What do vegetarians and Kosher persons do about this? Is there pig protein in the jab?
Bombshell! COVID Vaccines Contain Cow Protein That Triggers Deadly Meat Allergies! A closer look at the alpha-gal protein shows that it’s in many childhood vaccin
Many Democrats just voted against a resolution backing Israel brought Tuesday by top Republican Kevin McCarthy. The resolution was marred by Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., who sparked an angry backlash this weekend by calling Israel a "racist state."
(PatriotHQ) Medicine remains a disaster. Black persons are prioritized for kidney transplants regardless of need. Kidney transplants are the beginning of health care reparations for racism.
Dr. Boyle, the author of America’s Biological Weapons Act, explained how a WHO treaty applicable to pandemics is being prepared ahead of the “next pandemic” they’ll intentionally release upon the signing of the treaty.
The number one killer in the Black community is higher than the sum of AIDS, violent crimes, accidents, cancer, and heart disease. Abortion has a disproportionate impact on African Americans.
Abortion is the leading killer in the African American com
Demon Joe, in so many words, demanded the Maga Movement be obliterated in the name of saving the Democracy. Will he use military power and police power to get his way?
Remember, Hell-Red Bathed Biden Speech Delivers Threat of Total Maga Obliteration!
Here is a letter from Dr. Ben Carson I'm sharing with my friends on the Command Center. Life is a precious gift given to us from our creator. No person is disposable, and every life is precious according to Dr. Ben Carson.
Women are being relegated to non-people. The transgender movement is stealing scholarships, awards, medal's, and most of all the honor and courage of women competing on a level playing ground.
If this attack is not enough the loony left has come up w
Please tell America how to fix the broken supply chain! Americans don't understand what is going on so they don't know how to fix it. What are your suggestions?
Pentagon Admits Killing as Many as 10 Civilians, Including Up to 7 Children in Kabul Drone Strike!
President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, joined by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Mi
It appears there are only two things on the menu: 'Take Cover Or Fight' Time is running out to quell this madness. Have We Reached The Point Of Irreconcilable Differences Where Divorce Or Civil War Will Be The Only Action Left? I hope not!
America is composed of people of every color, creed and faith and they're past ready to open for business and resume free enterprise, but education is hijacked by anti-capitalist Marxism!
Education took a drastic twist with the turn of the century. In