Daniel Detwiler's Posts (17)

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RINO's and throwing away the 2016 election

The 2016 elections are getting closer and closer and we see daily news items about this person or that person wanting to run for the Presidency. Yet one thing I heard a couple days ago irks me beyond belief. From the RINO camp comes the proclamation that everyone must vote party lines meaning we the Tea Party must vote for which ever RINO they throw out there or it will be our fault if th Democrats win the election.

Let me call BS on this right now. If the Republicans lose the 2016 presidential bid it wont be my fault, it wont be the Tea Party's fault, it will be the establishment RINO Karl Rove Super Pac fault for running a candidate that we can not support.

Currently the RINO's favorite seems to be Jeb Bush or Chris Christie, both of whom I, as well as many others will not support. First off with Jeb Bush lets just say that two Bushes in the White House was enough. I really didnt have much against Dubya but Jeb is no Dubya. Jeb is a liberal in conservative clothing and his actions as Governor of Florida shows how he would act as President. He supports immigration as well as he supports Common Core, both items that are detrimental to our nation. There is no way I could vote for him without feeling like I betrayed my country.

Next we have the other RINO darling, Chris Christie. Another liberal masquerading as a conservative. His track record also speaks for itself. He is anti second amendment. He supported the assault weapon bans as well as is against concealed carry permits. He supports Obamacare. He supports Amnesty for illegals and is for gays. How could any real hard working American conservative support his bid for the Presidency.

If the Establishment RINO's ran a candidate like Scott Walker or Ted Cruz for the Presidency then I dont see why those of us in the Tea Party as well as all hard working honest Americans wouldnt be able to line up and support such a Presidential bid.

But the Establishment RINO's dare come out and demand we vote party lines for an establishment RINO candidate that we can not support. Dont they dare lay the guilt trip on us that the election will be lost because we wont back whom THEY chose to run. If they want our support then pick a candidate worthy of our support.

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It is up to us to get the word out.

Many of us battle liberals everyday online. We see the comments on the news and the wild claims of the liberals and we confront them with truth and proof. Its a shame the Tea party hasnt encouraged and developed their net warrior group more yet thats a topic for another discussion. As the mid term elections are getting closer it is time for the push on liberals for many who was leaning Democrat are now straddling the fence and they also read the online news as well as the comments.

Something I been confronting liberals with, especially when the news item is about the liberal media NOT reporting things like Obamacare web servers being hacked is this. “If the liberal/socialist way is suppose to be so great and wonderful for all then why is it always cloaked in a shroud of deception. Is not the media refusing to report news such as Obamacare web servers being hacked a form of deception? (1) Is not the media refusing to report on the unemployment numbers not taking into account that 27 million Americans can only find part time employment a deception? (2) Is not the media refusal to report that the USFDA working with the Mexican government to get the word out about free food stamps for illegals in the USA also a form of deception? (3)”


(2) http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/more-americans-are-stuck-in-part-time-work/2014/07/02/2eefaa72-f7e7-11e3-a3a5-42be35962a52_story.html

(3) http://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-uncovers-usda-records-sponsoring-u-s-food-stamp-program-for-illegal-aliens/

It is up to us to confront the liberals who are spreading the misinformation and at the same time we must get the information out to help those on the fence to see and understand that all the liberals have going for them is lies, deceptions and misinformation. Look at it, after almost six years they still claim its all Bush's fault. That in itself shows they have nothing.

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Regulatory agency making Federal laws.

Today after reading EPA Proposed rules will ‘result in the financial demise’ of ranchers” that Dee posted has got me thinking. What grants any regulatory agency of our Federal government the authority to make laws.

Nothing does. The constitution is clear that bills that effect the nation have to originate from either the House or Senate unless it is a revenue generating bill which must then originate from the House. This bill or legislation goes thru the proper channels until it either becomes law or not. If it does then the Supreme Court can rule on its constitutionality.

Agencies like the EPA have circumvented the Constitution and are making regulations like they was Federal law. A regulation is a specific requirement within legislation, not a whole new law. An agency can make a regulation that conforms and supports legislation that already has been passed but cannot create a regulation that does not have legislative support.

The EPA and other agencies are out of control and we the people need to rein them in. Enough of this liberalism that is destroying our nation. If our elected officials refuse to honor the oath they took to defend the constitution against all enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC, then they need to be replaced ASAP including impeached if needs be.

Thats the problem with huge government like we have now. No one is watching anyone and the Constitution ends up getting stomped on at every turn. Huge government is what the liberals want so they can dictate every aspect of our lives and this is what we get from that same huge government. Agencies that think they can create federal laws in the guise of regulations that are unconstitutional.

