John Velisek USN (Ret.0's Posts (49)

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A Critical Threat

There are Muslim communities in the United States that are operating in defiance of the United States Constitution and invoking sharia law on the communities such Dearborn Michigan . Although many states have passed legislation banning sharia law in those states, it is by no means comprehensive. The public by and large have been unaware that there are terror cells in the United States, Our administration, has a hands off policy, and the FBI does not have the authority to investigate because of rules promulgated by this administration. The State Department, under the banner of freedom of religion has not allowed any movement to investigate and close down the cells. In a statement from January 2002, the State Department said “ Jamaat ul-Fuqra has never been designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization”. It is widely known where these cells are, and who is in control of facilitating the training and financing of these cells. Because of the false interpretation of religious freedom, these cells have been allowed to grow and move to other locations without any interference from law enforcement. Under the guise of political correctness appeasement to these groups have put the American people in danger nationwide. The State Department in 1998, said the Jamaat al-Fuqra is a terrorist organization that seeks to purify Islam through violence. In 2002, the State Department took Jamaat al-Fuqra off the terrorist list because of “inactivity”. In 2014, many Anti-Islamist Muslim organization, in the US and Canada requested that the State Department once again designate the organization as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. Daniel Pearl, a journalist who attempted to interview Mubarak Gilani, the leader of Jamaat Al-Fuqra, was kidnapped and killed by this organization. In 2003, a Jamaat al-Fuqra member was one of two men that pled guilty to trying to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge. These followers of Islam contend they are not accountable to American laws, and will not allow law enforcement to enter the compounds, to assure that they are not cells of an Islamic terrorist group just waiting the order to start a jihad of great devastation across the country. The assistance they receive from those of like minds in the country and from overseas counterparts have not been cut off, and at the present time, not even investigated. Of course, Jamaat Al Fuqra is not mentioned in any of the statements made about these Muslim terrorist compounds here in the United States. At Gilanis urging it has renamed itself “Muslims of America” (MOA)This was confirmed in the trial of Glen Ford, a terrorist aligned with Jamaat Al-Fuqra involved in a thwarted bomb plot in Canada. MOA, at the present time is operating twenty two terrorist cells across the nation that law enforcement knows about.. There could be as many if not more sleeper cells that law enforcement does not know about. The leader, Sheikh Gilani, as explained above is the founder of Jamaat al Fuqra. The group is of Pakistani origin, and the name change reflects an operational push into the United States. Gilani, originally from Pakistan emigrated to Brooklyn, New York about 1980, becoming Imam of a mosque where mostly of African American Muslims. While there, he recruited members for the jihad in Afghanistan, going so far as to visit prisons to recruit for the jihad. Gilani, under the auspices of MOA then set up the first compound in New York. At the same time a new offshoot of MOA, the United Muslim Christian Forum was started with the purpose of “finding common ground between Muslims and Christians”. This forum proclaims that Muslims and Christians should unite in their hatred for the Jews, At present there are an estimated 22 to 35 compounds set up all over the country. Areas where the compounds are know are ALASKA,ARIZONA,CALIFORNIA,COLORADO,GEORGIA,ILLINOIS,KANSAS, MASSACHESETTS,MICHIGAN,NEW YORK,OKLAHOMA,PENNSYLVANIA,SOUTH CAROLINA,TEXAS, TENNESSEE,VIRGINIA,WASHINGTON AND WEST VIRGINIA. In 1989 a storage area of the Colorado compound was raided Federal authorities found firearms, explosive devices , forged documents, military manual and a list of potential targets. MOA and its compounds across the country is a terrorist organization in the heart of the country. They have the ability to carry out devastating terror attacks, and yet, are being allowed to carry on the training of jihadists without any interruption by anyone in this administration. Although Gilani hasa stated that the “communities” are not breeding grounds of jihadists,, he has been taped discussing as having “one of the most advanced training courses in Islamic warfare. In 1993, one of the Wrold Tarde Center bombers Clement Rodney Hampton was trained by the MOA near Harrisburg Pennsylvania. The FBI have talked about the factors that lead to this position that the United States finds itself in. First is the political correctness and public policy that inhibits the FBI from asking questions or investigating the compounds. Second. Is that Islamophobia as forced on the American people by organizations like CAIR has blunted any appearance of wanting to investigate Islam in any form. Third, MOA has set up charity fronts to mask what they do and to play the victim when the subject is brought up. A lawsuit was brought against the Christian action Network (CAN) reports that showed that MOA trains men to become jihadists for the upcoming attack on America, that MOA has illegal weapons. That these “communities” are self contained, and no outside interference is tolerated. These ommunities consider themselves about federal, state or local laws, and follow sharia law. And that MOA is still recruiting from local prisons, through the United Muslim Christian Forum as a way to obtain more members for the jihadist cause. The MOA website has been sanitized from prying eyes. Even so, many of the postings on the website are a cause for concern. Following are examples from the Jihad Watch website: On Jews "Jews are an example of human Satans. This is why Jews are the founders of Satan worship and Masonic lodges, and are now trying to take over the entire globe in which the global religion is to be Satanism….In the US there are now thousands of temples where Satan is worshipped. This Satanism has now become the ultimate tool in the hands of Zionists. " -- "Satanism," MOA Web site "Every God-fearing individual, whether in America or abroad, must become informed of the heinous, barbaric, and purely sub-human nature of Zionism and all of its offshoots. It is the duty of every individual to become familiar with the nature and ways of Zionism and become educated to the whims and craftiness of these devils…" --"The True Nature of Zionist Propaganda," MOA Web site On Christians "If you ask any Christian 'What is meant by belief in God Almighty?' he will not be able to give you any rational explanation. On the contrary, he will confuse you, and damage you psychologically…Christians would rather submit to the theory that they have killed their god and now believe in the supremacy and power of Satan. Try to imagine the type of mentality that is build upon such a belief: Masochism, suicide, Satanism…they confuse the matter still more by introducing the fable of the Risen Christ, but have never produced a solitary witness to testify that he or she actually saw Christ ascending…One certain factor in the propagation of this nonsense is that the priests want poor, simple folk to believe in Jesus as the Son of God, whereas Jesus himself never proclaimed to be such… The vicars of Christ, after having completely confused western man in the matter of belief, use this method to manipulate the people in such a way that the priests are accepted as gods who have the power to send people to Heaven, Hell, or atone their sins… By having put their god on a crucifix as opposed to executing Satan, they not only have blasphemed against the Wisdom and Judgment of God Almighty, but reduced Him to a role of subservience to Satan. Similarly, by attributing the words of the Bible to God, they also attribute all their fallacies, inaccuracies, irrationalities, lies, and contradictions to Him!" -- "Psycho-Religious Causes of Some Incurable Diseases," MOA Web site These are the challenges we face in the modern world. The administration isn’t allowing anything to be done to thwart this danger to the citizens and the national security of this country. Federal and state laws need to be passed to allow the law enforcement officers on a local and national level to shine the light of day on the critical threat to the country. John C. Velisek USN (Ret.)

