World Shock Is Building!

2011_54570_112097.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400xInternational wealth taxation, installing Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in all forms and in all governments and Climate Change mandatory control is now in play! ….and this is the short list!

Don't think this will happen in the future, WRONG! it’s happening now!

Globalists are openly pushing for a "Great Reset" by combining the climate change agenda with international finance and monetary authority.

At the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris, government leaders and influential thinkers, including Antonio Guterres, Janet Yellen, Kristalina Georgieva, and Ajay Banga, discussed financial solutions for poverty and climate change.

They propose granting global banks more power to control wealth distribution and reshape the existing system into their image!

Critics believe  the narrative of economic decline being linked to climate change is misleading and lacks evidence. They contend  globalists aim to exploit the fear surrounding climate change to achieve their agenda.

Globalists suggest various measures, such as a public finance shock, to combat global warming and create equity among nations. They argue  the current financial system is ill-equipped to address today's challenges and only they can save the world!  

Conservatives caution against empowering the same central banks and global bankers who caused the economic crisis through fiat stimulus measures and interest rate policies. They believe  globalists are exploiting the crisis they created to implement a sweeping Reset plan.

This secret plan includes wealth redistribution through a proposed wealth/emissions tax and taxation on fossil fuel profits and financial transactions.

Critics warn these measures aim to inflate prices, restrict consumption, and pave the way for a fully centralized global economic system controlled by institutions like the IMF, BIS, World Bank, and UN.

Critics highlight the act of tribute, where wealthier nations contribute to global institutions, as a way for globalists to establish interdependency and exert control. They caution a currency crisis may lead to the introduction of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), providing authorities with complete dominance over individuals' transactions and buying power.

The constant barrage of global warming propaganda is seen as a fear-generating tactic to create an existential crisis and lead the public to seek relief from authoritarian leaders.

The proposed systemic changes, such as national wealth taxation, CBDC implementation, and the erosion of privacy, are viewed as mechanisms for financial dominance rather than genuine climate change solutions.

Critics also raise concerns about the potential destruction of the economy and population decline as part of the globalists' agenda. T

They are sounding the alert proposed measures would result in more power for internationalists while reducing freedom and prosperity for everyone else.

Final Word: Conservative activists know the globalists' calls for a "financial shock," global taxation, and centralized oversight are aimed at hijacking the system and establishing global governance., but then again conservatives are labeled as conspiracy theorists! (but have been right on every point for a very long time)  

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  • Well said usa.4me. great insight, concise and accurate...

  • Evil is in charge at this time.  Perhaps the Antichrist is a live today.  I do not believe God will allow the evil doers to pervail.

    • IMO - there is a lot more trouble coming before the end. Buckle up! 

  • This is just Satan's using evil people to bring in the Antichrist

    • The Antichrist is among us and his name is Obama. He's pulling the strings!

  • The government's increasing hunger to control our wealth has become apparent. They are actively seeking to establish a system for reassessment with a pretext of "saving the world", but this proposed reset comes with a condition known as the contingent possession clause. Essentially, this clause grants the government the power to exercise eminent domain and compensate property owners with digital currency they have full control over, in the event of a national emergency.

    In other word: 'You will own nothing and be happy' (but if you own nothing then who will own everything?)

    • Exactly... 

      A systelm of commercial exchange using Digital Currency will provide the government with total control over our lives... the government will control the value of our labor, establish the lawful means of exchange, and effectively own or control everything (wealth, position, and possessions)... The government will essentially establish the value of one's life... assign the levels of individual consumption based on a system of social credits and compliance with the government's system of social justice and equity.  The actual value of one's production and contribution to the creation of new wealth will not matter. 

      Fail to toe the government line and the local commissar will simply confiscate all or part of your digital currency (wealth) and limit your personal consumption of the necessities for life. Remain non-compliant and suffer a slow death.  The legal system will be based on equity and compliance with the government's view of social justice and equity..  Try to trade in gold, or silver, or to barter one's services, and the government will confiscate your gold and silver, and punish you for attempting to engage in private industry.  Welcome comrade to communism.

      Digital Currency and a Social Credit system are the back doors to Communism... anyone resisting will be unable to buy, sell, or trade... anything... food, shelter, clothing all the necessities of life. The commodities of wealth will be controlled by the government and its system of exchange and social rewards.   One will need to take the Mark of the Beast to engage in commerce and the daily social and commercial exchange needed to live. All transactions will be closely regulated.   growing your food, making one's clothes, and tending to your private and personal needs will not result in a better life.. the government will confiscate any gain not approved in advance... your garden, and any materials or tools used to produce a better lively hood...

      No one will be permitted to buy, sell, or trade unless he takes the mark of the Beast (Rev 13: 16-18).... and lives according to the Beast's economic, social, and moral code.   Welcome to the Great Reset and the New World Order... a system where the government determines what is equitable and permitted. 

      We are seeing God's Word regarding the last days unfold before our eyes.

  • You know, more and more often, I think the globalists are trying to return the entire world to Feudal times.  That is something our founders were against.  It is why the USA was considered "the shining city on the hill."  Why oh why would anyone want to return to the violent, unproductive Feudal times?  It makes not sense to me.

  • The wealthy in the USA had better act while they can .... to organize and fund the needed reforms in our government.  Holding their funds close and ignoring the coming communist government will strip them of all their wealth... Wake up the middle class is ready to strike a blow for liberty... are you ready to help with leadership, organization, and resourcing... failure to act decisively NOW will end poorly for you.

  • This reply was deleted.
    • Absolutely...

      Digital Currency is a FIAT CURRENCY... the value of which can be arbitrarily controlled to create chaos and one economic crisis... one crisis after another until the wealthy hold ALL the wealth and means of production in our society... a feudal system. 

      A new age royalty who operate above the common law of their SUBJECTS (Labor)... A Plutocracy that controls access to the BEST JOBS and real wealth.  This elite group of individuals will be total control of the world's economy and governing bodies... running a modern version of the 'middle age' feudal system... A FEUDAL ECONOMIC SYSTEM can exist under either a communist or capitalist system of government... The surfs being labor and the royalty the commissars of the communist party or the captains of industry and moguls of Capitalism.,, being the new age aristocracy... the government leadership above the common law.

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