Admin Dee's Discussions (37002)

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Zero Hour For America

Peggy Perez on Twitter: "96 days and OUR voices will be heard! WTP will make  liberals cry again with a huge #Trump2020LandslideVictory  #GoRedStateByState #TakeBackTheHouse #KeepTheSenate #DrainTheSwamp  #PromisesMadePromisesKept #TrumpRocks!… https://t ...

After a couple years of this perma-campaign, we’re finally poised to utterly humiliate them once again. Look, I think we win and I don’t think it’s going to be close. Most people in the know – whatever the hell that means – agree. We can feel the en

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Get Ready for a Fight


On the eve of the 2020 election, this week’s The American Mind Feature is about how to stop “the coup.” No matter what series of unfortunate events is triggered by the initial results of the election this week, these essays will be worth reading and

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