The Washington Post on Thursday opened an online interview with Valerie Jarrett about race with a montage of peaceful protests and an appraisal of them in the wake of George Floyd’s death from her former boss, Barack Obama.
The latest police killing of an "unarmed" black man unfolded Friday night in Atlanta, and footage released Saturday afternoon is already causing a major uproar in the city. Activists are demanding that Atlanta's police chief Erika Shields, whose sta
A leaked 2015 internal Democrat Party memo warned top House Democrats not to embrace the Black Lives Matter movement because it was described by the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) as a “radical movement.”
This second post would like to suggest also for comprehension of local USA themes to the rest of the world of cultural diplomacy importance in exchanging of opinions and relations on social politic
I would like to suggest some ideas regarding IDENTITIES AND GLOBAL HISTORY and how global history despite limits could help also local politic as USA politic in tolerance and
When will Whites demand the same protections/preferences that so called "minorities" demand in the West when in fact Whites are roughly 9% of the globwl population and are projected to fall to 3% by 2100? WTF is up with all of this constant manipulat
Texas land commissioner George P. Bush, the eldest son of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, delivered a simple message for rioters who might be thinking about trashing The Alamo: “Don’t mess with The Alamo.”
#BREAKING: CNN crew attacked by protesters outside Wendy’s in #Atlanta where a Black man was shot by police. CNN it’s time to send your crews out to record w/ phones becuz a big TV camera attracts those who want to do you harm. #AtlantaPolice#BLMpi
The lawsuit, filed in federal court on Wednesday, complained Ms. Bowser’s move, as well as her decision to rename a nearby street “Black Lives Matter Plaza,” came at the taxpayers’ expense but showed a preference for one faith — or belief — over oth
A new investigation by the Lepanto Institute has revealed that the bishops in the United States, through their Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), are funding organizations that support riots and whose goal includes not only defunding po
One of the suspects involved in vandalism at the Christopher Columbus statue in Elmwood Avenue is a teacher at Pawtucket Public Schools who is now out on leave pending an investigation, according to the superintendent.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, on the brink of fulfilling its 'A2020' goals that were prioritized in the wake of the #OscarsSoWhite controversy of five years ago — specifically, of doubling the number of women and people of color a
...Crooked Hillary Clinton in 2016. They are called SUPPRESSION POLLS, and are put out to dampen enthusiasm. Despite 3 ½ years of phony Witch Hunts, we are winning, and will close it out on November 3rd!
Psychologists are producing research referring to individuals who have resisted the mass hysteria resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic as mentally ill, claiming that they are more likely to exhibit psychopathic behavior.
As cities across the country are discussing defunding or disbanding their police departments, truck drivers are voicing concerns of safety. Seventy-seven percent of truck drivers say they will refuse to deliver freight to cities with defunded police
In the last couple of weeks we have witnessed people, most of them white, kneeling before black protestors and activists as a supposed gesture of repentance for their crimes of “white privilege” and tolerating “systemic racism.” The kneeling peniten
President Donald Trump on Friday announced that he would postpone his rally scheduled for June 19, which turned out to be Juneteenth, a date important to the black community for the abolition of slavery,