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The American people have been told since George Bush that immigrants were coming here to do the jobs that Americans won’t do. We have been told about how much they contribute to the economy in taxes.
This is done to change the discussion about the actual numbers and impact on the economy that immigrants have cost the country and the taxpayers. Legal and illegal immigrants have placed a burden on the taxpayers of this country that has become burdensome.
Of course, in todays politically correct world, to claim that immigrants claim more benefits than they give in to the system is considered racist. Immigrants are to be coddled, their every wish granted, and they should be made welcome whether they are contributing to the system or not. Illegal, in the normal definition of the word has been replaced with “undocumented”. Does this mean they are welcome here, they just have to wait for the paperwork to catch up?
A report from the Center for Immigration Reform states that 51% of immigrant households (legal or illegal) use at least one welfare program, while 35% of American households use at least one benefit. And the length of time they are here is not a determining factor. Long term immigrants to our country use just as many benefits as short term immigrants.
The immigrants in the country now are not even recognized as a burden by this administration. The immigrants will soon be, if this administration has its way, eligible for Social Security which they have not paid into, Medicare and Medicaid, unemployment insurance, Assistance for Needy Families, public education and the expansion of all public services. Welfare benefits alone total over %900 billion per year and the cost of public education averages $12,000 per student.
Households paying taxes in the higher middle class total an average of 55,000 in taxes while receiving in the areas listed above received about $25,000 in benefits. The excess taxes are what is used to provide benefits to the tax consumers, immigrants with an average 10th grade education. A full 75% of all immigrant households have a high school diploma with half having less.
Even the legal immigrant population receives more benefits than native households. The average immigrant household averages $25,000 in benefits while paying $10,300 in taxes, when taxes are paid.
As of now, and according to federal law, immigrants are not eligible for Obamacare or means tested welfare. Even now, there are attempts on both the State and Federal level to make immigrants eligible for both, as well as a push for citizenship, with appropriate federal and State shortcuts to enable them to become citizens and able to vote. This will give the progressives a voting bloc that will reliably vote Democrat. They will not vote Republican if they fear it will cut off the benefits they should be eligible for in the first place.
And how much are these benefits in the overall government budget. By government estimates, the annual deficit for immigration household is $54 billion. After the thirteen year transition phase making immigrants eligible for Obamacare and full welfare benefits, the total would reach $106 billion. With the full amnesty that the progressives are trying to push through Congress, the average illegal immigrant will receive over $590,000 more in government benefits that he would pay in taxes. As of now, it is estimated that 45% of all illegal immigrants work “off the books” and thus pay no taxes,. This estimate is considered low by the IRS, who has changed how illegal taxpayers are counted. When all the numbers are considered it comes down to the fact that immigrants, both legal and illegal receive $2.49 in benefits for every $1.00 in taxes paid.
For the past few weeks there has been a discussion of “birthright citizenship”. Being instigated by Donald Trump that the 14th Amendment does not apply to illegals. This birthright citizenship is being pushed by both Liberals and some Republicans , even though it has been shown that birthright citizenship does not validate giving citizenship to illegals. The Fourteenth Amendment does not compel our country to give citizenship to anyone born here. Pundits in support of giving illegals this birthright citizenship declare “ of course, everyone knows that anyone born here is a US citizen. What they fail to acknowledge is the phrase “ subject to the jurisdiction thereof” In the original meaning of this clause, supported by the Supreme Court in decisions up this point and as espoused by Senator Lyman Trumbull at the original writing of the clause, specified that the clause focus was not on citizens of another country.
One source who has spent a great deal of time on this matter, Professor Lino Garglia wrote in the Texas Law Review that the 39th Congress voted for the 13th Amendment in 1865, and in 1866 passed the first Civil Rights Act letter to become the 14th Amendment and that the original language of the Civil Right Act of 1866, explicitly excluded citizens of foreign countries. The language of the “Citizenship Clause” which was derived from the original Civil Right Act also stated that citizenship would be given only to “ those not subject to any foreign power”. One of the original framers of the 14th Amendment Senator Jacob Howard wrote” This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, of families of Ambassadors or foreign ministers.
Professor Peter Schuck, a chair at the Yale Law School and Professor Roger Smith who holds the political science chair at the University of Pennsylvania have also written on birthright citizenship, stating “ the framers of the Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment had no intention a universal role of birthright citizenship.”
The Supreme Court ruled in 1884, the elk vs. Wilkins case that the intent of the 14th Amendment was to grant equal rights to freed black slaves and that the phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” required that the petitioner for citizenship be completely subject to the political jurisdiction, and owing their direct and immediate allegiance” to the country, something that is not possible for illegal aliens. This would lead to the usurpation of the sovereignty and social construct of the United States.
Both the economic impact on our country, and the damage being done to the Constitutional laws of the land are something this country can not afford. The administration in power now has ignored the laws that our country is based on long enough. There must be an end to the intentional misinterpretation to our laws for the benefit of one political party. Even Harry Reid in 1993 stated “ no sane country would grant citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants solely because they were born on American soil.
Of course Reid changed his mind now that the progressives can give them the benefits to keep them in the Democrat side of the aisle.
There are other learned scholars who have writing in the same vein of thinking. Of course, the mainstream media and the chattering pundits will not allow them to talk to the American people, to show the expertise that is available to have a discussion that would let the American people decide after hearing both sides.

