Art Phillips Texas Director's Posts (147)

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I have but one reason to hold my hand out and that is to offer someone a hand up.  I do not offer hand outs.  To do so is an insult to men of honor and moral character.  Men of good character may seek a hand up, never a hand out.  When one accepts a hand up he seldom needs it again and will usually be next in line to offer a hand up.  One who seeks a hand out will continue to seek handouts, he has no honor or self worth. Need proof, take a look at the "Occupy" mentality.  Before you challenge this take time to know the writer, he knows what great struggle and sacrifice are. Elevengun 

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Obama Care is  "TURN KEY" national suicide.  If you think the premiums are too high and the out of pocket is impossible, just wait until January first and Obama Care taxes hit.  This one piece of legislation will do more damage to America than all the wars we have fought combined.

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Top executive with one of the biggest software firms in America said individuals signing-up for health insurance run a serious risk of having all their critical personal information stolen.  It appears hackers can actually pose as agents on the site as you give them all your information.  He went on to say, the system is so seriously flawed it is beyond economic repair.  My thanks to Mr. Rodrick Parker for alerting me to this situation. Elevangun

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Thanks to my friend Joe Sanchez information, I just researched the fact that Obama's Department of Ignorance and crime (Justice) not only supplied Mexican Cartels with thousands of guns they also provided them with 500 or more hand grenades.  With a President and AG like we have it is no wonder Justice knows no home in the U S. Elevengun

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Someone else can't do it for you this time!

When your power goes off and you discover the government will set your weekly allotment of usage.  When a truck comes and hauls your cars and trucks away and tells you they belong to the government now.  When you go to the grocery store and you are handed a small bag of beans and rice and told that's all you... may have for the week.  When your children are hauled off to be raised in government institutions.  When you are forcibly thrown out of your home and told to report to the nearest barrack housing, that your home is federal property now.  When all these things happen you will know Obama's hope and change was a success    If you are honest with yourself, you know this to be true.  Want your Freedom back?  Get up, get dressed and get out of your comfort zone and help the few now defending your Freedom. 

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Not only do I not make no apologies for it, I can support it ethically and logically against any attack.  I am convinced that voting should be a right that is earned.  Having individuals vote who have done nothing for this country is counterproductive and only rewards negative behavior. Those perfectly able physically and mentally, pay no taxes, do nothing to contribute to the success of the country, and do not work have not earned the right to vote. There simply has to be some negative aspect for sloth and freeloading.

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I can't reveal the source of this, believe it or not, your choice. 
I have just learned that Obama said he will now be able to collect guns in America.  He says Republican Senators have learned who the boss is and they will not oppose him again.  Obama and the scum supporting him are about to launch an all out assault on the second amendment. 
Never, Never let this government come and take even one of your guns.  If we allow this without fighting every way possible there will be no place on earth Freedom will exist.  When American people are disarmed the treasonous tyrannical scourge we have in Washington will spread tyranny over the entire Earth.  This will be a whole different fight, this is for all mankind worldwide!  You had better get mad, get tough and above all get right with God and pray.

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Country men and women, With the exception of five or maybe six Senators it has become obvious that our representatives have something other than our country and its Constitution at heart.  Their actions are clear evidence that they were not to be trusted when they placed their hands on the bible and swore an oath. The vast majority of them have promoted the destruction of our Constitution, Freedom and Liberty.

 Most of those not promoting this treason stood by silent as the apostils did when Christ was crucified.  It is now time we accept the full responsibility for the defense of the Constitution.  You have the power to do this.  The question is, "are you willing to sacrifice"?  When Congress passes laws in defiance of the people it only becomes the last word if you allow it to.  With regard to Obama Care, this is the most destructive legislation to our Rights and Freedom in history.  There exist two ways to defeat it, the first is if enough people refuse to accept it and do not comply.  Yes, this takes courage and the only way it will work is if you get the word out and have people sign an oath to resist and defy what is an un-Constitutional crime on the American people. 

The only other way is to make the exhausting effort to get your state to refuse to implement it and make it unlawful in your state.  Remember, it is you, if you are reading this yes you, that has to take that first step in what will be a difficult journey.  Your other choice is surrender and servitude, no rights and the end of Freedom.  Those who make the choice to live free and sacrifice will never have to hang their heads in shame, those who do not ........... 

Making sacrifice does not include just posting on the internet, that is not sacrifice.  You have to put your dollars in the hands of those trying to fight, yes until it hurts! You have to get out and pass out information explaining the danger the country is in.  Sitting at your computer just does not cut it!  And yes I have sacrificed to the point of pain and personal loss so I am not asking anyone to do what I have not!  It is your last chance before your Constitution is a relic of historical curiosity. Elevengun

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I am not sure you see what I am seeing, but what I see all over the country is a whole lot of angry people.  You fools need to wake up if you value your very asses because, if you haven't noticed Americans are rising and are not one bit happy with you!  Honestly, if I were you I would be afraid........very afraid!

