John Davis's Posts (37)

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Listening to the apologists on the Sunday talk shows is like hearing a mass murderer say, "I'll look into it and make sure it doesn't happen again."  The political criminals must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  The crimes are perjury, fraud, conspiracy, color of authority, abuse of power, etc.  When that's complete, America needs to investigate and prosecute the Supreme Court for politicizing the clear English language of the Preamble and Constitution, forming opinions based on ideology, not the requirements of the Constitution and subversion of that document for political purposes, including, but not limited to, usurpation of power (i.e. legislating from the bench), negligence, dereliction of duty and fraud.

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Americans don't want immigration.  Americans stopped increasing the population through birth in the 1950's.  Immigration has been an invasion by parasites for the past 5 decades.  Third world foreigners won't fight for their countries or build their home nations and they abandon their brothers, sisters and countrymen as cowards.  They come to America to obtain their free stuff as the American taxpayer is forced to bear the burden and pay for it.  They come to America to "assimilate" through affirmative action and quotas.  They don't participate on a level "playing field," they enjoy a "playing field" that is tilted in their favor.  The Chechnyan Boston bombers obtained "asylum" and obtained over $100K in benefits at the expense of American taxpayers.  They went on to attend taxpayer built and funded state public schools, colleges and universities.  Where does the free stuff end?  Marco Rubio is the progeny of successful parasitic asylum seekers.  How much in free money and benefits has the Rubio family obtained since "WINNING" the asylum lottery, arriving in America to take their foreigner's share of the "American dream" and having the "good life" bestowed on it?  Let's ask the Governor of Florida to release those records.  By what law is America compelled to overpopulate and destroy its once beautiful landscape with masses of "asylum" seeking dependents?  By what law are American taxpayers compelled to pay for foreign citizens no matter what their complaint at home?  Who says every person in the world is an American-In-Waiting?  Large sections of America have been literally destroyed by overpopulation through the immigration of "dependents."  America doesn't want any more "immigration" no matter what sympathetic description is used for the newly arrived dependent, parasitic "asylum" seekers and supposed "workers" who end up at the unemployment line, disability counter, welfare department, food stamp roles, subsidy list, free public schools with 5 kids, emergency room, etc., ad infinitum.  It's time for a moratorium on "immigration."  It's time to stop the invasion of liberal voters.  It's time for REAL IMMIGRATION "REFORM" NOT AMNESTY.  It's time to STOP IMMIGRATION.  It's time to stop the gravy train to America.  Mr. America, TEAR DOWN THAT STATUE OF LIBERTY.

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Speaker Boehner said this morning that he doesn't want to know who is responsible for the IRS scandal, he wants to know who's going to jail for it.  Speaker Boehner, the highest officer of any corporation or orgainzation is fully responsible for any and all actions of those organizations.  In the case of the federal government, responsiblity for the execution of its duties and activities lies with the Executive Branch.  The highest officer of the Executive Branch is Barack Obama.  The person responsible for the actions of any federal department or agency is the President.  The person that needs to be tried and sent to jail is Barack Obama.  Now get to work, Speaker Boehner!

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Time For Restrictions On The Vote

Restrictions on the vote should be implemented as was the case at America's founding.  American governance has devolved to a government of, by and for parasites because the vote was released from limits.  The vote should be denied to any citizen that recieves a check from the government.  The vote should be denied to any citizen that does not demonstrate some degree of responsiblity, ambition and success.  The vote should be denied to any citizen employed by the government as, in that scenario, the government, perversely, will be voting for itself.  Citizens who receive welfare checks, disability checks, pay checks and/or retirement checks from the government have an extreme bias and vote for their check, NOT for American freedom and the Constitution.  The Constitution governs America, NOT the Communist Manifesto.  The difference is FREEDOM vs REDISTRIBUTION.  The INTENT of the Founders is in the Preamble which limits government to security and infrastructure.  A one man, one vote policy imposes the redistribution of the Manifesto and controverts the freedom of the Constitution.  A republic does not require a vote for every citizen, it simply requires that the goverment not be a monarchy.  America now exists under the DICTATORSHIP of the Proletariat which redistributes wealth per the Communist Manifesto.  The vote must be restricted to responsible citizens that do not receive monetary distributions from the government. 

