

Grosse Pointe, MI

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Is America a republic?

Yes, he is ruining this country!

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Allison Biaglow posted a blog post
Brace yourselves, the tax hikes are coming. What does this mean for us? Is he raising the taxes on all tax payers? Well if so, he is an idiot. When a country is in a recession, raising taxes is the last thing he should do. But people have their…
Nov 10, 2012
Allison Biaglow posted a blog post
Day two of living in the People's Republic of Obamanism. People still rubbing in my face. I signed off Facebook for a while. They won! Why do they still want to rub it in? There is no place for me here. I am on a train that is going nowhere...but I…
Nov 8, 2012
Allison Biaglow posted a blog post
Well...we all know how last night turned out. Unfortunately I predicted the correct outcome. I am a minority here at school. The college democrats swarmed the campus registering people to vote, shoving Obama propaganda at them, and if you didn't…
Nov 7, 2012

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