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Election Fraud


We hear a lot about the clueless voters and those who vote for a living. Some of the clueless voters are actually good people who are just uninformed. They've been steadily fed by the liberal media how Republicans are the problem, how Obama is great, how the tea party is a bunch of back woods hicks from the KKK. Some of these people are waking up and realizing how they been lied to by the liberal media and that we are not the bad guys but victims of lying liberals. 

Yet these voters are nothing compared to the massive amount of voter fraud that has already happened. If we look at the last election it is clear Obama did not win re-election. 270 electoral votes were needed to win the election. Romney had 206 at the end of the election but if we take the voter fraud out of the picture Romney had more than enough to clearly win.

POLL: Did Obama direct the IRS persecution of the Tea Party groups?

Florida was won by Obama by a close margin.  50% of the vote went to Obama versus 49%.1 went to Romney for the Florida's 29 electoral votes. Yet lets look at Florida. As reported the night of the election, 100,000 Romney votes were found in a dumpster behind a voting place in Brown County. After the election it was reported some counties had upward of 140% voter turnout. These counties all went in Obama's favor.

Add Florida's electoral votes to Romney who would have had them if not for the voter fraud and that would have brought Romney up to 235 electoral votes.

Now lets look at Ohio. Obama won Ohio with 50.1% to Romney's 48.2 percent of the votes. Yet in Ohio voting officials proudly proclaimed to have voted for Obama multiple times. People were turned away at the voting polls and told they already had voted when they had not. Entire counties had zero Romney votes while pro Romney signs were all over the place in peoples yards. Ohio was worth 18 electoral votes which should of gone to Romney. That would of brought Romney up to 253 electoral votes.

Pennsylvania also was a state with massive voter fraud. If a person looks at how the state voted it was predominately Romney with the exception of Philly and Pittsburgh which had the elections ran by the Black Panthers. Obama was given Pennsylvania with 52% of the vote to Romneys 46.8%. Now that would sound like it's not even close, but let's look a little further here. Obama had 2.9 million votes to Romneys 2.6 million votes. Yet in Philly where the Black Panthers were running the votes Obama received over 500K voted to Romney's less than 100K votes. If we gave Pennsylvania to Romney it would of put him over the 270 electoral votes needed to win, but let's wait on that one.

Virginia is another state that had reported voter fraud. If you look at the map of how the state voted it was predominantly Romney. Yet it was reported that election officials were openly telling people they must vote for Obama. Also Virginia is heavily reliant on the sailors and everyone knows how the military feels about how Obama has repeatedly disrespected them. On top of that Virginia had reports of the votes changing to Obama in front of peoples eyes. I would have to say that Virginia's 13 electoral votes belonged to Romney which would bring him to 266. 4 short of winning, but we are not done yet.

In Colorado Romney lost the state by 113K votes. Yet ten counties in Colorado had voter turn out of 104% to 140% and those counties went to Obama. Add to Romney's total the 9 electoral votes Colorado holds and that places him at 275 electoral votes which is 5 more than needed to win without counting the 20 electoral votes Pennsylvania holds.

Even Michigan had reports of voter fraud where Republican poll watchers were run out of the voting places at gun point.

Bottom line is that the liberals don't need to rely totally on the sheeple to win an election when they can win with fraud and that's something we need to keep an eye out for in future elections. The liberal media did a hell of a job of covering up the election fraud and any future fraud in the Democrats' favor will also be not reported by the lame stream media, but we, the members of the Tea Party need to be vigilant. The liberals are scared of losing power, they are scared all the headway they made in transforming us into a communist nation will be lost and they are desperate. That massive voter fraud will continue is without question and that the media will not report it is also a given but we the patriots needs to make sure to do whatever is in our power to ensure fair and honest elections.

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Government and deadly force

With what has been going on recently in our nation, I have been wondering and starting to ask, what give a federal agency like the Bureau of Land Management the authority to use deadly force against Americans or to be able to even arm their people.

Recently with the Bundy stand off in Nevada we learned the Bureau of Land management attempted to remove cattle by force. They even had snipers around Bundy's home. Yet is it not the place of law enforcement to ensure court orders are carried out? Why is Federal LAND MANAGERS being armed against Americans and using deadly force against Americans?

Ever since Obama took office we been watching the Federal Government buy massive amounts of ammunition as well as heard reports of them purchasing weapons. Even the Post offices have been buying ammunition. What grants a federal agency other than law enforcement the authority to have and use deadly force against Americans?

This is something we all need to be asking as well as contacting our elected officials and asking just why our federal government is able to arm federal agancies other than law enforcement with the ability to use deadly force against Americans.