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The PATSY Of Benghazi

The person who made the anti-Muslum video that the President claimed enraged the Benghazi crowd is the Lee  Harvey Oswald of Benghazi...THE PATSY!  The question is:  Who set up the "patsy" in the Benghazi CONSPIRACY?  Did the CIA run the patsy...the FBI...the Democrat Party???  Congressman Issa must find out who ran the PATSY.

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Stephen Hawking has joined a boycott of Israel.  The boycott protests issues related to Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine.  Stephen Hawking, a physicist, knows there is "nothing between the atoms" as did Einstein who's "god was not the god of Abraham."  Israel excells in mysticism while it completely fails in relations with its neighbors.  Israel provides NO benefit to America.  Israel stole territory which it must return in order to obtain peace in the region. 


Israel caused an explosion at an Iranian nuclear facility.  Israel has had nuclear weapons for half a century in violation of international law.  Israel continues to conduct acts of violence as it has since 1948.  Israel's history of violence goes back to the biblical account of Jehrico where it slaughter every living thing:  Man, woman, child and animlal.  This was its tribal tactic to preclude attack from the rear as it marched onward to conquer Canaan and kill Cananites.  Judaism is demonstrably a religion of violence.


Israel has attacked the sovereign nation of Syria twice in recent weeks.  It has been speculated that the Israeli Mossad deposited small amounts of chemical weapons material inside Syria to falsely implicate Syrian forces.  These efforts appear to be aimed at President Obama to move him to intervene in the Syrian civil war.  Obama was against war when Bush was in office.


It is time for America to STOP being led into war and global intrigue on behalf of Israel.  Israel has cost America greatly in blood and treasure with no benefit to this country.  It is time to sever relations with Israel and induce Israel to conduct its own relations with its neighbors in the region of the Middle East.

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Path To Guest Worker Status

Illegal aliens should be provided a path to the deportation centers as the law says.  Legal immigrants should be provided with a path to guest worker status.  The Democrat/Liberal/Socialist/Communist/Marxist crowd is giving them a path to liberal voter status.  Are you being fooled?  It is time for Reverse Amnesty.  Watch Mexico complain to high heaven when we start sending Mexicans to Mexico by the millions.  Mexico doesn't want these Mexicans in Mexico.  They cost too much.

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Israel Dragging Obama Into War???

What is Obama doing?  Is he leading or simply incompetent?  In violation of international law, Israel deliberately, covertly and viciously bombed the sovereign and autonomous nation of Syria.  Is Israel dragging Obama into war or did Obama turn Israel lose to start a war?  Israel provides NO benefit to America.  America doesn't need Israel.  America is not a theocracy - church is separate from state.  Not even 30 percent of Americans go to church as Judeo/Christitans.  Why is America led into war after war in the Middle East.  We can only imagine what America would be today if it hadn't wasted vast sums of national blood and treasure on wars in the Middle East for the past 12 years.  Israel should be cast adrift and forced to get along with its neighbors on its own; Israel is NOT America's Constitutional "burden."  America was admonished by its Founding Fathers to "avoid foreign entanglements."  The Congress had better start leading this country or Obama will be led by Israel into the next, perhaps the last, great war...yet again, war for NO GOOD REASON. 

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The Founders wrote that if the entire population of America was transfered overnight into France, the French would not like it very much.  This example demonstrated that the Founders intended that careful thought and much deliberation be given to immigration.  It cannot be said of mass Mexican illegal immigration, that it fits into the American concept of immigration.  It is counterintuitive that the country next door needs to hop the border.  That's called invasion.  They have a country and they should fix it.  Mexico has become "American's Burden."  That is not in the Preamble or the Constitution.

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Momma Bloomberg And Richard Falk Tell The Truth

Momma Bloomberg says RESCIND THE CONSTITUTION and Richard Falk says America has been conquered by Israel.  Momma Bloomberg never did like Constitutional freedom in America because it made the conquest of America by Israel more difficult.  Israelis have been dismantling the Constitution for 150 years.  Richard Falk quotes the phrase, "Those to whom evil is done/do evil in return."  How many Middle Eastern people has Israel killed to steal Palestine?  The Jewish people would have never attempted that without America's military and wealth. 