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Hillary has talked often about the “phony” scandal that engulfs her about the e mails that were found to be classified on her personal server. Putting that aside for the minute, I seem to have heard the “phony scandal” line before. Isn’t this the same line that Obama and his cronys have used for years. I decided to go back and take a look at the “phony scandals” and see if they are in fact not phony but a large part of this administration.

First, let’s take a look at the IRS targeting of conservatives before the 2012 election. There were questions of who and why they were targeted. Conservatives and Pro-Israel groups were targeted, and even though some on the left are saying that liberal groups were also targeted, the numbers do not bear this out. To this day and because of this administrations hiding of important information that should be available we still have no answers. Lois Lerner pled the fifth, and the DOJ ignored a public official who took the fifth before Congress.

Benghazi could fill a book. Not only did we not attempt to assist our people who were there or even give them the security they requested, but the total change of the talking points just before an election are questions the American people still have. And Obama was nowhere to be found, presumably getting rest for his fundraiser in Las Vegas the next day.

Fox news reporter James Rosen, was declared a criminal for reporting classified information and was targeted by Attorney General Eric Holder for Prosecution which he denied until it was exposed that he signed the affidavit that made Rosen a criminal, monitored his phones and hacked his emails. Last I checked Mr. Rosen was a citizen of the United States with certain rights that can not be brushed aside by this administration. Liberals will say that it was nothing, and that it was needed because of the classified information . My question would be, what if it was a liberal that this happened to? Harry Reid, the Congressional Black Caucus, and  the Mainstream media bought and paid for by the Democrats and George Soros would be wringing their hands and calling for jail time. At this same time Sharyl Attkinsson’s computer was hacked while she was working for CBS investigating the Benghazi scandal.

We all know of fast and furious. We know of the cover-up, and there is a good chance that both Obama and Holder were involved. Will it ever be proven? Not until this administration is gone, and by that time most of the pertinent information will no doubt have been “lost” like Lerners  emails.

Obamacare is another scandal that the mainstream media and this administration have told us it is working great. We still have 32 million citizens who are not covered. The whole abomination that is Obamacare was set up In collusion with the Insurance companies, the hospitals, and this administration. The promises of reduction in premiums, being able to keep your doctor, and everyone being covered were known to be a lie from the start.  Money has been taken from Medicare and Medicaid to be able to pay for it, and Medicare Advantage programs which assisted seniors for coverage of their healthcare will be stripped and given to AARP, another large backer and donor to Obamacare.

One that many people have not heard of is the Pigford scandal. Started to compensate black farmers for discrimination it has given billions of dollars to those who didn’t face discrimination or ever farmed anywhere. Again, the administration just covered it up.

Green energy has done well  under Obama, billions of dollars for companies like Solyndra. After concerns was raised about the coming bankruptcy, money still was given to Solyndra to keep quiet about layoffs until after the 2010 election. Solyndra and over 30 other companies given green energy money have closed down, some within months of receiving taxpayer funds.

Obamas Dream Act is a violation of immigration laws and without Congressional approval. The “pen and phone” dictatorship has ignored laws it does not feel meets the agenda set by Obama. ICE is not allowed to do the job they were hired for, and the southern border is now an open gate for all who want to come here, including terrorists.

Obama has fired Inspector Generals that will not follow his agenda, as well as military generals who disagree with the destruction of our military readiness. I am concerned about those soldiers, sailors and airmen being further and further eroded both in what they need to get the job done and in the morale so needed in any conflict. There is no assurance that our military will survive any conflict, even a “kinetic action” like Libya.  The stakes has been escalated, Libya, a war that Obama started without Congressional approval  was an operation that showed how badly he has decimated our forces. Social engineering in the military have damaged military readiness.

Two years ago Obama declared that Assad of Syria had crossed multiple red lines and would suffer consequences. Where are they? There were no consequences. And both Syria and Russia know there will be none. Since that time Obama has caused our country to become a laughing stock and is the primary reason we see a mass exodus of men 18-40 fleeing the area. It is a Muslim invasion of Europe. A “hijrah” for the purpose of creating enough chaos to overtake European culture and expand Islam to the entire European continent.