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Religion and government

We are seeing a lot of instances where anyone who expresses a Christian religious belief are being slammed by the liberals. This is allowed to continue on because once again, the constitution was ignored. We are seeing a lot of cases where school children are getting in trouble for having a bible, or expressing a religious belief, soldiers are told not to practice their religion if its Christian, religious groups are told they cant send soldiers overseas care packages because its coming from a Christian group as well as people are being sued for practicing their religious beliefs. 

The problem began in the 1960's. In 1962 Engel v. Vitale the Supreme court ruled that government written prayers were not to be recited in public schools and were an unconstitutional violation of the Establishment Clause.

When the Supreme Court ruled on Engle vs Vitale, they used no former precedences or rulings in their decision. They in fact violated the constitution with their ruling for the ruling was an enactment of a law that favored a religion (Atheism is considered a form of religion by the Supreme Court), as well as prevented the free excersize of religion.

Now one thing needs to be mentioned here, part of this ruling is correct in the fact that the school board can not force a student to recite a prayer. Yet the Supreme Court went over and beyond the scope of this case by ruling in its opinion of the case that any prayer created by any school official was a constitutional violation. That should have been left up to the community and not the federal government to decide.

In 1963 Madalyn Murray O'Hair, a militant left wing atheist with close ties to the American Communist Party, took the school board of Baltimore to court for allowing prayer in school.

In this case the Supreme Court ruled in favor of abolishing school prayer and Bible reading in the public schools. Once again the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Atheism which is a clear violation of the first amendment of the Constitution. No laws shall be made respecting a religion or prohibiting the free excersize of religion. This ruling clearly favors atheism as well as prohibits Christianity which is what our country was founded on.

Now people might wonder what can be done about this. Actually its simple yet hard. The Supreme Court needs to be sued for violating the Constitution. Their rulings in fact created law that violated the free excersize of religion. It created law that favors a religion (atheism).

The only true Constitutional ruling that could have been made was that a school could not force a person to pray against their will. It should be up to the community whether or not religion is allowed in a school and the rulings set precedents for the Federal Government to have the ability to punish people for their religion.

The hard part is finding a lawyer willing to take the case as well as funds for it. 

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Troubleshooting a problem....

And yet again we have another school shooting. Already the liberals are lining up and demanding guns be taken away. Those of us capable of sane thoughts must ask ourselves, how is it the guns fault? How can something that is incapable of thought, unable to have feeling, devoid of the ability of movement be the guilty party to all the school shootings and other violence thats attributed to guns. Obviously to a sane person, the guns are not the problem. Yet if guns are not the problem, then what is we might ask. I am an aircraft mechanic by trade and as a mechanic I have to be able to effectively troubleshoot problems. If something blows a fuse, I can replace the fuse and then a day or two later its blown again and I can change it again, or I can ask myself “what changed to make the fuse blow. What causes this problem?” The same thought process can be applied here. Twenty, thirty forty or more years ago school shootings was unheard of and unthinkable, yet is becoming common now. What has changed to make this happen? Thirty years ago when I was in school it was comon to be able to walk through the school parking lot and see a bunch of trucks with shotguns and rifles in the back windows. It was the norm. Yet never once was there a school shooting. Kids played cops and robbers, cowboys and indians. They had cap guns and BB guns and toy bows and arrows yet none of them went to school and killed a bunch of their fellow classmates. Yet now none of that is allowed and school killings have happened more than a few times. Why we must ask. Deeper we must dig. When I was in school the mention of God was not taboo. In 1962 the Supreme Court ruled on ENGEL v. VITALE. The case was about a school requiring students to participate in prayers. The first part of the courts decision I agree with. To force a child to pray is unconstitutional. Yet the court in the infinite wisdom went way beyond the call of the ruling and decided that God has no place in school period. This part of the ruling is unconstitutional in itself for it should be up to the community, not the Supreme Court or the Federal Government to decided if the school has open prayer or not. As long as any child is not required to participate in the prayer then no constitutional violations have occurred. The second part of the ruling of this case not only made a law respecting a religion, for atheism is a religion of itself, yet it also made a law prohibiting the free practice of religion. It took to the late seventies to early eighties before God was totally removed from all schools. So we can deduce that the liberals banning God from school is one thing that has changed since when we never could imagine a school shooting to today, yet is that all that has changed? Sadly thats not all the liberals been up to these last few decades. In the late seventies the liberal rallying cry was child abuse. Now I agree anyone who abuses a child deserves every kind of hell there is. But the liberals true to form went way overboard. Now a days parents are scared to spank a child. If a parent lightly slaps a childs hand in public the parent can and many cases shows that they have been put in jail for this as well as had their children taken away. Back when I was in school, if someone did something really wrong, what was the common thing said? Usually it was “my dad is gonna kill me” or “my parents are gonna tear my butt up for that” or something along those lines. And the kids would go home, usually get their rear ends tanned and that was it. Lesson learned. Now a days that is considered child abuse. An old saying of spare the rod and spoil the child is very true, yet this day and age liberals refuse to let you have a rod. So we look at it. Since the days when it was unthinkable for a kid to go to school and kill other kids compared to today we see that liberals have removed God from schools as well as removed a parents ability to discipline a child. Is that all or is there anything else we can add to our troubleshooting tree? The liberals have decided that no kid is special for they all are special, they all deserve the prize, they all get equal trophy's. The kids who worked hard, put in the effort are no better than the kids who didnt care, didnt try. What does that do to a childs self esteem to know no matter how hard they try they will never be any better than those who didnt try. Why should kids even care when the liberals take away all competition, all reasons to strive to be better. In the end we can all jump on the band wagon of guns are evil, guns need to be banned, yadda yadda petuh or we can be logical about this. If we compare from a time when kids killing kids was unheard of and unimaginable to today we can see the major changes between then and now are all liberal changes. With that in mind it is very easy to deduce that the real reason children are killing children is because of liberalism and as such liberalism needs to be outlawed and banned. Makes a lot more sense then blaming an inanimate object like a gun for the problem.

