Allison Biaglow's Posts (3)

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Life in College as a Tea Party Patriot

Brace yourselves, the tax hikes are coming. What does this mean for us? Is he raising the taxes on all tax payers? Well if so, he is an idiot. When a country is in a recession, raising taxes is the last thing he should do. But people have their palms out demanding more. So the hard working people who create jobs are being punished. I see a dark, impoverished country ahead. Hopefully it will stop. But we live in Bizarro World so what is wrong is right and what is right is wrong. Thankfully, history has proven that after times of hardship, good times are awaiting. Just time will tell.
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Life as a College Tea Party Patriot

Day two of living in the People's Republic of Obamanism. People still rubbing in my face. I signed off Facebook for a while. They won! Why do they still want to rub it in? There is no place for me here. I am on a train that is going nowhere...but I cannot get off it. No one knows where this train is going. But we are all stuck on it. America is dead, prolife is dead, the American Catholic Church is dead. It all means nothing to these people. My father gave me some good advice yesterday. He said despite all the world falling to pieces, to better myself and to live my life as best as possible. Unfortunately I have had a hard time keeping positive. America is dead...what does lie ahead for us? Where do we belong in this new country? I honestly believe they would kill us off is they could. Who knows. We are on a road to nowhere.
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Life in College as a Tea Party Patriot

Well...we all know how last night turned out. Unfortunately I predicted the correct outcome. I am a minority here at school. The college democrats swarmed the campus registering people to vote, shoving Obama propaganda at them, and if you didn't agree with them? were called names, given dirty looks, etc. I have been called evil, racist, hater, and a few others things. All this for simply opposing a presidential candidate? Or is it something more I oppose? I am against entitlements, I am against abortion and free birth control amongst many other things. Some say I am against women's rights. I am against their right to terminate a life. No one cares for the human being who gave its life. What about his or her rights? No one seems to care here. I sit here on campus today, amidst the celebration of anther four years of Obama, thinking to myself about my future, our future. I honestly feel that the America my parents grew up in is dead. It died last night. I still have a small hope that some day we will return to glory. But will that be in my lifetime? Who knows. I will keep fighting, I will raise my family to believe in the principles we were founded on, and continue my religious practices. Those are my thoughts today. I will keep up the fight despite my status as a minority here. We will rise again! God bless!
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