And here at home, we have the challenge of race relations. In this country because of the political machinations of Holder in the Black Panther case, saying we were cowards who would not discuss race. In fact, whites and many blacks are willing and ready to talk about race. We are willing to talk about race in the context of the foundation of the black community, the breakup of the family in our culture, the feelings of “rights” to entitlements, the federal subsidies, the slandering of anyone who wants to learn, the false masculinity in the black culture of  rap and familial neglect. All these and more have caused a rift in our culture, a culture torn even further by political correctness and multiculturalism. The damage is being furthered by this administration, and the Al Sharptons, DeRay McKessons, and Black Panthers will cause violence until they destroy this country if allowed. The only alternative is civil war, and there are those in this country that look forward to that time.

The final lie so far has been the nuclear deal with Iran. In it is no verification of any consequence, and a loss of all requirements that the Unitd States required for acceptance. In my opinion, Iran will have a nuclear device within two years, and will announce it right after attempting to destroy Israel.  Obama will be gone, he will be able to point to his successor and blame them for not keeping the eye on the ball and allowing it to happen.

We have lived these years under a “community organizer” President for too long. His arrogance and narcissism will degrade and divide this country like never before. Until the people of this country feel that they have a government that will help them rather than divide them. A country where intervention of authority into any incident with blacks will be thought about twice, and leave our all our cities and neighborhoods to become Chicago, Detroit, or parts of Los Angeles, all Democrat controlled cities, war zones where shots heard nightly are so common they are not even talked about anymore.


There is so much more that Obama and his socialist/muslim friends have done to damage to fabric of our country. His dictatorship will take years to recover, to heal the damage done by his ‘LEADING FROM BEHIND”.  But patriots we will survive, no matter what it takes. Notwithstanding what Obama says, we really are an exceptional country.


This is not the America I want and I would say not the America most Patriots want. Will they fight for it? I will, and a great majority would.  And the patriots of this country need to get LOUD and PROUD. If Obama gets his way, people will be fed up, perhaps next summer, causing civil war, martial law, and Obamas third term to rule as a king. Possible, but many are praying for some in our Congress to grow a backbone, and stop all this before that.


John Velisek USN (Ret.)

Twitter: sjspecialist

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Christians in Todays World

Christians are under attack. Not for anything that they have done, but simply for being Christians. The past few years have seen a marked increase in the persecution of Christians in every area of the Middle East, and Africa. There are millions of Christians facing harassment, discrimination, and even death for the religion they have professed for centuries. Christian villages have been a part of the Middle East since the birth of Christ. And now, because of the apathy of the worlds government and media indifference, they are under attack like never before.

A report by the Catholic charity Aid to the Church shows that in 55 of the 196 countries in the world, Christians are facing 75% of the intolerance led by ISIS and other extremists to allow no dissent to Islam. The ancestral villages of Christians, the churches that have stood since the days of early Christianity are being dismantled.

In Pakistan, a Muslim mob beat a Christian couple to death and burned them to death because of a rumor that they desecrated the Quran. Boko Haram has kidnapped hundreds of school girls. Northern Nigeria is in throes of a systematic destruction of the Christians there through forced conversions. In Kenya, 28 passengers were killed on a tourist bus because they could not recite the Quran. In the Central African Republic thousands have been displaced. While in Asia believers are arrested for having a Bible, Then there is the systemic brutality and oppression of Christians in Ch8ina, Saudi Arabia, and Russia. There is a campaign of the Islamic State to obliterate Christianity from the area, an area that Christians have in relative peace with their Muslim neighbors for centuries.

It has moved beyond persecution to genocide. When the Islamic State tells the followers that they will go to heaven if they kill a Christian there doesn’t seem to be any end in sight. This leads to such crimes against humanity as the killing of Jesuit priest Frans van der Lugt in Syria and shot him twice in the head. This is a priest that had done humanitarian work in Homs for fifty years before he was considered an infidel and murdered. Homs was originally home for 80,000 Christians, now reduced to a handful.

Even in this country, there is a push to secularize the country. Militant atheists, acting like the arguments they make against religion are new are simplistic and naïve in mocking the Christian religion. There have been many reasons for conflict in the past, and Christianity has been involved in some, but the “reason” as has visions of master races (Nazism), enemies of the people (Socialism), and a Glorious revolution (Maoism). Atheism has also started conflicts, and with the vicious polemics of the “New Atheists” it is perceived by some as the start of another conflict. Atheists have yet to understand that Christianity grows unde persecution. The more that fight the faster if grows.  They can not change or eradicate Christianity because the arguments against religion only makes it stronger. Atheism has never been the majority position of mankind. Are there good atheists? Yes, there are many who are good and moral people. But the moral code of the Judeo-Christian precepts are a part of their moral fiber as well.

 Our government needs to take part in stopping this genocide, even if bypassing the President is needed. We can no longer allow instances like the Coptic Christians who came to San Francisco, wh0o had family members in the area that are being deported back to face even more terror and death. When Obama was a Senator, he spoke of the fate of non-Muslims in Iraq in order to use it against the Bush administration. He even went so far as to send letters to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and enter letters in the Congressional Records decrying the fate of the non-Muslims in the Middle East. Obama even went so far as to state “ severe violations of religious freedom faced by member of these indigenous communities, and their potential extinction from their ancient homeland, is deeply alarming in light of our mission to bring freedom to the Iraqi people.

This was in the middle of his Presidential campaign, and has been ignored ever since he became President. There has been nothing of any substance that has been done by the President to stop the genocide, and the media barely reports it. Chicago’s Assyrian community has talked about Obamas  reaction by calling it “just talk” It is Obama, along with radical leftwing groups that have declared war on Christians. Liberal corporate interest, such as the attack against Chick-Fil-A and statements by corporate CEOs have further eroded the culture of this country in respect to religion. Taking it one step further, the entire state of Indiana was the focus of a state wide boycott for passing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The purpose of the act was to protect the religious freedoms of Christians in reference to same sex marriage. The boycott was led by the NCAA, Salesforce, Angies Lits, the NBA, the WNBA, and Apple CEO Tim Cook.