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Was it Bush's fault?

Something I always liked to do was discuss or even argue with liberals on the internet. One of my favorite places is Yahoo news where you can actually see how the liberal mentality is. No matter what the liberals always love to claim its all Bush's fault. As one on the right it seems your the one who always has to back up your claims and you end up doing a lot of google searches. Recently I ran across some very interesting data. When bush took office the labor force was 143.8 million jobs. When Bush left office the labor force had grown to 154.655 million jobs. Thats over 10 million jobs created during Bush's terms in office.

The Bush tax cuts the liberals love to claim was for the rich but if we look at what the tax cuts accomplished we can see they was for the benefit of everyone. The tax cuts stimmulated the economy and created jobs which meant more people was working and not collecting unemployment, welfare, food stamps as well as created more income for the government. Lets look at taxes collected from 2003 when the tax cuts took effect to 2008 before Obama took office.

2003: 1.9 Trillion 2004: 2.0 Trillion 2005: 2.26 Trillion 2006: 2.5 Trillion 2007: 2.69 Trillion 2008: 2.74 Trillion

Now lets look at today. Since Obama been in office the job force has grown to 155.658 million jobs. In over four years obama has created only 1.003 million jobs. When Bush took office the median house hold income was 42,800. When he left office the median house hold income was $54,983 according to the US Census Bureau. Familys were bringing in 12K more a year after eight years with Bush in office. As of may this year the median house hold income is down to $50,502. Thats $4K a year or $333 a month income cut for the average family. For the 2012 tax year the taxes collected was 2.3 trillion.

So was it really Bush's fault? I would have to say yes it was. Because of Bush people prospered and the government collected more revenue with less cost to taxpayers for less was spent on unemployment, welfare, food stamps. So in the end Bush is guilty of creating an enviroment where people could prosper.

Only problem is that MSNBC would never report on this so a typical internet liberal wont ever believe it.

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To educate an ignorant liberal

Thanks to our poor excuse for a president we have masses of liberals who are grossly uninformed. It doesnt help that liberal spin television helps to turn the masses into sheeple. Something I learned is that basic logic beffuddles the clueless liberals. Take for instance their cry that its all the rich fault. Some even suggest that the people will soon be coming for the rich. I tell them ok, lets take out the rich. Then I explain to them that because we took out the rich we also just eliminated all buisnesses. The rich are the ones who created the buisnesses and they ran them, without the rich the buisnesses soon fall. This will befuddle a liberal for they never thought of this. Then I will add that gasoline and electricity are also gone for without the buisnesses neither one can be produced. Now the liberal is really confused so I will casually mention that stores are gone also for the rich are the ones who made them. Where do you buy food and other items from? At this point the liberal is mad at you for showing them how much of a fool they are and its the oppertune time to ask them, "now what do we do?" and leave them with that.

If you take what a liberal says and break it down to its basic form and then explain to them in the simplist form the consenquences of there choices, like they was a little child, you can get through to them a lot better than arguing with them. Once you show them how ignorant they are they will get mad at you but its because you made them think and see how ignorant they are. Next thing you know they will be thinking twice before saying something ignorant again for no one likes to be seen as a fool. Then they will start to understand they are on the stupid side and will start to convert to a thinking person and you will have accomplished something good.