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Definition of our government

DEFINITION OF BARAK OBAMA and ADMINISTRATION: This is to the letter who Obama is!

a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.


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THIS IS A TEST only a test!

If I ran for Senator I wonder if I could get enough signatures to get on the ballot as an independent?  Not something I ever wanted to do, but saving this nation always has been.  Elevengun


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You nor I ever dreamed we would see the day our loved nation would be consumed by immorality, tyranny and betrayal by those we placed in our most trusted positions.  When one stops and really thinks about recent history the decade of the sixties stands out.  It stands out because the sixties saw our nation begin to turn its collective back on God.  The time honored tradition of brotherly love was replaced with a twisted vulgar desire for carnal indulgence called "free sex".

The sixties introduced a new cult of  flower children and hippies, individuals void of morality and honor.  These people sought only their personal gratification and pleasure.  They abandoned all ideals which "brought upon this land a new nation" , ideals like personal responsibility, loyalty and dignity were shunned and treated with contempt by them.

Left unchallenged for three decades the hippies and flower children evolved into political activists known as Liberals and Progressives.  They chose as their platform the Democrat Party.  From this stage they would carry out a methodical attack on every ideal and tradition our nation was built on.  Ideals and traditions like hard work, civic duty, military service and individual responsibility. 

In order to escape what was universally recognized as an individual's duty and responsibility to work his or her way up to higher stature they sought ways to "cut in line" ahead of everyone else.  Thus, they congregated in occupations of fame.  Hollywood offered many of them the avenue they sought, others used their skill in deception to move into areas of politics.

It isn't difficult to recognize those indoctrinated into these cults.  Some examples are Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Ed Kennedy, and Rom Emanuel, following those who support these types will reveal a large list of other members of their cult.  Most of those involved in occupations like acting support their destructive behavior.

No one can honestly say they haven't experienced the moral decay in America.  It got its biggest boost when people decided that sex was the best way to sell a product or influence another.  Deceit and manipulation of truth and history.  Sex and vulgar language became the platform of the Liberal and progressive movement.  A movement dedicated to the destruction of every good and moral virtue that made our nation great. 

There is no argument that may be offered which would dispel the fact that Liberal and Progressive objectives will completely destroy the United States.  It makes the writer no difference if you agree or disagree with this assessment, its truth is already evident by the fact that our nation has declined greatly at the hands of Liberals and Progressives in the Democrat Party.



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What is America to you.  Most people have never even thought about it. "What does The United States mean in my life?"  Let me help answer it for you!  This nation is your home.  It is the home of your family, your closest friends and your children.  Of course you already knew this and I'm not telling you anything you didn't already know.  Be that as it may, are you aware your home is subject to the greatest danger it has ever been in since the civil war.  You can dispute this all you want but deep down you know it's true.  The debt the Marxist laws recently passed by Congress.  Laws like the Patriot Act, The NDAA, and Obama Care to name only a few, combined with the militarization of almost every government agency , and police department serve as ominous indicators of a President and administration completely out of control.  A President and administration unwilling to obey the law, and at the same time commit unconstitutional acts almost daily.  Why should you be concerned about these things?  I will help you answer this as well.   I seriously doubt 1 out of every 300,000 people have read any of the legislation mentioned above.  If they had we would see many more people standing against this tyranny and treason.  If people truly understood that they can now be arrested without charge, held in prison indefinitely without having broken any law whatsoever.  If they understood they could be targeted by the government for assassination for no other reason than someone "thinks" they "might" be a threat.  If they understood that any government employee with any agency could enter their homes and search it without warrant or any cause whatsoever.  If they only knew there are many more tyrannical laws hidden in the NDAA and Obama Care they might know America means life, their lives.  Just where do you think you will go if you lose your home country.   Now, what does America really mean to you?


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Who are you , prove it!

Are You or Not?

If you are approached by security personnel, politely ask them to prove they are Americans.  If not go find an American police officer or Sheriff Deputy to make them prove it.  We are not going to be pushed around by foreign authorities regardless of who gave them permission to be here.  This is our country and Obama has got to be taught he is not who he thinks he is.  People, you have rights that this idiot president cannot take away, that is unless you cower like a whipped dog and let him.  For goodness sake people stand up and resist this treason.  What are you going to do after the few perish because you were to damn scared to stand on your own two feet and do your part! Elevengun

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