There is no precedent for the judicial persecution of Christians in this country. The country has always been blessed with the ability to discern the freedom of religion was meant to create a new nation where people of faith would not have to choose obeying the law or the religion of their choice.

It is telling that the US Army and Department of Defense have classified Christians as religious extremists on par with Al-Qaeda. This information was supplied for presentations by the US Army by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a socialist organization written about before. Just days before another presentation was found by Judicial Watch to equate Evangelical Christianity with Al Qaeda, Hamas, and the Ku Klux Klan.

Again in 2013. The US Army presentation  “US Army Reserve Equal Opportunity Training” listed Evangelical Christians as the number one extremist threat, even ahead of the Muslim Brotherhood. Further down the list was “anyone with a Christian identity” listed above Al Qaeda and Hamas. Individual soldiers have faced imprisonment merely for talking about their faith, and chaplains have been told not to speak about God, or lose the commissions they were awarded.

Something that needs to be discussed is the pushback that is starting to take hold. Christians will no longer accept being told they are terrorists, will no longer be forced to accept an immoral society that does not seem to care about the decay of our country. Christians will no longer obey government if it is contrary to the Christian teaching.For 2,000 years Christians have placed the law of God above the law of man. This will not change now to make those who are pagan feel better.

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The Legacy of George Soros

George Soros has attempted to vilify the common culture and beliefs of this country. In 2011, Soros, through the Tides Foundation gave more than $309,000 to the Occupy Wall Street activists. In March of 2013, through his Open Society Foundation, gave $1 million to the NAACP legal defense and Educational Fund. The purpose of this money was to fight Voting rights regulations passed by state legislatures. Soros has given over $5 million to fight voting laws and regulations and to force states to abandon voting ID laws. The primary lawyer working with Soros on nullification of Voter ID laws is Marc Elias who was a lawyer for Hillary Clintons campaign.

Soros has long been an avid supporter of Hillary Clinton. Soros even went so far as to get personally involved, signing on as the co chair of the Ready for Hillary PAC in 2013.

Perhaps the most troubling, and most dangerous of the groups that Soros is funding the of Black Lives Matter and other groups. A singular, well orchestrated plan was put together consisting of outside agitators and a media too progressive to look at the facts to keep the Ferguson shooting on the front page of every newspaper and news reports. Of course the Open Society Foundation director Kenneth Zimmerman admitted that Soros supplied the funds but stated that the Open Society Foundation had not directed for there to be violence. There can be no doubt, that although no verbal orders were given, the Open Society Foundation knew and funded these groups precisely because they knew what the outcome would be. The funding that Soros gave was actually being used to pay the same activists that were causing the riots, and was the driving force behind the “Black Lives Matter” arrival on the main stage of chaos in our cities.

Through the Open Society Foundation and its affiliates, Soros gave at least $33 million to support groups that caused the riots through on the ground activism and helped to lead the anti police protests. There were many groups involved, all funded by Soros including the Center for Community Change, Equal Justice USA, the Hands Up Coalition, Missourians Organizing for reform and Empowerment, ( the new ACORN), The SEIU, a socialist union in the pocket of George Soros, pro Palestinian groups who assisted in the implementation of violence to ignite the situation in Ferguson, socialist groups such as, and atheist groups. All paid to do the bidding of George Soros. All these groups worked together, using each others buzzwords, flooding each others social media to make it seem to the mainstream media that this was an actual movement of the new majority.

The rights which Soros seeks to establish are not God given rights under the Constitutional Republic that is America. They are based on the socialist/Marxist notion that rights can be given and taken away by the government to force a transformation of the society and culture of any country in a gradual process. But under the Soros organizational process, these gradual changes have given way to a straight forward use of intimidation and use of force to achieve these goals.
Soros has not been discussed in the mainstream media, mostly bought and paid for by Soros. Glenn Beck made Soros known to millions of people and was summarily fired by FOX. The main antagonist against Beck was Media Matters, a lackey for Soros to the tune of $1 million dollars donated, making media matters a high paid spokesman for the Open Society Foundation, and George Soros. It was the first step in Soros plan to curtail the First Amendment in the media.

Soros has also formed a deep lasting relationship with the Clintons. As stated before, Soros had been grooming Hillary for the presidency before he changed course and backed Obama, a more malleable candidate who believed as Soros did that America was the source of all the worlds problems. Hillary, who believed in the teaching of Saul Alinsky, was more covert, assuring the citizens that she was a centrist while working “as a team” as stated by Soros. She was the driving force behind The Center for American Progress, a Soros think tank and Media Matters, her attack dog for the media. Both were placed at her disposal. Hillary provided the names and connections that were needed to attack those that disagreed.

One of those that disagreed was Rush Limbaugh. A concerted effort was made by the two groups mentioned above along with, another Soros organization to take Rush off Armed Forces Radio to, in their words “ protect our troops from these dangerous and reckless messages”. In other words, the truth that the Alinskyites did not want to come out. One of those truths being Hillarys deep seated disdain for the military. Media matters also attempted to smear Gen. Petraeus, the Commnader in Iraq at the time with a General “Betray US” ad in the New York Times. The reaction was swift and immediate, with the Senate denouncing the ad. Very informative was that Hillary Clinton was NOT one of the Senators denouncing the ad.