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As a private pilot I been hearing horror stories about how the DHS has been violating pilots rights on a whim. Yesterday I received an email with a link to Flying magazine titled "Feds Say: 'Pilots Have No Rights' "

It appears that the Department of Homeland Security has determined that since pilots and aircraft operates under rules from the Federal Aviation Administration, that they can twist these rules any way they want and use them for illegal searches of aircraft that are constitutional violations.



I would like to point out that aircraft, pilots and mechanics operate under title 14 of the code of federal regulations. These pilots that are being subjected to DHS harrassment fly their aircraft under part 91, GENERAL OPERATING AND FLIGHT RULES. These are the rules that are for private pilots operation. The FAA has the right to inspect an aircraft at will yet that is only granted to designated FAA inspector and not the DHS or any other government officials. Also the inspection is limited to basic items like installation od certain required equipment. The FAA does not have the right to inspect baggage or cargo under the rules. The DHS are freely violating the constitution with there gestapo techniques.

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The fight for our nation continues.....

On the night of Nov 6, 2012 I had the saddened feeling that our nation just suffered a mortal blow. With the putting down of the voter ID laws, the lies and propaganda from the left, the massive voter fraud that was reported it was clear that the election was a sham. That the liberals went out of their way to ensure they wouldn’t lose. And now the liberals are doing everything possible to ensure they will remain in power as long as we continue to have free elections.

The current unemployment rate is supposedly 7.6% and the U6 unemployed/underemployed rate is at 13.8%. These don’t consider the millions of unemployed Americans whom are past unemployment benefits. Our economy is stagnant.  Prices keep going up and up yet the White House wants to claim things are improving.  The current inflation rate is at %1.5 which is not a sign of economic recovery and our GDP growth rate is a measly %2.5 which falls short of what was expected. None of these indicators show that the economy is improving, in fact its pretty dismal.

Now as icing on the cake the liberals in Washington both Democrat and Republican wish to allow between an estimates 11 to 30 million illegal aliens to have the opportunity to become citizens with tons of government provided benefits.  Now lets look at this a minute, why are they considered illegal aliens. Could it be because they have shown utter contempt for our laws with the way they chose to come visit our nation? So why would our law makers wish to make these people with contempt for our laws citizens. Because they will vote Democrat and the Democrats will be able to stay in power longer than they ever thought possible. Don’t anyone think its because they actually care about the illegal immigrants, its all so they can have millions of new voters.

The ramifications of this is bewildering. Social security will go bankrupt much sooner than anticipated for the ranks of those receiving social security benefits when they never paid a dime into it will will drastically increase which means that many hard working Americans who have paid into it their whole lives will be left destitute just so that the Democrats can maintain power. Medicaid and Medicare will also be over burdened meaning those true Americans like our seniors will go without medical care all because the Democrats want more voters in their favor. The ranks of those receiving entitlements will also be hurt for the competition for government housing and benefits will become to the point that true Americans will be made to wait while we cater to the new Democrats. And last the working class Americans will suffer the most because of this. Competition for jobs will sky rocket while taxes to help support these new Democrat voters will also sky rocket. The only ones whom will benefit from allowing these illegal aliens to stay and become citizens is the illegal aliens themselves and the Democrat party.  President Obama refuses to allow any illegal alien be deported. President Obama demand the border patrol let even more cross our border because this is what he wants. He isn’t worried at all about the American people.

Our law makers need to know that we the people are against this. That we the people demand existing laws on the book be enforced and that we the Tea Party will put our full weight into removing any elected official who votes in favor of this. Once again we the people are all that stands against President Obama from destroying our nation.

Defending our nation is a tireless job. There is great hatred against us, the Tea Party because we are willing to stand up to the progressive liberal machine and fight it every step of the way. Yet fight we must if we are to preserve this nation that we all love for our future generations.

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Recently there has been a media blitz on gay marriage rights. Soon the Supreme Court will address the issue and maybe rule on it but the issue is clearly an important constitutional fight. The first amendment to the Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion or impeding the free excersise of religion. To allow what God clearly calls an abomination would be a law that impedes the free exercise of religion for once the government allows and accepts it we the people will have no choice but to accept what goes against our religious convictions.

This fight is as important as our fight to protect gun rights for once the door is opened to the gay community then the law suits against religions will commence the first time they refuse to marry a gay couple. It is becoming well known that the Democrats have become the God-less party and they are doing everything they can to get rid of God from America. They have removed God from schools and now children are not learning about morals and because of this we are seeing children killing children more and more. Yet muslim religion is being reported to be taught more and more to our children in public schools.

