The Justice Department has set new dates to begin executing federal death-row inmates, a move that would resume such death-penalty punishments for the first time since 2003.
The announcement follows a months-long legal battle over the plan to resume
Federalist Co-founder Sean Davis slammed legacy media Tuesday night after NBC News attempted to strip The Federalist of its Google ad revenue by collaborating with a left-wing British think tank to complain to the tech giant about Federalist reporti
Mayor Cheryl Selby of Olympia, Washington just got her consciousness raised. Her hometown newspaper, The Olympian, reported last Friday: On Friday night, two groups converged in downtown Olympia, and some became destructive, burning flags, smashing
The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) announced Monday it will implement a specific "diversity and inclusion merit badge" in support of the Black Lives Matter movement that will be required to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout going forward.
The Aunt Jemima brand of syrup and pancake mix will get a new name and image, Quaker Oats announced Wednesday, saying the company recognizes that "Aunt Jemima's origins are based on a racial stereotype."
Pacific Gas & Electric confessed Tuesday to killing 84 people in one of the most devastating wildfires in recent U.S. history during a dramatic court hearing punctuated by a promise from the company’s outgoing CEO that the nation’s largest utility w
The insurrectionist misfits that have taken over part of Seattle and renamed it CHAZ, or CHOP or whatever lame-brained name of the day they have come up with, are now reported to have acquired assault rifles. This is what happens when you have a gut
During his speech announcing his executive order on policing reforms on Tuesday, President Donald Trump criticized the Obama/Biden administration for having done nothing about the issue during its 8 long years in office. That wasn’t exactly true: Ob
The question is, where on Earth are the Republicans? Why has there been no press conference with every Republican in the House and Senate standing together to denounce all this violence? To passionately defend our police? They know damn well that Ch
My dear fellow Americans. Actor Kevin Bacon recently said on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon that “it’s a good time for old white guys like me to just shut up and listen.” While I understand his sentiment, I, for one, will not be quiet.
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio supported mass protests this weekend on behalf of Black Lives Matter and the transgender cause, but the city is welding shut public parks used by the Orthodox Jewish community.
If the Federal Reserve owns more than 7 trillion in corporate debt and is permitted to prop up private corporations and now individual citizens (pandemic income stimulus)... Isn't, what was once a private economy now a Government managed economy, s
To defend something one must first know what that something is... Our Elected Officials have a very limited understanding of the US Constitution and many of them see it only as an obstacle to be overcome... outdated and obsolescent. Few are interes
Police reform is “not enough,” proclaimed Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), who on Monday said we must get rid of “serial, racist, ignorant, & stupid cops” and make it a “top priority.”
“Watch the video of the killing of #RayshardBrooks. A senseless & need
"Each of them takes an oath to defend the Constitution, but many House lawmakers either don’t understand the founding document or don’t take its precepts seriously, according to an analysis by The Washington Times that studied the constitutional back
A noticeable pattern is emerging in Spanish-language media, as it goes full-throttle after the much-coveted young Latino voter demographic. And much to Telemundo’s surprise, not everyone aligns with the preset immigration narrative.
NBC News is taking a victory lap after their successful efforts to target their competition, The Federalist website, results in GoogleAds demonetizing the outlet. However, within the article the NBC report also implicates Google in large-scale antitr