Soroa and Hillary have the same causes, including gun control, felon voting, and are based on the “open society” of George Soros and the leanings of Hillary towards an Alinsky type push for power. Hillarys thesis at Wellesley college was a 75 page homage to Saul Alinsky . During her rise to power, Hillary Clinton was put in charge of the Democrat money machine. This lead to Terry McAuliffe becoming chairman of the Democratic National Committee in 2001. Hillary, being in charge of raising money for the committee, set up a clandestine network of independent fund raisers to collect vast amounts of money outside the official Democrat channels. The funds were run by George Soros and Harold Ickes. The reason for these funds was to facilitate the progress through the Democrat party of globalization and redistribution.

Today, this collaboration between Soros and Hillary have moved forward with a Member of the Democracy Alliance ( a SOROS organization), Susie Tompkins Buell becoming a founding member of the Ready for Hillary PAC. Soros has already donated $25,000 to become the co chair of Ready for Hillary PAC co-chair.

Will Soros further expend money to place Hillary in the White House? The coal industry has suffered under Obama, and are near bankruptcy. This is important only because of what will happen in the future. Over 200 coal companies have gone under, and many more are seeing swiftly dwindling profits. The Obama administration has intentions of wiping out the coal industry, or at least the present owners of coal. Once the coal industry is fully destroyed, the EPA will relax the rules, and sell these industries to cronies for pennies on the dollar, giving government more control over the energy industry.

It is informative, that over the past few months, George Soros has been buying up coal stocks on a massive scale. One million shares of Peabody Energy, and 553,200 shares of Arch coal. Both companies, because of this administrations over regulation and the cost of natural gas plummeting, are near bankruptcy. The EPA in my opinion will relax standards just at the end of Obamas tenure as president, prices will go up, and Soros will have manipulated this administration into a large payday. Makes one wonder if that hasn’t been the plan all along.

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Yes, Hillary, it DOES make a difference

E mails are wonderful things. People send them to announce joyful things like the birth of a baby to relatives far away, or sad things like the death of a loved one. In business, product sales and collaboration on projects are made easier by e mails, and whole business processes can be accomplished without ever meeting in person. E mails make it easier and quicker that ever to get things done.
And then this is the government. In government, e mails can be used to coerce, to intimidate, to hide all the machinati0ons that this administration does not want the citizens to know. Government recordkeeping is, on purpose, spotty and incomplete. From Fast and furious, to the IRS, and now to Hillary Clinton, lost or deleted e mails are the focus of damage done to this country by a socialist administration. It is so easy for them to say there is nothing to show when all it takes is the pressing of the delete button.
As far back as 2012, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform chairman Rep. Daniel Issa was asking questions about Hillary used private e mail for government work. Issa wanted to know about the departments policies of using private e mails for government work, what the active private e mails were, and if there were hidden accounts under other names. There were other questions as well, such as are the private accounts listed on federal records and if there is any disciplinary actions taken against those in government who illegally use private e mails. Copies of this letter was also sent to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Interior Secretary Kan Salazar Attorney General Eric Holder, and others in the administration. The only response received was from Thomas R. Gibbons the acting assistant secretary for legislative affairs.
In October of 2012 Clinton called for a review of Benghazi, convened the Accountability Review Board which requested all documents pertaining to Benghazi. This was at the same time when the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Raymond Maxwell, confirmed that there was a Benghazi document “sorting session”. It was revealed that Cheryl Mills and Jake Sullivan were present at the “sorting session” at the State Department
After Clinton resigned from the State Department seven weeks after Issas’ letter was sent to the State Department, it was several more weeks, until Feb 1, 2013 that a response was sent to Issa. The response was sent from the office of Thomas B. Gibbons and consisted of an overview of State Department policy on e mails and did not answer any of the questions that Issa requested.
Two points could be clearly inferred from the Gibbons response. One, that it was a clear violation of State Department policy to use personal email for official business. And two, that training was available for the proper use records and e mails.
The questions that Issa asked on that letter are at the heart of the Benghazi e mail scandal of which Hillary was an integral part. When the State Department was asked about why Issas questions were not answered, the response from State Department Spokesman Alec Gerlach was “ We respond to thousands of congressional inquiries and requests each year.” A perfect non-answer.
Even the New York Times was taken aback when FOIA requests to the State Department concerning the terror attack in Benghazi came back empty. The same can be said of the correspondence between Hillary and Sid Blumenthal, someone that even Obama would not allow in the administration but was a conduit for Hillary to Libya.
A response from James Carville, a Hillary sycophant is that the Republicans are mean, and that they were using the e mail scandal as political ammunition. It appears that Carville isn’t concerned about National Security or what information had been hacked from the server or by whom.
When Hillary became aware that the private e mail server would become a problem, close to 30,000 e mails were deleted by someone as yet unknown. These e mails were claimed to have been private emails and had no relation to official government business. No one but Hillary and her staff made that determination, and it appears there was no outside oversight by either the State Department or any other government agency. There are two takeaways that must be considered at this point.
1. It is abundantly clear that these e mails were deleted AFTER Issas request for information.
2. Hillary Clinton assumed the SHE was the sole arbiter of what should be made public and what was personal.
There was also a questions of Hillarys aides using personal e mails to correspond with her about Benghazi. Hillarys response were that all the messages were sent to other government employees who were using the government addresses they should use according to government policies, and they could be found there. This would give her the opportunity of saying she did not need to keep them, documents she had already claimed to have turned over.
Clinton, after the Susan Rice Sunday shows continued to blame the violence of Benghazi on the video. This is what she told the families, Jake Sullivan tried to tell Hillary that she was in the clear, that Susan Rice would be confronted but that Hillary was in the clear because she never characterized the motivations of those in the attacking party.
It has been found that there are very large gaps in the Benghazi emails that have been turned over to the House Select Committee and that none of them discuss military security at Benghazi, a subject that was discussed extensively before the attack. A military contingent stationed there could have blunted the attack and saved the four men who died there. There were repeated requests for military security to be placed in Benghazi and all were ignoed by the State Department. In fact the State Department actually reduced the security at the consulate. It was further shown that the Benghazi consulate was purposely set up without the “mandatory Standards” of a consulate.
It is time for Hillary to answer the questions that remain. Some questions are:
Why was Sid Blumenthal, someone even the Obama Administration didn’t want anything to do with, working in concert with the State Department under Hillary?
Why the person in charge of the State Department was allowed to use a private server against all regulations?
Why were the requests for more security in Benghazi turned down.
There are many more questions that we have received answers around the edges but no definitive answer. We need to push for the answers because with Hillary attempting a run at the Presdient, at this point, it DOES make a difference.