This is not and should never be about hating gays. If people want to be gay, then so be it. This is about erroding the Constitution. This is about erroding our nations moral fabric. Recently most states voted against gay marriage yet the liberal media is reporting that as much as %85 of America approves of gay marriage which is a direct contradiction to way the states voted and more than likely another liberal lie. The gay communitee is estimated to be between %8 to %11 of the population yet if allowed to be married then another one of our rights will be gone.

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To cure what ails our nation.

In a perfect world right is right, wrong is wrong and you let your conscience be your guild. If it feels wrong it probably is. In our present world wrong is right and there is no conscience. That’s what liberalism has given us.

I was talking with a friend recently who like me yearns for the good old days where children said “yes mama” and “no sir”.  They learned the good feeling from a job well done. Competition was encouraged for it helped make a person strive to do better.  To take what wasn’t yours, what you didn’t earn was shunned. Today children will disrespect an elder in a heart beat. A job done mediocre is not only acceptable but encouraged. Competition is discouraged for we don’t want anyone to feel bad because they didn’t try and to take a handout is expected. That’s what the cancer on our society called liberalism has done to us.

Today many in our society live on entitlements and believes the government owes them. JFK’s “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” has turned into a fable and now its “give me more”.

I read recently in the American Thinker that a study was done on one state that to do better than all the services offered, a family would have to have an income higher than $65K a year. With that in mind is anyone surprised that families continue to live in government provided housing, collecting government checks while watching their 50 inch plasma TV’s, smoking cigarettes and drinking beer all paid for by the American tax payers. Those fancy radical rims on their ride you see when they drive by, you the tax payer paid for. Government assistance is now a way of life for many and there is no incentive to get off it, in fact people are encouraged to not only stay on it but to help others also get on the welfare train. That is what the liberalism cancer has given us.

This cancer that ails our nation can easily be cured if we had lawmakers who would actually represent “we the people”. Government assistance should be just that, to assist a person who fell on hard times, not used as a way of life. If a person can afford to have that plasma TV then they don’t need government assistance. If a family can afford a TV and an xbox for each child then they don’t need government assistance. If a family can afford for each member to have their own cell phone then they don’t need government assistance. If a person can afford to use tobacco or alcohol then they don’t need government assistance.  If a person refuses a simple drug test then they don’t need government assistance.

We know what ails our nation and we know how things should be, yet how do we get there. The answer is actually simple yet hard at the same time. It takes a lot of effort on our part. We contact our elected officials and then we contact them some more. We make it where they start to know us on a first name basis and then we contact them some more. How hard is it to email them. How hard is it to call them toll free. How do they know what we the people wants if we don’t tell them.

We also show up at our children’s schools regularly and often. We attend the parent teachers meetings. We go to the school board meetings. We let the educators know that mediocre is not ok. That we will not accept them teaching our children liberalism and they will be replaced if they don’t do what is right.

And most importantly we talk to our friends. We talk with our coworkers. We talk to acquaintances. We get them involved with us in our fight to take back America from the liberals. This week alone I talked two people, online friends into joining the Tea Party. They couldn’t believe that it wasn’t the redneck cult the media made the Tea Party out to be but made up of people just like them who are sick and disgusted at what our nation has become.

There is a lot we need to be doing. There is a lot we should be doing and there is a lot we are not doing. What are yall waiting on?

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Is martial law the ultimate goal?

With everything happening to this country of ours it is getting harder and harder to maintain a cool head and not jump to conclusions but if we sit back and view the last four years as well as what’s happening now an image is starting to appear of what might possibly be our future.

During President Obama's first term he laid the ground work. President Obama issued over 144 executive orders, many dealing with martial law. As the Supreme Court already opinioned when looking at President Lincolns use of martial law, "Martial law ... destroys every guarantee of the Constitution.". This means when martial law is declared we as Americans have no rights at all.

During President Obama's first term he wrote Executive Orders granting the government the power to take over all communications media, electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals. He also wrote an Executive Order where the government can take over all modes of transportation and control of the highways and sea ports. That means Obama can confiscate your horse, your donkeys, your bicycle or even your riding lawn mower. All forms of transportation. Executive orders signed by Obama also include railroads, inland water ways, public storage facilities, airports and airplanes including commercial planes can all be taken over by the government.

Think that’s bad, well it gets worse, much worse.

