Benjamin Lee Jacobs's Posts (3)

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After reading several of the comments made to the blogs, I now understand how one might come to the conclusion that the Tea Party is a racist group or even a terrorist group. Let me say that I strongly believe that it is NOT! However, there were too many comments made in very bad taste.

The Tea Party started out a political organisation and should  remain so. You members of the party will always be judged by the things you say and do. So, let's please be civil and mature in all we say and do. Let's ensure that our first amendment rights are never trampled upon and trashed by others who may not understand or who would seek to destroy this organisation, which is our last hope for a free nation.

As conservatives, are we not mostly all Christians. Talk of bloodshed should NEVER be in these conversations! Racist comments should NEVER be in these conversations! We should make every man, woman, and child feel welcome in the party and teach them that this organisation stands for the freedoms of ALL Americans!

I myself refuse to be a part of ANY group in this world which promotes a theme of racism or violence toward any of God's children. None of us are perfect, yet He loves us all.

We don't need to tone down our feelings or our compassions, just our words and actions. STAND UP and fight for your rights! But don't become the bully. Defeat the bully, politically, and for now, civily as best you can. Make this a righteous fight. Include God in every step along the way. Pray for wisdom, strength, and guidance. Do all you can to stand up to Satan, who is the real villain in all this tyrany. But always do it with righteousness in the front of your minds.

May God be with us all in this fight for freedom, in this fight against oppression!!!

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I'm sick of people talking about entitlements. Look, social security should have never been started in the first place, but since it was the money has been forced from everyone's paycheck ever since. FORCED to pay for your future retirement!

I say the real culprits that add to our national debt are: The welfare program, The food stamp program, All the money going overseas to other nations for whatever the reason may be, and Money being wasted on any thing else that the government wants to spend our tax dollars on.

Just to name one example: I worked at Robbins Air Force Base as a construction contractor doing renovation work for about a year. You would not believe the things that were thrown away during those renovations! Over half of the furniture that would have been thrown into dumpsters, I brought home because it was in way better condition than was my furniture, which I gave away to friends because it was still in good condition!

Y'all want to talk about government waste, well, how about getting ALL the facts straight before you go slinging around words like "ENTITLEMENTS", and focus on what the government really blows our money on!

People who have been forced to pay into social security all their lives ARE entitled to draw from the program. Maybe the system can be tweaked a little, but maybe many people are actually drawn away from the Tea Party and certain candidates in the party who run for office because they just don't understand why anyone would even consider messing with social security! 

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A house divided cannot stand!

"It is discipline that wins wars." Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson of The Confederate States of America. Watch the movie "GODS AND GENERALS". Maybe y'all will learn a thing or two about how to combat the enemy which we call high taxes and massive federal spending. President Abraham Lincoln said: "A House divided cannot stand".

Only two days a member, and I aready see the problem with the Tea Party!!

There are too many groups within! It is not a united force! Yes, of course I believe strongly in states rights. That's what Mr. Thomas Jefferson fought so strongly for. But our main problem does not lie within our states at the moment. Our problem is on the federal level! With so many splinter groups within the Tea Party, no wonder nothing is getting done!!

So, there were a few Tea Party candidates elected in the last election. But come on! We should have FIRED  that cheapskate Obama and taken the Senate!!!

When are you people going to all come together for one single purpose? That one purpose should have been all along: LOWER TAXES/LESS GOVERNMENT WAISTE.

The Tea Party needs a strong National leadership with strong representation at all state levels which can reach out to all community members within their states to organize in a functional manner for one great purpose.


We should stand together as a STONEWALL against any who's selfish desire it may be to run our nation into the ground and make us servents to the United Nations and the New World Order!!!

I sincerely hope to see a drastic change within this Tea Party. If not, if we cannot unite as one, then I've a good mind to go ahead and withdraw my new membership and head uderground with my family!!!!!!

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