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Kim Davis and Faith

Kim Davis, a devout Christian has been sent to jail for the belief that homosexuality is immoral. The Christian church has been under considerable pressure to change its teachings on homosexuality to conform to the modern “standards” that are being forced on society, Christian children in public schools are being indoctrinated into believing that homosexuality is a “right” because the Supreme Court said so. The State is not required to follow and religious teachings as evident in some of the decisions that our courts have made. Neither do the courts, as symbols of the state have to ability to enforce laws against religious teachings.
Mrs, Davis is an employee of the State and as such is required to fulfill the duties of her office as required by law. She is paid well, and as any employee, is required to follow the rules as pertains to her job. Being a Member of public service she is required to follow the laws and do the jobs as given to her. Even the White House, through Josh Earnest stated today that” she should follow the law just as President Obama does”. (OK, stop laughing, Earnest really said that, I saw it on video.)
Mitch McConnell, that bastion of conservatism, wouldn’t comment, calling it a state issue. Rand Paul stated this” If you want to convince people that same sex marriage is something that should be acceptable, I would say try to persuade people. If you are going to use the federal government and get involved in every locality it is going to harden peoples resolve.”
That being said, there are troubling issues here. Christians are being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. Following the word of God is the responsibility of every Christian. The damage is done when the word of a tyrannical government is considered more than the word of God.
I am confident in saying there is no right anywhere in the Constitution that requires gay marriage be allowed. It is only the power of the Supreme Court and five progressive judges who sit there that has given this so called right to homosexuals. The constitution makes quite clear that the states have the right to make laws on subjects not specifically given to the federal government. This is one of those cases where the Supreme Court is making laws rather than examining, and enforcing them. County attorney Watkins, said “ he will not and can not support her” in her refusal to obey the Constitution. I would appreciate if he could show me where the founders wrote anything that condones homosexual marriage. This is a Christian nation founded on Christian principles no matter how much the atheist and progressives dislike it.
Kim Davis is a Christian, of that there in no doubt. She is willingly putting her Christian faith above all else in an act of civil disobedience that puts all she holds dear at risk.
Of course, rather than holding a respectful discussion about what should be done in this situation, the gay mafia descended. She has been threatened to have her house burned down she has had her personal past thrown to the wolves in the media, and has even been threatened with bodily harm. This from the same gay lobby that only a few years ago claimed they would have been happy with civil unions, that they only wanted to be recognized. It is hard for them to understand that there are those who will not agree with their lifestyle, but wish them no harm. It is depressing that they feel all must agree with tem, or pay the price that they feel is sufficient to make the point. We must bake them cakes, we must perform wedding ceremonies, we must do everything they want in order for them to feel they are superior to a heterosexual way of life. I always chuckle when I hear those who confidently espouse, “She must follow the law or get out”. What a bunch of self righteous self centered tyrants. What makes you think you are any better than anyone else, or that you have all the answers. There are a great many people who refuse to live in your culturally decadent world, and live by God’s law not mans.
If we don’t we are castigated like Mrs. Davis. Words will be splashed everywhere about our personal lives. They will make sure everyone knows she has been married four times and divorced three. She has I am sure made other mistakes in her life as we all have that will be trumpeted to all as soon as they are found. What all the news reports don’t tell you is that she found Christ at the age of 44 about four years ago. As all Christians can, she has repented her sins and pledged to live her life for the Lord. Does this mean she will sin no more, of course not. We are all sinners and it is only through the grace and mercy of God that we are saved. She is an Apostolic Christian, whose followers are strict adherents to the teaching of the Bible as the infallible word of the Lord. I belong to a congregation that is much the same. I came to God at 55, after thirty years of laughing at those who believed in God. There are things that I have done in my past that I am not proud of, but there is a deep fundamental peace that non believers can not understand. So they ridicule those that do believe abd try to shake their faith. I imagine Mrs, Davis faith is being attacked from many sides right now, by the media, by progressives and other non believers who always fight so hard to tell you that you are wrong about something that they claim doesn’t exist. But her faith will hold, and as Christ said in the Bible “ let he who is without sin cast the first stone’.

