for safety, but I do like going to the range and shooting. I've wanted to buy one for a long time."
Shelby said “fear of the unknown and the chaos of the pandemic" were what made her buy her two guns during the COVID-19 public health crisis. She is currently filling out the papers for her handgun permit.
In conclusion. a high percentage of Women, Men, Black, White, Hispanic, Asian and are buying guns for the first time and then learning how to use them! But wait a minute hasn’t the message of ‘GUNS BAD’ gotten through to them from the lamestream media?
Then again, ‘Self-preservation’ speaks louder!
What do you think?
It's about time!
Hell Yah! Over-due!