Israel and the Communist central planners (i.e. the Federal Reserve Board, IMF, World Bank, Disney, CBS, NBC, ABC, NYC, etc.) conquered America and imposed the artificial state of Israel on the Middle East in 1948.  Israel conquered America through the churches on every corner on every Sunday that brainwashed Americans into believing it was right to allow the Jewish authors of the greatest work of fantasy and fiction, the bible, to takeover America and its economy and military to perpetuate the artificial state of Israel. 


The people of the Middle East want to conduct their own affairs and the Middle East is not America's business.  Nowhere in the Constitution does it say create the state of Israel by stealing Palestine.  The Preamble charges the government with providing for the "common defense" not imperialism in the Middle East.  The American Founders understood religion and intended for the separation of church and state.  The Constitution does not establish America as a theocracy commanded by Israel or the bible.  The Constitution provides for freedom of religion not rule by religion.   

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Obama To Blame For Marathon Bombing

The BUCK STOPS AT THE PRESIDENT.  Obama was OBSESSED with taking guns away from Americans and he FAILED to PROTECT America from vicious Muslims.  Obama gave psychotic Muslims asylum.  Obama protected the terrorists from "political persecution" and allowed them to perpetrate "persecution" on American Marathon runners and their families.  Was Obama charged with protecting America or was he charged with the distraction of rabidly attempting to deny the Constitutional rights of Americans to keep and bear arms.  Was Obama charged with providing "domestic tranquility" or subverting the Constitution?  Eligibility for the Presidency requires both parents to be born in America to avoid "foreign allegiances."  Obama's father was a foreign citizen.  Obama's "foreign allegiances" are obvious.  Obama is ineligible to be President.  Obama is unqualified to be President.  Obama is to blame for the "domestic tranquility" failure that facilitated the horrific and brutal violence of the Boston Marathon Bombing.  

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Put this up on the America sign, NO VACANCY.  And no more welfare, affirmative action, quotas, mortagage assistance, food stamps - no more anything that doesn't fit under the heading GENERAL WELFARE.  No more INDIVIDUAL WELFARE.  The individual is taken care of by the individual.  The govt CAN'T take money from one man to give it to another.  Period.  You get on out there and "pursue happiness."  And the CAMPGROUND IS FULL.  Look around you, the rat race is sold out.  There is NO VACANCY.

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Assault Bomb Ban - Bomb Control

Nobama must immediately pass an Assault Bomb Ban.  It is time for Bomb Control in America.  Let's get the psycho-babbling liberals and RINOs to Ban Freeways while we're at it.  But whatever we do, America CANNOT STOP MURDERING BABIES IN THE WOMB - IT'S OUR RIGHT!!!  Or maybe we should Ban Assault Abortionists - impose Abortion Control.  Let's put in a call to Connecticut...see what we do now.

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Supreme Court Impeachment

The SCOTUS has committed subversion and treason. The SCOTUS should be impeached by Congress and prosecuted. The SCOTUS is guilty of negligence in its duty to clearly and unequivocally support the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment, which guarantees the right to keep and bear arms. The crime of the SCOTUS is related to current, proposed legislation in New York that abridges that right and subverts the Constitution. The Constitution trumps state law. No law, anywhere in America, shall abridge the right of Americans to keep and bear arms. The SCOTUS does not have any authority to rewrite the Constitution or "legislate from the bench" in any way. There is no need for the SCOTUS to interpret or otherwise modify the clear English language of the Constitution. The SCOTUS is charged with reading the English language of the Constitution the exact same way the People read it. The People don't need the 2nd Amendment read to them by corrupt Justices. The People need the SCOTUS to simply apply the Constitution, as written, against the Executive and Legislative Branches. The People need the prosecution of the SCOTUS for malicious negligence, subversion and treason. The proof of criminality is the irrefutable fact that Americans can read the English language and understand that the SCOTUS has insidiously ignored and interpreted the language to suit its political ideology and bias. The complete, 200 year failure of the Judicial Branch has to be rectified before there is any Constitutional, Tea Party or conservative effect. The Executive and Legislative Branches were always expected to propose irrational and incoherent action. The Judicial Branch is there to establish a firm NO and to keep the government within the parameters of the Preamble through the execution of the Constitution. The Preamble limits the government to security, infrastructure and general welfare excluding individual welfare. The SCOTUS is there to insure that if action is not for security, infrastructure or general welfare, if it is for individual welfare, it is NOT Constitutional (in America, the government may not take money from one man to give it to another). The Judicial Branch has failed through malice.

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