Executive Orders have also been signed allowing the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision. To take over all health education and welfare functions. To allow the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate and establish new locations for populations, AND grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute Industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

If that doesn’t scare you then look at this. An Executive order has also been signed which allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit, and the flow of money in U.S. financial institutions in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when the president declares a state of emergency, Congress cannot review the action for six months.

Now why that last part that congress cannot review the action for six months? To understand why President Obama wanted that executive order lets look at what martial law is. Martial law is the suspension of civil authority and the imposition of military authority. When we say a region or country is "under martial law," we mean to say that the military is in control of the area, that it acts as the police, as the courts, as the legislature. The president is the commander in chief of the military and as such in full control of the martial law. Seeing how the constitution is suspended during martial law and the President is in control the only ones able to stop martial law is the congress. In effect that Executive order that says Congress cannot review the action for six months in effect give the President full unchallenged control for six months.

A little tidbit to add to martial law here is that our constitution Article 1, Section 9 states, "The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it." The concept of the of Habeas Corpus is that a person may not be held by the government without a valid reason for being held. A writ means the government would have to provide a person to a court to show just reason for holding them. With the suspension of the writ the government can detain and hold a person indefinitely.

In a nut shell a President can declare martial law, would have six months of free reign to do as he pleases while rounding up any congressional opposition to his martial law and detaining them indefinitely and doing this totally legally.

In order for a president to declare martial law he must have a valid reason to do so. For that lets look at our present situation. Today we have a president whom has openly declared war on the second amendment to our constitution. This is causing a great deal of civil unrest in the nation. Being told that their actions are unconstitutional doesn’t slow the President down at all, in fact it emboldens him to push even harder. To top that off our President is also pushing us to the fiscal cliff of ruin. When asked about the out of control spending our President replies that we do not have a spending problem. Top that off with our government printing money as fast as possible as well as demanding unrestricted borrowing powers we can see we will be heading to a financial meltdown very soon. A financial meltdown coupled with civil unrest over constitutional violations would be the catalyst for open revolt and exactly what would be needed in order to openly declare martial law. Then we all are doomed.

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How ridiculous can they get.

As the gun rights battle heats up we have to wonder just how ridiculous our elected officials and the liberals will get. In this news report, http://news.yahoo.com/video/gun-tell-school-153418910.html a Missouri official wants people whom have children in school to be required to inform the schools that they are in fact a gun owner and if they dont inform the schools then face a fine. A law like that in my opinion would be like a sex offender having to tell the neighborhood that they was convicted of a sex crime and where they live. It would treat gun owners like criminals.

Next we have  Senator Dianne Feinstein gun bill that list 120 guns she wants banned. Of course she would come up with something as ridiculous as this. Senator Feinstein has a long history of wanting Americans unarmed. Looking at the list it appears Senator Feinstein wants us to have only muskets and if given her way those would probably also be banned.

President Obama recently signed twenty three executive orders pertaining to gun control. Most of the executive orders is just political grand standing, but not all of them. Your doctor~patient confidentiality is no more. With an executive order Doctors are now encouraged to ask patients about the guns they own and of course turn that information into the government. Also we can see Obama is taking a tactic to look at gun violence and ownership as a mental disease issue. Now I can see how ridiculous this can get with these executive orders. You go to see a doctor for a bad cold. The doctor puts in your file that you have a brutal chest cold. Later on down the road the ATF shows up at your door step and confiscates all your weapons saying you have been determined your not fit to own guns. You try to fight it and find out the government gleamed from your records that a doctor your previously visited claimed you was brutal. Then as an individual you can spend thousands upon thousands defending yourself and you might get yourself temporarily removed from the list but you will never ever get your guns back. Thats how ridiculous the government can get with this.

Yet with the liberals attitude torwards gun ownership we shouldnt be surprised at this mentality. Various places on the web you can interact with others and discuss the issues. A lot of the website with news storys usually allow comments. Some of the liberals on these sites goes off the deep end and try everything to confuse the issues. Some of them like to bring up that if Americans gun rights shouldnt be restricted then whats to keep people from having atomic bombs, smart cluster bombs, grenades, and the ability for chemical warfare. Now thats ridiculous.  

Simply put our second amendment rights are being attacked on various levels. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. What part of shall not be infringed does our elected officials dont understand? 

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Ask what you can do for your country

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. These words where spoken many years ago when our nation faced an enemy. Today they ring just as true.

Not all of us can write eloquent letters. Not all of us can organize events and rallies, not all of us can afford to support the movement but with all of us we can get the job done.