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The death of a Texas deputy, shot from behind while filling his patrol car with gas; the mob violence on a single mother in a park while her child looks on; the “knockout game” assault on a military veteran as he walked alone on the street; the mugging of a 92 year old woman as she prayed in a church; the killing of a 5 year old girl sitting on her Grandfather’s lap and a police officer who killed a black motorist, later found to have had two pounds of marijuana and thousands of dollars in his car. There are countless similar stories.
Have you heard of these? You may be familiar with the last one. That is about Officer Ray Tensing who fired one shot and killed Sam DuBose, a black man who had two pounds of weed and $2,600 in cash in his car. The stop and killing made the media, but not the dope or cash. Why? Because the media refuse to deviate from the Officer Ray Tensing narrative into which they have so comfortably fallen over the last twenty years. “White cop kills black man, white cop guilty of murder.” And the other stories? No, you won’t hear about them because they involve black on white crime. And the media must make excuses or provide cover for “thugs-of-color” who commit crimes.
The Texas Deputy Sheriff who was shot from behind was a family man, doing a job he loved to do and whose only transgressions were being white and a cop. A question for the shooter: If this officer had happened to be black, would you still have shot him? Does your hatred of police spring from the racist, “Black Lives Matter” mantra you have lived by? Or is yours an “equal opportunity” sort of hatred?
And as for the media that reported the crime, the man was black, not “dark-complexioned.” It is time for the media to shake off at least a little of the left-wing slant which colors their every story. There are two sides to race relations and blacks seem to be even more racist than whites. I was told that about a year ago by a black neighbor as she shook her head.
So let’s talk about the Black Lives Matter (BLM) crowd. They claim to want rights in order to improve the lives of fellow blacks. Explain how that can happen when you burn down your own neighborhoods, allow one third of abortions to be of blacks and threaten the very people you would need to improve things, that is, the white citizens who want to help? The people of this country, whether white or black, Democrat or Republican have looked at your behavior and object to the violence and disrespect you exhibit toward the nation and the culture of its people. A certain amount of organization and sophistication are needed for a movement to move forward. But BLM is not an organization, it’s a rabble.
BLM adherents have forgotten that the very first rule is to protect and improve your own. How many continue to die in inner cities? What has the BLM crowd done to end that? What about the dropout rate of black students, teen pregnancy rates, or the gangsta lifestyle so many emulate only to fall by the wayside in modern society? BLM, which purports to want to help blacks, will never take an overall look at what must be done to improve the lives of the black people. Everything is skin color and if you are of the right one, you can make demands of those who are not. It is the race baiter and those who espouse a deep visceral hatred of anything white that are causing the inability of all people to move forward. Your hatred is as racist as anything the KKK has ever done. It is up to you to stop leading the life of a victim, to move forward and set proper standards.
The media shares responsibility for turning a blind eye to the current reality of race relations. Riots in Ferguson, in Baltimore and elsewhere are led by professional activists-or should they be called professional rioters-and are funded by socialist George Soros, who has said he is working for the collapse of America. Add his participation to that of professional race baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and you have the start of what might one day amount to a civil war. It that what the BLM movement really wants?
Last week, Democrats-the same Democrats of Jim Crow and poll taxes-put forward a resolution to back “Black Lives Matter.” Is it any wonder those who believe this country is worth protecting are arming themselves? “We want a Racial War, bring it on,” declared BLM spokesmen.
Well America is starting to say the same to you. Be careful what you wish for.

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The Iran nuclear deal as passed last week is a dangerous agreement for the United States and Israel both. Almost as disturbing is the fact that Obama has demonized opponents of this giveaway to the Devil, suggesting the only choice was between the deal and all-out war. At a speech at the VFW Obama made it clear that those who opposed him were warmongers, opposed not to the deal but to peace itself.

This is not the first time our President has characterized opposition to his policies in extreme terms. Obama abandons all principles and then blames his detractors in case of failure. It isn’t possible that the hyper-arrogant Obama should listen to others, or admit that he was wrong.

In the run-up to the negotiations, Americans were told that Iran would not be permitted to enrich uranium. Of course that stipulation was soon forgotten. We were told “anytime, anywhere” inspections would be a foundation of the talks. This promise too was immediately done away with for the sake of Barack’s legacy. Even Democrats loyal to the Obama doctrine are balking at the lies told to the American people. Unlike ObamaCare, this deal could mean life and death, perhaps for the United States and definitely for Israel.

The sanctions forced on Obama by Congress were discarded when Obama allowed Iran to continue enriching Uranium in 2013, contrary to statements in the presidential debates with Mitt Romney in 2012. Any leverage we would have had over the Iranians was pushed aside for the sake of the Obama legacy.

Allowing Iran to continue enriching uranium, something Obama claimed he would never allow, has only pushed the problem down the road. It is a farce to believe Iran will abide by any of the terms of this agreement. Iran will develop a bomb and, thanks to this agreement, within the next two years. There are no safeguards, such as those depended upon by the IAEA for inspections and testing. Iran must be provided 24 days of notice prior to any inspections and military nuclear sites are off limits, not a valid inspection protocol.

It is disappointing that rather than negotiating from a position of strength, Obama has given the Iranians everything they could possibly want. The appeasement of the mullahs and Obama’s concerns for his legacy will only serve to spread the nuclear problem throughout the Middle East as other countries in the area ramp up programs of their own. Even so, Obama will not accept any discussion or opposition to a policy that cannot work and will only make matters worse.

Democrats have turned on Israel at Obama’s urging. The numbers from a Luntz survey are disconcerting at best. Only 48% of Democrats think Israel wants peace, 18 percent of Democrats were likely to vote for a politician that stood with Israel and just 51% of Democrats support Israel over Palestine. It is Democrats who are pushing the BDS policy on college campuses and who, in 2012, tried to remove support of Israel from the party platform. That Democrats are not an ally of Israel should come as no surprise as they have turned against American allies worldwide.

It is a matter of routine that this administration should claim Israeli opposition to Obama’s policies are a matter of skin color rather than concern for the survival of a sovereign nation. Democrats have turned the well-being of Israel into a partisan issue. It’s all they know how to do, to the detriment of both countries. Obama and the international community will continue to force Israel into the adoption of provisions that must threaten her survival.

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