JTA — A fountain dedicated to Holocaust survivors that also was used for ritual hand-washing inside a California cemetery was toppled and smashed.
Police are investigating the incident at Santa Rosa Memorial Park to determine if it was a hate cr
Read more…She says, “Where’s the police when you need them?”
— Katrina Pierson (@KatrinaPierson) June 23, 2020
Someone should remind her that her party wants to abolish the police and give her the name of a good social worker. https://t.co/Q8AfzFZ5Hu
An American academic has criticised Mary Poppins for projecting racial stereotypes, saying Dame Julie Andrews’s character wears “blackface” during one scene.
Writing for The New York Times, Professor Daniel Pollack-Pelzner – a gender studies profess
Read more…— Eric 🇺🇸 (@ThatTrumpGuy) June 23, 2020Read more…
"The View" co-host Joy Behar revealed on Tuesday that she regularly spends time looking at people who are walking around without masks during the coronavirus pandemic.
"I don't have much faith that this is going to end anytime soon ... Barring a vac
Read more…Lincoln County, Oregon, has exempted non-white people from a new order requiring that face coverings be worn in public — to prevent racial profiling.
Health officials announced last week residents must wear face coverings in public settings where th
Read more…City Councilman Jose Huizar was accused Tuesday of accepting more than $1.5 million in bribes and other benefits to approve or stall large building projects and shape the Los Angeles development landscape, prosecutors said.
Huizar, 51, was taken int
Read more…Read more…BOOM!
— JamieR {} Army Girl TRUMP 88022 (@Jamierodr14) June 23,
Love my @PressSec!
She addresses the tearing down of statues across America.
Why do they continue to let these reporters that spread Fake Information into WH? pic.twitter.com/FRVKKEXwWV
When did the Obama administration NOT lie? They lied about everything. “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor!”.
When Obama or his minions were lying about his namesake fra
Read more…
The Arab American Institute outlined a plan to undermine pro-Israel support in America — and it worked. Around 1990, James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute, traveled to Jordan to raise interest in his plan to undermine the Jewish co
Read more…BREAKING: Facebook Insider records coworkers Anti-Trump content moderation practices; prepared to testify over FB political bias
“If someone is wearing a MAGA hat I'm going to delete them for terrorism” – Lara Kontakos, Content Moderator#ExposeFacebo
Read more…NEW: Sen. Chuck Schumer calls for investigation into ousting of Geoff Berman: "This corrupt firing cannot be explained by cause and gives the impression that the President interfered in ongoing criminal investigations into himself and his associates
Read more….....This action is taken effective immediately, but may also be used retroactively for destruction or vandalism already caused. There will be no exceptions!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 23, 2020
A radio station controlled by the Chinese Communist Party propaganda outlet Phoenix TV has been ordered by the Trump administration to cease its broadcasts within 48 hours.
The Federal Communications Commission ruled on Monday that a Mexico-based ra
Read more…Read more…A plea from a Venezuelan
— TruthHammer (@TruthHammer888) June 22, 2020
It started with the statuespic.twitter.com/EDx7d5km8C
Now is the time to control our emotions. It's time to stop and think not react implusively. It's important.
The issues we currently face in our country are not about race.They're about money and power. The racist narritive peddled by the media is a di
Read more…JTA — A fountain dedicated to Holocaust survivors that also was used for ritual hand-washing inside a California cemetery was toppled and smashed.
Police are investigating the incident at Santa Rosa Memorial Park to determine if it was a hate cr
This week, our award is going to the city leadership of the nation’s capital, for continuing to lobby for a coronavirus bailout package that would exceed $3 billion, while spending more than $1 billion annually on some of the most exorbitant governm
Read more…If Supreme Court judge John Roberts wants to write federal amnesty policy, he should resign and compete for a legislative seat, said Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark) June 18.
The taunt came after Roberts sided with four Democrats on June 17 to preserve the 2
Read more…Martial law may be declared by Congress or the President... Congress may declare martial law under Article I, Section 8, Clause 15, of the Constitution. Under this Constitutional provision, Congress has the power "to provide for calling forth the Mil
Read more…
{ townhall.com } ~ Lately it seems that we conservatives can't win even when we're winning. But the country is under siege, so we cannot indulge the luxury of being discouraged.
This year ha