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The Patriot Post

Trump Doubles Down on a Stolen Election
WroObF3a0WzjFPevhdYNiIvlS1zihG5LuY-WqpMXonNg7hBR2S7wtHPOSStT_M9kYDzFkdOszdEX_uwuLgYWLegPrJit8fVAwVSfXH6MNTWd6mUjMXBRuYawo12bMH8N-yEDtzH084CuQzV7SOWn2jvhSZlepxmQ46_sJdci--VM9LKD=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xDOUGLAS ANDREWS   “This may be the most important speech I’ve ever made.”

So began a lengthy address by President Donald Trump from the White House yesterday, during which he laid out in detail many of the anoma

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We must stop this atrocity!

According to Gen. McInerney, Barack Obama is the ringleader behind the HAMMER and Scorecard cyber weapons that were used against the United States to thwart the election against Trump. The program itself was developed by former CIA analyst Denis Mont

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