Senator Marsha Blackburn Compares ObamaGate to insurrection
Read more…Senator Marsha Blackburn is comparing ObamaGate to insurrection... #QAnon
— M3thods (@M2Madness) June 3, 2020
Read more…Senator Marsha Blackburn is comparing ObamaGate to insurrection... #QAnon
— M3thods (@M2Madness) June 3, 2020
Read more…In a stunning development, our office has learned that every single one of the St. Louis looters and rioters arrested were released back onto the streets by local prosecutor Kim Gardner.
— Eric Schmitt (@Eric_Schmitt) June
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is turning to the Congressional Black Caucus for ideas on a legislative response to the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer last week.
Pelosi, along with House Majority Leader Steny Ho
Read more…After the media reported that Park Police deployed tear gas, an aerosolized version of the synthetic compound 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile also referred to as “CS gas,” to disperse protesters in front of the White House, Park Police explicitly denied
Read more…A former Obama administration intelligence official who worked in both the Departments of State and Defense has guaranteed bail for a human rights lawyer accused of firebombing a police vehicle in New York City.
The former official, Salmah Rizvi, to
Read more…Read more…Liberalism in under 10 seconds.
— Art TakingBack (@ArtValley818) June 3, 2020
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Tuesday blocked a resolution from Democrats that would have condemned President Trump after rubber bullets and gas were used on peaceful protesters near the White House.
Senate Minority Leader Charle
Read more…Vice President Joe Biden blamed police for “escalating[ing] tension” across the nation in a speech delivered Tuesday in Philadelphia’s city hall to respond to President Donald Trump’s nationwide crackdown on violent protest and looting.
Biden spoke
Read more…The Black Live Matter movement will develop an armed branch of “peace officers” to combat police brutality in black communities during the so-called “war on police,” according to one of its leaders.
Protests broke out across the country following th
Read more…Whoa Jessie! #WeAreTheNewsNow
— Karli Q (@KarluskaP) June 3, 2020
I saw this on Sunday but since it was so speculative I didn't add it to the site. I will now since this is probably what Jessie Watters is talking about.
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On the surface, it looks like BLM and ANTIFA have hundreds of thousands of members across the United States and more than a million strong when you count those who riot internationally.
These numbers are as misleading as the purpose of the civil unr
Read more…Macy’s? The cops let them loot Macy’s — the Miracle on 34th Street store?
Everybody who grew up in this town has at least once ridden the rickety wooden escalator at the center of Macy’s Herald Square — a building almost as iconic to New York C
Read more…The media lied about the Russia collusion hoax, about the Mueller probe, about impeachment, about the coronavirus—and now they’re lying about the riots.
It seems no great event or upheaval in our national life can pass now without the media lying to
Read more…Read more…NBC News was attacked while filming at the White House ..
— Ruthann (@TeaBoots) June 3, 2020
NBC ..Move along nothing to see here ..we were attacked ..robbed ..hit on the head but it was peaceful..
The Democrat who chairs the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary committee said on Tuesday he will introduce legislation this week to cut $50 million in funding from Attorney General William Barr's personal office.
New York Representative Jerrold
Read more…Former President Barack Obama will address the massive anti-police brutality protests that have been sparked by the death of George Floyd on camera on Wednesday.
Obama's comments will come during the My Brother's Keeper Alliance Town Hall Series. He
Read more…Warning! This Video Is Very Disturbing.
Read more…Man defending Pawn shop in St. Louis killed. Fuck you Shaun King and of all you fucking hypocrites @hasanthehun @chrissyteigen @johnlegend @SteveCarell @Sethrogen @MayorBowser @NYGovCuomo @HillaryClinton @keit
A reserved Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Tuesday called on President Trump to tone down his combative approach to the national protests for racial justice that have followed the death of an unarmed black man in Minneapolis last week.
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