There is many things that needs to be done and its not always clear who our enemy is for the term liberal encompasses a wide range of people but not all Democrats are liberals. Our enemy is deeply entrenched and they operate with evil at their sides. They will lie in a heart beat to further their agenda. They will ignore your rights for they are meaningless to them in comparison to what they “feel” the way things should be. They have taken over the government, they own the media, and they have control of the schools.

Things are looking grim for us but there is lots we can do yet. Spend 15 minutes watching your most hated liberal news outlet and write down all the advertisers you see. Contact them, even with a simple email and tell them as long as they support the biased media you will be boycotting their product. Contact the liberal media itself and tell them you are contacting their sponsors to inform them that you are boycotting their products as long as they are an advertiser with them and that you will continue to do this as long as they want to only report biased liberal news.

If you are an organizer then plan Tea Party local events and discuss this war from a domestic enemy that has been declared on our constitution. Discuss what people can do to help in the fight against our enemies the liberals whom are trying to take our freedoms away.

Get yourself some Tea party T-shirts and wear them proudly. Discuss with your friends, your acquaintances, a stranger you meet on the street about what is going on. Be friendly and factual for many believes CNN is telling the truth. Open their eyes to the truth but do it while being friendly and offering the hand of friendship for they too might be a patriot and just don’t know it yet.

Contact your elected officials from the township officers all the way to the ones elected to represent you in Washington. Let them know what you think and how you feel. Contact them often and then contact them some more. Get the message across.


What can you do for your country? A lot more than you can believe. Lets get busy.

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Recently I posted to a story about progressive liberals and I been thinking about this a lot and feel like it needs to be expanded on as well as discussed by others.

Our rights as Americans have slowly been erroded by liberalism. If you think about it you will also see that we the people have allowed ourselves to be part of a world that is wrong on so many levels. We freely gave up rights because we was too lazy or too busy or whatever the reason to fight for our rights.

Back in the 70's is when liberalism seems to have taken a firm foot hold. Advocacy groups started emerging for this or that. One in particular is the child abuse advocasy groups. Now dont get me wrong. I am firmly against child abuse and it angers me to hear of a child that has been abused. But we went from one extreme to another. Now because of these groups pushing for laws upon laws protecting children, we as parents or guardians are no longer able to spank a child. Yet if you ask me thats a violation of my rights as a parent, and my rights as an American. Here is why. The word of my God tells me that if I spare the rod is to spoil the child. The bible also tells me to raise a child rightious in the eyes of God. Yet the liberals seem to think they know more than God. Laws have been enacted that if I spank a child then I am a criminal. Is that not a violation of the first amendment to the constitution. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. To tell me I cant spank a child who needs a spanking and that makes me a criminal when the word of my God tells me I must is a law that violates my freedom of religion. It infringes upon my free exercise of my religion. As an American I am responsible for anything a child in my care does. Yet as an American i become a criminal if i discipline a child.

Then liberals went after God himself. Because governments fund schools they are not allowed to even mention God in a school. Is this not athiesm, the religion of no God. Schools even been reported to be teaching about the muslim faith. How is it we are able to have athiesm and muslim in schools but we cant have God in schools. Our country was founded on the principle of in God we trust. Our founding fathers firmly believed in God. When the Bill of Rights was written and the part of seperation of church and state was put in it wasnt to remove God from government, it was to prevent one religion or another from dominating government yet liberals twisted it to suit their agenda.

If we look at the recent past we have incidents such as Columbine, Sandy Hill, and others where children went to school with a gun and killed other children. People ask where was God yet fail to understand they allowed God to be thrown out of school. Would these tragadies have happened if we was allowed to spank our children, or if God wasnt thrown out of school.

Thas what liberal progress have given us. Children are growing up with no morals so to speak of, they willingly kill other children, they think the world owes them and in effect have become liberals themselves. They have really never had to work for anything and never developed the feeling of accomplishment from earning anything. They lack morals and integrity all because the liberals felt that no one should spank a child and God had no place in our lives. They have created a total self centered generation.

Then the liberals wanted our guns. The constitution is clear. A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Does not banning any form of guns infringe the rights granted to us by the constitution?  Are not these laws unconstitutional? The liberals have argued that we are not free states. When did that happen?

The sad part of all of this is we sat back and did nothing while the liberals wiped their asses with our rights.

You have to wonder if it is too late. I dont think it is. Many of these laws can be struck down as being unconstitutional. Laws preventing a parent from disciplining a child is unconstitutional. laws banning any guns is unconstitutional. All we really need is dedicated lawyers who are also patriots to take the fight to them. We also need patriots willing to help finance these lawyers as well as send letters and emails to our elected officials telling them they are in violation of the constitution and have broken their vow to protect it. We need people to loudly proclaim that we demand our rights.

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