A place to post standing prayers, and to call on God for His interventon in the current affairs of the Nation... a bulwark for arming the believer for Spiritual Warfare.

Spiritual Warfare in the Last Days | Keep Believing Ministries

Having done all STAND with the full Armor of God...resist the Devil and he must flee...

Ephesians 6:13

4 Spiritual Warriors
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  • It;s the Lords day and time for worship and praise... too, reflect on God's providence in our lives....

    Here is a favorite theme of mine... as expressed by the Psalmist. It becomes especially relevant today:

    Psalm 46:1 God is our REFUGE and STRENGTH, a very present help in trouble. God is our REFUGE, the Hebrew מַחֲסֶה machăçeh, (pronounced makh-as-eh’), our “Shelter, Refuge, Place of Security”.

    The same word is used in: Psalm 62:7 In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my REFUGE {machăçeh} is in God.

    We have a Lord who is our very present help, our refuge from the enemy, the guarantor of our security... Why should we fear?

    Heavenly Father we thank Thee for Thy provision for our security in these times of trouble... we ask you to shelter Donald Trump and the leaders of our MAGA movement from the spirit of corruption and lies... Lift Donald above the enemy's reach and shelter thy children from the coming storm. Amen.

    Remember, we are never alone... even though it may appear, that we are without help... God is our ever-present helper.... call out to Him in faith and ye shall have your needs met in Christ.
  • What is prayer...

    In its simplest form, it is communion with God... Prayer is an enigmatic state of communication... a frame of mind, an attitude of awareness of communion with GOD.

    One doesn't pray to hear one's voice... nor to commune with the emptiness of space. Prayer is an attitude of constant fellowship with God, it is more than the exchange of words, it is spiritual fellowship with God. An esoteric state of existence with God.

    We are commanded to be in constant prayer with God... How is that possible? Once again... payer is an attitude, an enigmatic state of existence that holds us in constant communication with God. Prayer is SPIRITUAL by its very nature and therefore difficult for the flesh to comprehend.
  • Job 22:28 states to us—that WE shall decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee; And light shall shine upon thy ways. Sometime this weekend, I will post some of my decrees for our nation and for our King Jesus to establish in heaven as it is in earth. Shall is a legal term, btw, meaning it has to do with Law. Shall is in all contracts, contracts are enforceable by our Supreme Lawgiver
    • Decree until you are blue in the face... If your declaration is not GOD's will it will not be honored... We have not because we ask not, we receive not because we ask amiss... too, consume it upon our own lusts (desires)... too, use it to satisfy our own purposes and lusts. One's prayer requests must align with God's will... or they will not be answered.

      Some, prayer requests and DECREES... go unanswered because they are not within God's perfect will... His plans and purpose for His Kingdom and His Children. At other times our prayers and decrees may go unanswered because of sin in our lives or in those affected by our prayers... as beneficiaries or the object(s) of our prayer. For example, asking God to heal those who refuse Him (Unbelievers) or those who don't believe the gift of healing is for today. However, even then God may heal them as a sign or too glorify the Kindgom in the eyesof unbelievers.
    • I Decree
      that no weapon formed against me may prosper, and
      every tongue that rises against me in judgement,
      I condemn. This is the heritage of the saints and my righteousness is of Him. You demeaned His Word as He tells us to Decree a thing and it shall be established. From His Word is understood. You judged before I even spoke anything. When someone says he isn't sure of how to pray, scripture turned into a decree enables that person to understand levels of prayer. My God is your God, Col. And continuing repentance is part of it. We should know this. That includes repentence for false accusation or insult.
    • I was not thinking of anything that goes against His Word. The voice of accusation does not suit you, Col.
    • DIdn't intend to accuse anyone of anything... I intended to address how God moves when answering prayer... He doesn't always say yes... Not all prayers, even those based on scripture, are GOD's will for the time, season, or situation. Many people become frustrated when their prayers are not answered or when answered in a way they didn't expect.

      We can and should make declarations... command the seas, and move mountains... Understanding that God may not find our request or decree actionable... GOD knows and sees the total picture and our decree or request may not fit His perfect will. Example... I may say... decree... unto this Mountain be though removed and cast into the sea... doing so in faith... does not mean GOD will cast the Mountain into the sea... thus, creating a tsunami and killing thousands.

      Whenever our prayers or decrees go unanswered we need to examine why... so we can better address God with a decree and request within His Will... as best we can determine. The closer we are to God the more likely we will not make decrees or reequests we know are not His will or may conflict with the greater good in the universe of saints ... all asking god for His intervention or help.
  • GOOD MORNING ALL... let us pray:

    Heavenly Father we rise today by faith to praise thee in the morning, to give thee thanks for a better world… a world at peace and in harmony with Thy Word… that we may bring a blessing and not a curse wherever we walk today. May Thy creation rejoice as the Son rises… high and lifted up. May the weak find strength in Him and may His Name be praised, from the beginning of the Day through its end… for this is the day the Lord has made and I will be glad and rejoice in it…

    Heavenly Father let not the weak in faith go without tasting greater things … let the strong bear up the weak and bless them with the wisdom of the ages… that they may know the times and the seasons of our journey in the earth… Prepare the Church for the coming storm, and gather in the weak and the sick, before they fall victim to the evil of the day. Like a mother, hen... gather Thy children beneath Thy wings, and hold them close

    We pray for Pres. Trump’s safety and security … for Steve Bannon and brother Eichet’s fisical needs … bless them with peace prosperity and good health… that they may continue as ministers of the faith. Bless Israel and Jerusalem… strike down the arrows of her enemies and confound their leaders… make her a strong fortress amid tribulation. Secure her borders and build high her walls.

    Father, forget not Thy children in America or Thy covenant with the righteous… take now the sword from our enemies and remove their hand from our homes and government… return them from whence they came and give them no more access to our children and the defenseless. Instruct now our leaders in the ways of spiritual warfare… build up the armory of the Spirit and lose it upon our enemies.

    Lord, forgive us our debts… as we forgive those who seek our destruction… deliver us from the present evil and make straight our path a path of righteousness. Lead us to the Gates of New Jerusalem… feed us with its vision and remind us of Thy promises and of who and WHAT WE ARE…

    This we humbly ask in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior… our God and King… Amen.
    • Amen, to God be the Glory forever and ever. May Your Name be lifted up upon high, may the righteous rise and stand upon the shoulders of the Word of God, and may the woo-ing of Christ enter each heart and call each of us closer in heart, mind and spirit. May we each receive the calling and inheritance of the saints that You have desired for us. Show us Your Face, Lord, show us Your Face. May we each be transformed more and more into the likeness of Jesus Christ, as we gather and also go forth. May we each be a blessing to others, and carry your mantle well. Grow us up, Lord, into true handmaidens and servant men, standing upon the shoulders of the giants who have gone before. We bless your Holy Name, dear Lord, we thank you for this day and every day, and we give You all the praise, Amen.
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Government is the sum of man's social interaction... the righteous build righteous governments, the wicked tyranny

It is not the form of government that is to be revered or feared… it is its administration.  Scripture teaches us that when the Righteous Rule the people prosper and are freest. However, when evil sits in the citadels of power the people suffer violence and poverty… Every evil work abounds.It is God’s Natural law… that drives the engines of liberty and secures our freedom … It is not the arbitrary and pernicious laws of mankind that keep us free.   God endowed mankind with the innate ability to…

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